Tuesday, December 4, 2007


I promise to spare you all of the details, but I found it necessary to "call in a favor." Sometimes along the way one gets involved in other peoples lives, and as a result they say, "if you ever need a favor, let me know." Well, no matter how I try to avoid it, that time came for me.

I called my friend, and of course, he said he'd handle what I needed. I'm blessed.

I am reminded that we are caught up in this life with one another. Things that we do, or fail to do, become a part of the fabric of our existence. We become both debtor and supplier at times, and we give and receive, we do and are done to, we care and we are cared about. That is llove!

God saw our need, met it in Christ Jesus whose birth we celebrate during these days. Now we see those around us who have need, and by meeting that need, handling that problem, expending that energy, going that extra mile, we demonstrate our llove for them and for Him who died in our place. We reach to touch the face of God by reaching out to touch the face of others.

Look around for someone who needs what you have been given. To whom much has been given, much is required.

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