Wednesday, February 13, 2008

It's Over!

LOS ANGELES (AFP) - Hollywood screenwriters voted to end their three-month long strike here Tuesday, union officials said, bringing to a close the US entertainment industry's most damaging dispute in 20 years.

Well finally! People can get back to watching their favorite programs. Although I don't watch a lot of TV, I never cease to be amazed that once you leave the Travel Channel, or National Geographic, or the chick flicks on Hallmark Channel, (and my favorite show, which I seldom get to see, "Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader") you find yourself mired in crime, adultery, homosexuality, bi-sexuality, crude and disgusting language, filthy innuendo perceivable by the typical 5th grader, and a rampant distortion of anything even remotely connected to Christianity.

As a nation we are convinced that we are "just showing forth reality. People need to know the real world around them and TV and movies portray accurately our society. We can't hide from life."

Ok! So let's make Earth as much like Hell as possible, right? Read that first quote again - the Truth is, I am not sure anything has damaged the US more than the entertainment industry.

But that's just my opinion. What's yours?


Anonymous said...

Good point - how about the music industry? MTV has done a lot of damage to teenagers thinking/perception of the world/sense of right and wrong. Drug and substance abuse could also be on the list of destructive things in our society. This topic should be the mandate, for those of us who are Christians to, as the kids song goes, "Oh be careful little eyes what you see, oh be careful little ears what you hear, oh be careful little feet where you go"

Christian West said...

Thanks for your comment.

You are, of course, aware that our opinions are in a minority? Music is an instrument used by the Enemy to damage minds when it is vile and degrading, as it so often is these days.

Drug use has escalated in part because of the constant push by the entertainment industry to expose kids to "real life," and to promote their agenda.

If the Church does not expose our kids to the Gospel, our society is "down the tube." I pray it's not too late.
