Thursday, March 1, 2007

Global Warming

Have you noticed how hot it is? Have you seen all that ice and snow around the country, even in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area a little while back (snow is unusual in Ft. Worth if my 50 years of experience counts)? Well, that must speak to global warming. At least it must have to do with the "green house" gases, or the carbon dioxide emissions, or the cows, or the hairspray hole in the ozone layer. One thing is for sure! God has lost control of His creation! We have run amuck and He is no longer able to control even the weather. I'm getting concerned, personally, that He may have lost control of the other planets as well. and if they should exit their orbits we could get hit by Jupiter, or swallowed up by the rings of Saturn. We better get some scientists working on a solution to this thing. The planets, I mean! A direct hit from Mercury could put a serious dent in my vacation plans.


Anonymous said...

Maybe we need to get a group of Christian organizations together to see what we can do to 'help God out' with the control of His creation. Oh, wait -- they've already done that, haven't they?

When will we understand (and accept) that God is so much bigger than we can even comprehend??

Anonymous said...

The earth is a little more durable than the "powers that be" would have us believe.

Here's a quote:
"It should come as no surprise that there is no shortage of environmentalist exaggeration and half-truth that also "misleads people about climate change". After all, professional environmentalists and climate scientists might lose their jobs if the global warming problem was to ever go away.

"As a result, everyone in the global warming debate is biased. People can expect that corporations will emphasize research that supports their opinions and goals, while environmental lobbying groups will do the same. Everyone has financial motives, and government-funded scientists and environmentalists acting as if they own the moral high ground is an increasingly tiresome pose."

Dr. Roy Spencer, Principal Research Scientist, University of Alabama & former Senior Scientist for Climate Studies at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center (winner of NASA's Medal for Exceptional Scientific Achievement).

For more info: