Thursday, March 13, 2008


I cannot help but think about the value men place on their wives. Watching the publicity regarding the Governor of NY, and the repeat videos of other men who have made similar confessions, Clinton, Bryant, Craig, etc., while their bride stands by them, looking like betrayed women look, I am heart-broken for them. Surely these men can see the damage they have done.

It is not unlike those who betray the bride of Christ. By our inattention, our commitment to lesser things, our unwillingness to assume and complete the assigned tasks given clearly in the Word of God, we damage Christ's bride regularly and with seeming carelessness.

Neither ought to be! We must seek forgiveness (our bride's and God's) when we are insensitive, thoughtless, inconsiderate, unconcerned and cavalier with our bride or His.


Anonymous said...

I was at a place yesterday that was filled with what I assume, non-Christians - a military recruiting office - I was there with my teen enlistee and at one point one of the recruiters turned to me and told me I could leave my teen and "go shopping" - for one minute I thought an appropriate reply would have been a laugh or such, but I knew I was not going shopping but instead going to Wednesday church services - instead I told him, no shopping for me, I'm going home to get ready for church - you could have heard a pin drop in the entire office - after a long silence he replied, "I really should go back to church" - I told him a local church would love to have him - I'm glad I didn't devalue Christ or where I was going in a few minutes - even as uncomfortable as it seemed during that silent moment, it was so totally worth it!! I'm praying for that gentleman.

Christian West said...

Thanks for your comment. It is always appropriate to share a word of witness about our faith, our Church, or our Lord.

Thanks for being faithful and obedient.
