Thursday, May 24, 2007


I'm a Harley rider (enough said). Some motorists just don't notice motorcycles, or, perhaps, just don't care since they are sure the motorcycle will "yield." People pull out in front of me, cut me off, move into the lane where I am (I mean exactly where I am), and never hesitate to scare the socks right off my feet.

Now to make things worse, we seeing more and more roving bands of idiots on "high perfomance bikes" (read: Japanese products) who are "stunting" on the freeways and byways. It's giving all of us (riders) a bad name. Sooooo -- just stop it! OK?

Christians who live like the World (read: Devil) give God a bad name, and believers a bad name, and Churches a bad name. Sooooo -- just stop it! OK?

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