I probably should not have laughed last night when Jay Leno said something like, "Nicole Richie was sentenced to 82 minutes in jail. 82 minutes? She didn't even have time to find Jesus."
Paris Hilton, Michael Vick (and the list goes on) "find Jesus" when the chips are down. Did you know Alice Cooper and Jane Fonda are "outspoken" Christians? I say, "Welcome to the family! Praise God for His incredible, marvelous, saving GRACE!
Now, we need to see the beginnings of a changed life. We need to see the old things pass away, and the new things come. We need to see a walk worthy of your calling. And I'll help you get there as best I can. So will a multitude of others. Let us know how we can help.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Can we talk politics? Yea, I know, it's very dangerous.
When we (meaning the US government, which is "us") by every possible means of commission and omission remove Truth from our society, can we expect a different outcome than that which we see? U.S. Senators who plead guilty to "lesser charges," students defying the authority of Public Education so that they can "cross dress" (or any number of greater or lesser violations), celebrities who are confident that they are "above the law," and lawsuits to stop using the words "under God" in the Texas Pledge of Allegiance, are just symptomatic of a people who would force God from society, or, maybe worse, those who would allow that to happen.''
As important elections approach (can it be that the Presidential election is still THAT far away?) we need to be listening, learning, and preparing to never become one of those who "allow" it to happen.
When we (meaning the US government, which is "us") by every possible means of commission and omission remove Truth from our society, can we expect a different outcome than that which we see? U.S. Senators who plead guilty to "lesser charges," students defying the authority of Public Education so that they can "cross dress" (or any number of greater or lesser violations), celebrities who are confident that they are "above the law," and lawsuits to stop using the words "under God" in the Texas Pledge of Allegiance, are just symptomatic of a people who would force God from society, or, maybe worse, those who would allow that to happen.''
As important elections approach (can it be that the Presidential election is still THAT far away?) we need to be listening, learning, and preparing to never become one of those who "allow" it to happen.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
I am amazed at the public outrage over a celebrity being charged with (and pleading guilty to) a crime against dogs. Hear me. I think dogs are great. My boys and I have had. . .and have a few. I am adamantly opposed to dog fighting, and animals that must be disposed of should be killed in the most humane manner possible.
Where is the public outrage over the death of humans in some of the most dispicable possible ways. Genocide, infanticide, abortion, ritualistic and political murder are prevalent around the world, and at least one of the above is out of control in our beloved country as well. The cry of outrage against such is small and mostly unreported.
Something is wrong here!
Where is the public outrage over the death of humans in some of the most dispicable possible ways. Genocide, infanticide, abortion, ritualistic and political murder are prevalent around the world, and at least one of the above is out of control in our beloved country as well. The cry of outrage against such is small and mostly unreported.
Something is wrong here!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Witness To The World
We've been pushing people out of their comfort zones for years with a mandate that they share the Gospel with every person with whom they come in contact. I don't know anyone who does that, ultimately.
We are called to be witnesses. Verbal confrontation is always going to be the means by which we accomplish the task. I am convinced, however, that we can soften the hearts of hardened unbelievers by presenting a clear illustration of the Gospel prior to personal contact. It is the witness of a family of believers who genuinely llove one another. Unregenerate men and women can find a multitude of reasons to reject the Gospel from those who speak one message and live another. They cannot help but be drawn toward a place where llove is clearly and consistently practiced and demonstrated.
Our greatest witness to to the World of the life-changing message of the Gospel is our llove for one another.
We are called to be witnesses. Verbal confrontation is always going to be the means by which we accomplish the task. I am convinced, however, that we can soften the hearts of hardened unbelievers by presenting a clear illustration of the Gospel prior to personal contact. It is the witness of a family of believers who genuinely llove one another. Unregenerate men and women can find a multitude of reasons to reject the Gospel from those who speak one message and live another. They cannot help but be drawn toward a place where llove is clearly and consistently practiced and demonstrated.
Our greatest witness to to the World of the life-changing message of the Gospel is our llove for one another.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Is God into Hip Hop
I've been wondering what kind of music God likes? Or, more importantly, are there some kinds He doesn't like? I know there are "words" we should not ever use, but does God enjoy Rock and Roll, Blues, Bluegrass, Country-Western, Reggae, Salsa, and the like?
Do the angels ever sing the old Beatles stuff? Does the Heavenly orchestra play Classical only, or do they throw in some pop stuff along the way? Are there only hymns (mostly written in the 16th thru the 18th century) in Heaven?
My preacher won't give me an answer. I'm sure it's because he doesn't know. All I know is that if it is good enough for Heaven, it's good enough for Sunday morning!
Do the angels ever sing the old Beatles stuff? Does the Heavenly orchestra play Classical only, or do they throw in some pop stuff along the way? Are there only hymns (mostly written in the 16th thru the 18th century) in Heaven?
My preacher won't give me an answer. I'm sure it's because he doesn't know. All I know is that if it is good enough for Heaven, it's good enough for Sunday morning!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Trapped Miners
How long does one keep digging to find the miners trapped by a cave-in? Till one finds them! That's the answer the family and lloved ones will give. I agree. Don't give up, till one has done everything possible to succeed.
How long should the Church keep forgiving those who repeatedly violate the purpose and will of the Father? Till they stop! Will they stop? I don't know. And that's not my business. My business is to continually hold forth and proclaim the Truth, and forgive. Period. Paragraph.
How long should the Church keep forgiving those who repeatedly violate the purpose and will of the Father? Till they stop! Will they stop? I don't know. And that's not my business. My business is to continually hold forth and proclaim the Truth, and forgive. Period. Paragraph.
Forgiveness (Part three of a three-part series)
. . .If he repents, forgive him. And if he sins against you seven times in a day, and comes back to you seven times, saying, ‘I repent,’ you must forgive him. Luke 17:3b-4
“I’ll forgive you this once, but know that I will never forget what you have done to me.” Does that sound familiar? Honestly there are some folks that won’t forgive even once, but when one does, it is only the proverbial tip of the iceberg.
Now you may not even be able to imagine someone who would “sin” against you more than once, much less seven times in one day. The truth is, once the tongue, set on fire from Hell (quoting a little James here), gets moving, seven might be a miniscule number. True, not many folks will rob you more than once, or hit you in the mouth twice in one day, or curse your existence on a daily basis, but sometimes. . .sometimes. . .our Savior knew of that which He spoke.
Will we ever learn that it is His forgiveness of us that is the criteria for our forgiveness of others? How many times have we come to Him with our prayer of contrition, our cry for mercy, and our confidence in His unlimited grace, and yet find ourselves turning away our brother, or worse yet, never providing the opportunity for that brother or sister to seek forgiveness in our heart?
The capacity to forgive is one of God’s greatest gifts to us. What freedom will come to my experience as I clearly understand that I am forgiven as I forgive others! What peace will fill my days when I discover that my power to forgive is, like my llove, unlimited! What joy will overcome my life when the confidence of a complete forgiveness on my part mirrors the forgiveness of God when He buries my sin in the depths of the sea, removes it as far as the East is from the West, and remembers it no more forever!
Once Jesus asked those who followed Him, which was harder – to heal, or forgive? For some of us, it is the latter.
“I’ll forgive you this once, but know that I will never forget what you have done to me.” Does that sound familiar? Honestly there are some folks that won’t forgive even once, but when one does, it is only the proverbial tip of the iceberg.
Now you may not even be able to imagine someone who would “sin” against you more than once, much less seven times in one day. The truth is, once the tongue, set on fire from Hell (quoting a little James here), gets moving, seven might be a miniscule number. True, not many folks will rob you more than once, or hit you in the mouth twice in one day, or curse your existence on a daily basis, but sometimes. . .sometimes. . .our Savior knew of that which He spoke.
Will we ever learn that it is His forgiveness of us that is the criteria for our forgiveness of others? How many times have we come to Him with our prayer of contrition, our cry for mercy, and our confidence in His unlimited grace, and yet find ourselves turning away our brother, or worse yet, never providing the opportunity for that brother or sister to seek forgiveness in our heart?
The capacity to forgive is one of God’s greatest gifts to us. What freedom will come to my experience as I clearly understand that I am forgiven as I forgive others! What peace will fill my days when I discover that my power to forgive is, like my llove, unlimited! What joy will overcome my life when the confidence of a complete forgiveness on my part mirrors the forgiveness of God when He buries my sin in the depths of the sea, removes it as far as the East is from the West, and remembers it no more forever!
Once Jesus asked those who followed Him, which was harder – to heal, or forgive? For some of us, it is the latter.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Endeavour Returns
Someone asked, "Endeavor returns? Where's it been?"
I can remember when space travel was one of the most watched items on TV. People stood breathlessly as rockets blasted men into space, and the "splashdowns" were covered in infinite detail. Not so anymore. And except for the occasional disaster, it's just routine.
I can remember when a group encounter with God was eagerly anticipated, and people believed that something wonderful and exciting awaited their involvement. Now it seems mostly routine. Most folks are irregular, and many lack enthusiasm.
We've come a long way in space travel. We've lost a lot on Sunday.
I can remember when space travel was one of the most watched items on TV. People stood breathlessly as rockets blasted men into space, and the "splashdowns" were covered in infinite detail. Not so anymore. And except for the occasional disaster, it's just routine.
I can remember when a group encounter with God was eagerly anticipated, and people believed that something wonderful and exciting awaited their involvement. Now it seems mostly routine. Most folks are irregular, and many lack enthusiasm.
We've come a long way in space travel. We've lost a lot on Sunday.
Forgiveness (Part two of a three-part series)
Be on your guard. If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him. Mark 17:3
Believer, the Enemy is out to get you! If you’re not a believer, then he already has you!
The Scripture is unmistakable in pointing out that believers cannot be lost to Christ’s redeeming power, but we can be damaged, disengaged, and decommissioned.
One of the Enemy’s favorite IED’s (improvised explosive device: I hope you don’t mind if I borrow this term from the war in Iraq; it is so accurately apropos) is this matter of “being offended” and its corollary, “taking up another’s offense.” Jesus told His disciples to constantly be on guard against the devastation this matter brings into the Family of God. Whole congregations have been torn apart, missions terminated, spiritual growth aborted, friendships and relationships abandoned, and evangelism indiscriminately obstructed by this prevalent sin.
We cannot be engaged with our calling and carrying out our commission when we are struggling with purposeful disobedience. I don’t believe there is rampant misunderstanding of God’s design here. We are not ignorant of the Enemy’s goal. We indeed may not be “on guard,” but when the temptation, gift wrapped in our least protected vulnerability, arrives, we do make a conscious decision and often without remembering what IED’s do. If I may remind you, they explode, and rain devastation, disillusionment and dissolution on every hand.
Unfortunately, a significant number of God’s folks have adopted the faulty premise that one is allowed to be offended, and while a lesser number embrace the idea that to offend is acceptable, the incidences of the Enemy’s success are legendary. I won’t argue, in fact I rather support the idea, that the Gospel is offensive on its face. Those who are separated from God by the sin of unbelief are seldom going to easily hear of their violation of God’s righteousness without some struggle. What is annihilating relationships, infecting groups, and damaging the very Body of Christ will often not be heard or accepted by believers as a personal, purposeful, willful choosing of sin over obedience. We have our rights, and by George, we are going to exercise them.
Meanwhile the Enemy reaps a harvest of anger, hatred, bitterness, and despair. Something is wrong here!
Believer, the Enemy is out to get you! If you’re not a believer, then he already has you!
The Scripture is unmistakable in pointing out that believers cannot be lost to Christ’s redeeming power, but we can be damaged, disengaged, and decommissioned.
One of the Enemy’s favorite IED’s (improvised explosive device: I hope you don’t mind if I borrow this term from the war in Iraq; it is so accurately apropos) is this matter of “being offended” and its corollary, “taking up another’s offense.” Jesus told His disciples to constantly be on guard against the devastation this matter brings into the Family of God. Whole congregations have been torn apart, missions terminated, spiritual growth aborted, friendships and relationships abandoned, and evangelism indiscriminately obstructed by this prevalent sin.
We cannot be engaged with our calling and carrying out our commission when we are struggling with purposeful disobedience. I don’t believe there is rampant misunderstanding of God’s design here. We are not ignorant of the Enemy’s goal. We indeed may not be “on guard,” but when the temptation, gift wrapped in our least protected vulnerability, arrives, we do make a conscious decision and often without remembering what IED’s do. If I may remind you, they explode, and rain devastation, disillusionment and dissolution on every hand.
Unfortunately, a significant number of God’s folks have adopted the faulty premise that one is allowed to be offended, and while a lesser number embrace the idea that to offend is acceptable, the incidences of the Enemy’s success are legendary. I won’t argue, in fact I rather support the idea, that the Gospel is offensive on its face. Those who are separated from God by the sin of unbelief are seldom going to easily hear of their violation of God’s righteousness without some struggle. What is annihilating relationships, infecting groups, and damaging the very Body of Christ will often not be heard or accepted by believers as a personal, purposeful, willful choosing of sin over obedience. We have our rights, and by George, we are going to exercise them.
Meanwhile the Enemy reaps a harvest of anger, hatred, bitterness, and despair. Something is wrong here!
Monday, August 20, 2007
What's Really Important?
Following my desire to talk about really important things, I hope you will read today's Devotional thought.
The Church of Jesus Christ is living on the edge of Truth. We know a little, practice a little, and perform a little. We could do a whole lot better. Living on the edge is a dangerous place to pass our lifetime. My suggestion is that you "back up" a little from the edge, and begin to be obedient to the extent of your ability under the leadership of God's Spirit. Today and the next two day's devotional thoughts will help.
The Church of Jesus Christ is living on the edge of Truth. We know a little, practice a little, and perform a little. We could do a whole lot better. Living on the edge is a dangerous place to pass our lifetime. My suggestion is that you "back up" a little from the edge, and begin to be obedient to the extent of your ability under the leadership of God's Spirit. Today and the next two day's devotional thoughts will help.
Forgiveness (Part one of a three-part series)
It is impossible that no offenses should come, but woe to him through whom they do come.
Mark 17:1
Let me begin with some “in your face” honesty. We’ve (meaning the Church of Jesus Christ) missed the “woe” here. Maybe we would be served here if we took a bit of a non-biblical tack and changed the word to “whoa.” Now, let’s be clear, this passage uses the word “woe” as an unambiguous denunciation of those who offend or those who take up offenses, but I want us to see the absolute certainty of the admonition of Jesus to “stop” such practice.
The word “offenses” is literally “snares.” The World will always be about the practice of causing others to be offended, stumble, and sin, but believers must never be guilty of that action. In fact, the following verse indicates it would be better to be dead; physically, actually dead.
We have no right to be offended, not by what others may say, or do, or even think (as if we knew what others think; as we often think we do). We have a responsibility to help others see their sin, and in a straightforward manner. But the design of that action is to find forgiveness, establish restoration, and practice brotherly llove.
Millstones were the rather large stones that were used for grinding grain. They were so large that it took a minimum of about one donkey power to turn them. Imagine having one of those things hanging around your neck. Jesus says it would be better to try swimming with one of those (an impossibility resulting in death) than to be a part of damaging and destroying those who are under His care.
Yet the reality is that we are often, I repeat, often guilty of such things. I am convinced that we cannot always stop those who would offend, but I know we can refuse to be offended. We may not be able to thwart the cutting words, or end the systemic gossip that plagues the family of God, but we can decline the Enemy’s offer to be offended, and we can repudiate the Enemy’s proposal that we become a participant in the process.
“Whoa!” Just stop it! Don’t miss that command underlying the denunciation (woe) of our Savior and Lord. It would be better not to know the Truth than to violate it or ignore it. God will hold his children accountable!
Mark 17:1
Let me begin with some “in your face” honesty. We’ve (meaning the Church of Jesus Christ) missed the “woe” here. Maybe we would be served here if we took a bit of a non-biblical tack and changed the word to “whoa.” Now, let’s be clear, this passage uses the word “woe” as an unambiguous denunciation of those who offend or those who take up offenses, but I want us to see the absolute certainty of the admonition of Jesus to “stop” such practice.
The word “offenses” is literally “snares.” The World will always be about the practice of causing others to be offended, stumble, and sin, but believers must never be guilty of that action. In fact, the following verse indicates it would be better to be dead; physically, actually dead.
We have no right to be offended, not by what others may say, or do, or even think (as if we knew what others think; as we often think we do). We have a responsibility to help others see their sin, and in a straightforward manner. But the design of that action is to find forgiveness, establish restoration, and practice brotherly llove.
Millstones were the rather large stones that were used for grinding grain. They were so large that it took a minimum of about one donkey power to turn them. Imagine having one of those things hanging around your neck. Jesus says it would be better to try swimming with one of those (an impossibility resulting in death) than to be a part of damaging and destroying those who are under His care.
Yet the reality is that we are often, I repeat, often guilty of such things. I am convinced that we cannot always stop those who would offend, but I know we can refuse to be offended. We may not be able to thwart the cutting words, or end the systemic gossip that plagues the family of God, but we can decline the Enemy’s offer to be offended, and we can repudiate the Enemy’s proposal that we become a participant in the process.
“Whoa!” Just stop it! Don’t miss that command underlying the denunciation (woe) of our Savior and Lord. It would be better not to know the Truth than to violate it or ignore it. God will hold his children accountable!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
I'm Back!
I am back from a few days in the mountains. What beauty!!
Did my Editor actually say - "I hope you miss his absence?" Whoa. Maybe he meant, "I hope you miss his writing during his absence." Or, perhaps, "I hope you don't miss the fact that he is absent."
Anyway, beginning on Monday (August 20th) I will share with you three of the most important devotionals I have ever written, and although I say that about a lot of my writing, this may be the time that it is true. Look for the three-part Devotional series beginning Monday.
Did my Editor actually say - "I hope you miss his absence?" Whoa. Maybe he meant, "I hope you miss his writing during his absence." Or, perhaps, "I hope you don't miss the fact that he is absent."
Anyway, beginning on Monday (August 20th) I will share with you three of the most important devotionals I have ever written, and although I say that about a lot of my writing, this may be the time that it is true. Look for the three-part Devotional series beginning Monday.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Christian (and his grandkids) are taking a vacation this week (August 12-17). He may send out a note of he can find one of those "wi-fi cafe's."
He sure hopes you miss his absence!
Christian's Editor-in-Chief
He sure hopes you miss his absence!
Christian's Editor-in-Chief
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Laughing Out Loud
I was talking with a man this morning who asked me what the preacher would preach about on Sunday. I told him it would undoubtedlly, "be about sin. He's against it, you know."
Now that's an old saw, but he begin to laugh, softly at first, then louder. I wasn't sure what his laught meant. Was he laughing because so few people are against sin? Was it because someone would have the courage to say so? Or was it because we have reached the place in our society where sin is a laughing matter?
Now that's an old saw, but he begin to laugh, softly at first, then louder. I wasn't sure what his laught meant. Was he laughing because so few people are against sin? Was it because someone would have the courage to say so? Or was it because we have reached the place in our society where sin is a laughing matter?
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Do You Have To Shout?
The narrative of the ten lepers in Luke 17 has an interesting little point, I think, in my strange manner of thinking. Since these men were "unclean" they were legally required to stand at a distance from other folk, hence it was necessary for them to communicate with Jesus by shouting. I think I'm pretty sure Jesus must have shouted back at them.
Sometimes I imagine that is how we must communicate with Christ. Our lives are so unclean through the myriad of offenses we seem to accumulate, we can only shout out from a distance, "God, be merciful to me a sinner."
What a better thing it would be to find ourselves really close to Him because our hearts and minds are squeaky clean.
Sometimes I imagine that is how we must communicate with Christ. Our lives are so unclean through the myriad of offenses we seem to accumulate, we can only shout out from a distance, "God, be merciful to me a sinner."
What a better thing it would be to find ourselves really close to Him because our hearts and minds are squeaky clean.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Talking to Mulberry Trees
In Luke 17:6 Jesus said, You can say to this mulberry tree, 'be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it will obey you.' Was He just 'talking,' sharing some kind of hyperbole that was to inspire those guys to be more 'faithful,' or do you think He meant exactly that?
How you answer the question--yes or no--is not the issue. The issue is whether or not you are talking to the mulberry trees you need moved. Of course, we probably don't need to move a lot of trees in the course of our routine days, but we do need to move obstacles which hinder our spiritual growth. One of those obstacles is damaged relationships caused by improper actions or unkind words. A little talk infused with grace and llove will get things moving!
How you answer the question--yes or no--is not the issue. The issue is whether or not you are talking to the mulberry trees you need moved. Of course, we probably don't need to move a lot of trees in the course of our routine days, but we do need to move obstacles which hinder our spiritual growth. One of those obstacles is damaged relationships caused by improper actions or unkind words. A little talk infused with grace and llove will get things moving!
Monday, August 6, 2007
A couple of blogs back I spoke about forgivness. For something just a little different, I thought I would see if anyone is interested in a conversation about that subject matter. No devotional today, just a question.
Is forgiveness something you do on a regular basis? How do you handle it? What is the normal outcome? Does it reveal the power of God in your life?
Writing to me is easy - just make your comment or ask your question and send it along. I will respond.
Is forgiveness something you do on a regular basis? How do you handle it? What is the normal outcome? Does it reveal the power of God in your life?
Writing to me is easy - just make your comment or ask your question and send it along. I will respond.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Robots and Such
I went to the hospital early this morning where a friend was to have some surgery. They are going to do it (the surgery) with a robot. Somehow I kinda expected to see C-3PO coming out of the room, but I guess it's not like that. Anyway, it's amazing what can be done in medical circles these days. Some things seem like miracles.
I see lots of folks who remind me of robots in Church. They just do the things they have been programmed to do. There is no enthusiasm, no sense of awe, the glory of God is not on their face or in their hearts. I am convinced it is supposed to be more than ordinary when we gather to worship in the presence of the Father. There has to be more than the normal "run of the mill" activity if we expect to see miracles.
I see lots of folks who remind me of robots in Church. They just do the things they have been programmed to do. There is no enthusiasm, no sense of awe, the glory of God is not on their face or in their hearts. I am convinced it is supposed to be more than ordinary when we gather to worship in the presence of the Father. There has to be more than the normal "run of the mill" activity if we expect to see miracles.
Water Walking
Matthew 14:22-33
I have always enjoyed and been intrigued by the narrative in Matthew (see Matthew 14:22-33) about Jesus walking on the sea. Of course, we don’t really get excited about Jesus doing that. After all, He could do anything!
What excites me about the telling of the incident is that Peter did a little water walking as well. I don’t know how far he walked, or how deep the water was, but I do know there are some factors that contributed to his conquest of that which, for all the world, seems impossible.
First, I noticed that there has to be a subsiding of fear (vs. 27) in the heart of an individual who want to do something “out of the ordinary.” Then I see that there is a command from God (vs. 29). What focuses my attention there, because we have a lot of commands from God, is the simplicity of the Word. Come. There’s not a whole lot of theological, exegetical, syntactical difficulty in that. Jesus said, “Come”, and Peter got out of the boat.
Now let me say, I’ve read the next verse or two and I am familiar with the actions which took place there, but what grabs me, is that Peter got out of the boat. That may be the exact point at which many of us fail. Even in the midst of a storm, a contrary wind, the Book calls it, there is some safety in the boat. It’s a whole lot easier to stay in the boat. I can testify to that.
But Peter, bless his little heart, closed his mouth for a change and opened his faith, even if just a little, and climbed over the side. Sometimes we miss one of the best parts of this narrative because we get caught up in the “sinking” and the “saving.” Take a few seconds to notice verse 32. How ever far the distance, long or short, Peter got to walk back to the boat with Jesus. Isn’t that what it is really all about, just walking with Him?
Well, here’s my take on it. I’d rather risk sinking in the water on my way to meet Jesus, than remain semi-safe in the boat lacking faith.
I have always enjoyed and been intrigued by the narrative in Matthew (see Matthew 14:22-33) about Jesus walking on the sea. Of course, we don’t really get excited about Jesus doing that. After all, He could do anything!
What excites me about the telling of the incident is that Peter did a little water walking as well. I don’t know how far he walked, or how deep the water was, but I do know there are some factors that contributed to his conquest of that which, for all the world, seems impossible.
First, I noticed that there has to be a subsiding of fear (vs. 27) in the heart of an individual who want to do something “out of the ordinary.” Then I see that there is a command from God (vs. 29). What focuses my attention there, because we have a lot of commands from God, is the simplicity of the Word. Come. There’s not a whole lot of theological, exegetical, syntactical difficulty in that. Jesus said, “Come”, and Peter got out of the boat.
Now let me say, I’ve read the next verse or two and I am familiar with the actions which took place there, but what grabs me, is that Peter got out of the boat. That may be the exact point at which many of us fail. Even in the midst of a storm, a contrary wind, the Book calls it, there is some safety in the boat. It’s a whole lot easier to stay in the boat. I can testify to that.
But Peter, bless his little heart, closed his mouth for a change and opened his faith, even if just a little, and climbed over the side. Sometimes we miss one of the best parts of this narrative because we get caught up in the “sinking” and the “saving.” Take a few seconds to notice verse 32. How ever far the distance, long or short, Peter got to walk back to the boat with Jesus. Isn’t that what it is really all about, just walking with Him?
Well, here’s my take on it. I’d rather risk sinking in the water on my way to meet Jesus, than remain semi-safe in the boat lacking faith.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
A Tasting
My wife asked me if I would like to go to our local Mall one evening this week for a "tasting." Evidently there is going to be a lot of different kinds of food available. . .and probably a lot of stuff to buy. Sounds like a good time. I llove to eat and she lloves to buy.
But he words kept ringing in my ears. . ."America is not at war, the Marines are at war. America is at the Mall."
Have you prayed for our soldiers today? Have you considered what you might do to encourage a US GI in Iraq? Have you lifted to the Father those families whose lloved one has paid the ultimate price for our opportunity to enjoy the "tasting at the Mall?"
But he words kept ringing in my ears. . ."America is not at war, the Marines are at war. America is at the Mall."
Have you prayed for our soldiers today? Have you considered what you might do to encourage a US GI in Iraq? Have you lifted to the Father those families whose lloved one has paid the ultimate price for our opportunity to enjoy the "tasting at the Mall?"
When did we see you sick. . . Matthew 25:39
One of the things I get to do on a regular basis is visit with sick folk. Sometimes it is in the hospital, other times in homes. I always empathize with them because I know what it is to be sick. I especially hate it when it is a child who is sick and can't really tell others what the problem is.
I was thinking about all those folks around us who are sick with sin. Most of the time they can’t tell you what is wrong. We have been surrounded by a society that tells us nothing is wrong and everything is all right, and that has made us sicker than we were before.
The Truth of God’s Word has been ignored, or thrown away as it were, and we just don’t feel good because somewhere down inside our innermost being we know there is something dreadfully wrong.
What we need is someone to set it right. When one of my grandsons is sick, it will probably be grandmother who will send me to look through the vast shelf of medications occupying a cabinet in the bathroom and comes up with something that makes it all better. If things go as they normally do, he’ll be ready for soccer practice in the afternoon.
What our friends and neighbors need is for one of us, or some of us, to break out the medicine of God’s Word and help them apply it to the circumstances of their lives. They will thereby have the oppportunity to get what is needed to resolve the problems of a sin sick soul.
Not every child has a grandmother who knows what to do when the brow is fevered and the stomach aches. Unfortunately not many people find access to someone who knows enough, or is willing enough, to find the right stuff (read: Truth) and get it to the right person and place.
So here’s the point. Do you know someone who is sick with sin? Do you know the healing power of God’s Word and Spirit in relationship to sin? Well, then, what are you waiting for?
One of the things I get to do on a regular basis is visit with sick folk. Sometimes it is in the hospital, other times in homes. I always empathize with them because I know what it is to be sick. I especially hate it when it is a child who is sick and can't really tell others what the problem is.
I was thinking about all those folks around us who are sick with sin. Most of the time they can’t tell you what is wrong. We have been surrounded by a society that tells us nothing is wrong and everything is all right, and that has made us sicker than we were before.
The Truth of God’s Word has been ignored, or thrown away as it were, and we just don’t feel good because somewhere down inside our innermost being we know there is something dreadfully wrong.
What we need is someone to set it right. When one of my grandsons is sick, it will probably be grandmother who will send me to look through the vast shelf of medications occupying a cabinet in the bathroom and comes up with something that makes it all better. If things go as they normally do, he’ll be ready for soccer practice in the afternoon.
What our friends and neighbors need is for one of us, or some of us, to break out the medicine of God’s Word and help them apply it to the circumstances of their lives. They will thereby have the oppportunity to get what is needed to resolve the problems of a sin sick soul.
Not every child has a grandmother who knows what to do when the brow is fevered and the stomach aches. Unfortunately not many people find access to someone who knows enough, or is willing enough, to find the right stuff (read: Truth) and get it to the right person and place.
So here’s the point. Do you know someone who is sick with sin? Do you know the healing power of God’s Word and Spirit in relationship to sin? Well, then, what are you waiting for?
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