Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Second Place

Ephesians 5:30

Have you ever won second place? Of course it beats third, but it’s not first. Imagine Olympic athletes competing so as to win second place. Think about Lance Armstrong working hard in the hills of France with a burning desire for second place.

Now imagine your husband or wife coming to understand that they have taken second place in your affection. They’ve moved into your second place slot for time, effort and commitment expended on their behalf. You might want to consider seriously the consequences of such action.

How do we manage to miss that insight in our life regarding the operation of The Church? In Ephesians 5:30 we are told that we are “members of His body, of His flesh, and of His bones." \We have a responsibility to nourish, cherish, and llove His body just as we llove our own. For some, that is counsel that is often if not frequently ignored.

May I just give you an example or two about how we need to consider the possibility we have put His Church, His Body, in second place. I am always surprise how folks who are deathly sick on Sunday manage to make it to work, or shopping, or bridge club on Monday. I sometimes call those folks on Monday whom I am told are ill on Sunday only to get the answering machine. Later on I see them driving down the road looking pretty good. I ‘m sure it has to do with all that prayer on Sunday.

Isn’t it amazing how company always comes on Sunday, we have to help our friend move—on Sunday, we’re just worn out from all the work and have to “sleep-in”—on Sunday.

I really don’t mean to be critical or difficult, but I think we do need to evaluate the “place” to which we relegate the Body of Christ. We all take a vacation now and again, and we all get sick (at least most do), and sometimes there are events that occur on Sunday that cannot be ignored. But it’s time to take a serious look at our priorities. If we can miss Sunday after Sunday (and we’re not in a hospital somewhere), there may be a second place mentality regarding the Body of Christ.

I could never get away with telling my wife, “I llove you, honey, but I just don’t have time for you this week.” I recognize that my llove for her takes priority over everything else. Some would say, of course, that I am combining Christ and the Church to closely. “I can llove Him with all my heart, soul, and strength, but as for His Church, second place is more than acceptable.” If you really believe that, perhaps you need to spend some time in His Word. It appears to me He differs with you.

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