Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Couch in the Office

I've got this couch in an office. It's a big, expensive couch, you know, the kind that is beautiful but not very comfortable. It's time to move that office to another place and use the room the couch is in for something else. Problem is, how do you get the couch out? It won't go through the door. Even if I fold it once or twice, I can't make the turn into the hall. You will probably ask how it got in there in the first place. It's a long story and suffice it to say, things have changed.

Anyway it got me to thinking about the sin in the closet of my heart. It won't fit through the door of my mind, and I am having no success in folding it in half. Anyway the turn into the hall is too short. I am stuck with it, but I need the change.

Jesus said He has the capacity to make it disappear. No, really. With a confession (that is, agree with Him about the reality of it's existence and it's violation of His will) He will remove it forever; a real disappearing act.

Does anyone know a couch magician?


Jo Ann said...

Cut it in half with your chainsaw!

then you'll have two love seats with only 2 legs each! Think about it .. jj

Christian West said...

Dear Jo Ann,
Thanks for reading and responding. I thought about it, and thought about it again. I must be missing something. Two llove seats with only two legs each. . . duh. . .
