Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Federal Investigation

Even a child is known by his acts, whether they are pure, and whether they are right.
Proverbs 20:11

Have you ever been the subject of a federal investigation? I just finished filling out another “Investigative Services Division” form regarding someone I know. They want me to tell them “what I know and when I knew it.” I’ve completed such forms before, and I always tell the absolute truth. . .really, I do.

What I really wonder about is how you or I might fill out an imaginary form received from “Heaven” carrying the logo “Ultimate Investigative Service – Representing Jehovah God.” Now we won’t get such a form since Jehovah knows all, see all, and understands all. But what if we did? What if I had to give a report about your life based on what I have seen, observed, and discovered through my relationship with you. . .or vice versa. (And for those of you who are ready to deal with it, check out Hebrews 13:17 which indicates I shall no doubt have to give an account of my faithfulness in my ministry to you, and possibly fill out a “report” or two on you as well.)

Well, the idea here in this quote from Proverbs is that we cannot make all our decisions based on what we are told. If that is true for children, how much more true is it for adults? We are not so much known by what we say, though I assure you that says a lot about us, rather we are known by what we do. We have to keep reminding ourselves that what we think dictates our actions, and those actions are pure and right, or otherwise, dependent on the focus of our mind.

I read about a preacher who named his bed “the Word” so that he could honestly tell his congregation he spent a lot of time in “the Word.” Actually I think one can tell when the person with whom they are communicating has spent time in the Word. I am sure it is observable when one has quality and quantity time alone with God in prayer and communion. It is easy to see our devotion to the Bride of Christ, our allegiance to the members of the Body of which we are a vital part, and our dedication to ministering the Spiritual gift imparted to us by God’s saving grace (see 1 Corinthians 12 especially verse 7).

I shall stand before the Father soon enough. I hope He only asks about me, not that He doesn’t know already, He just wants to hear me say it. That will be painful enough. Praise God for Grace, Grace, Grace!! But. . .what if He asks me about you? Surely not! Right? Right?

I told Uncle Sam what I know about this individual of whom they asked. I hope it is part of the sufficiency necessary for him to get the job.

I hope what I know about you is that which helps to pile up your Heavenly treasure so that you may cast it at the Savior’s feet. And I pray, if you are ever asked, that is what you know about me.

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