Monday, February 4, 2008

Super Something

Here we are stuck on the day between the Super Bowl and Super Tuesday. Everything seems to slow down around this time of the year except sports and politics (at least during an election year)

I have noticed that the Church of Jesus Christ is not enjoying a lot of Super Natural operations at the moment. I don't mean that some groups are not growing at super speed. Church buildings are becoming more elaborate and expensive with a super alarming consistency. Budgets are super rich with more and more groups introducing a web presence to sell their particular brand of wares and tap the financial potential of those who aren't about to attend a meeting in anybody's building.

I'm just wondering if what we need instead is a supernatural presence in our life; a supernatural Word that renews our mind; a supernatural forgiveness that allows for peace and joy in the day to day struggle; and a supernatural llove that invades and protects our relationships with one another?

That's a super I could get excited about!


Anonymous said...

Met a missionary to Africa about a year ago - I asked him what Bible verse was his favorite - his answer - John 3:16 - this was his Super verse - he told me this was the only verse he needed to share the gospel with totally unchurched non-believers - I've thought about this a lot this past year - what a verse - God's unconditional love shown in one simple verse!!

Christian West said...

Thanks for your reply. John 3:16 is a microcosm of the Truth. What a joy to share it with others.
