Tuesday, April 3, 2007


For most folks power is enticing, enchanting, and excessively desirable. If we have none, we want some. If we have some, we want more.

Lord Acton's famous words, "Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely", come to mind. I'm am dead certain he is right. Mr. Perry wants to rule Texas. Ms. Pelosi wants to rule the Nation (her words and actions remind me of Louis' XIV, "L' Etat, c'est moi"). Mr. Ahmadinejad wants to rule the world. In every business, school, Church, daycare, and family, somebody is looking for more power. Even the smallest child want to be in control of the toys.

God speaks of the value of submission. To Him, of course, but also of each of us to others. There's a fine line as to when we must exercise power, and when we can submit to the power of others. Failure to understand that principle leads to a lot of corruption.

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