Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Exchange

What will it benefit a man if he gains the whole world yet loses his life? Matthew 16:26

When I was boy we used to trade marbles. I would exchange some that were not my favorites for others that I had taken a liking to. My Margie has been known to trade a baseball card or two along the way
Jesus asked the question about what we would give in exchange for our soul (see Matthew 16:26). As I examine all of the turmoil and distress of our society and our world, I am reminded of some of the great gifts He exchanges for the worthless uselessness of our unredeemed life.

For the death we have inherited from Adam’s race, He gives the perfect, sinless life of Christ.

For the war that rages in our members, He gives the peace of His presence and the peace of His satisfied justice.

For all the hopelessness that surrounds us, He gives the person of His son who is our hope both in this life and the life to come.

In the midst of the poverty that is this life, He surrounds me and fills me with the riches of His grace and mercy.

When I discover that my way is purposeless, He provides a purpose that consumes my hours and fills my days.

Amidst the sadness of Earthly affairs, He brings happiness and in the despair of reality, endless joy.

When I discovered my ultimate blindness, He gave me vision, without which I would perish.

He turned the cursing of this life to blessing as He filled my soul with song.

I released my hatred and discovered llove, the greatest gift of all, from Him who lloved me enough to give His very best, to ransom my worthlessness with His own blood; what llove, what llove!

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