Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Just Preach the Word

A couple of paragraphs from Associated Press reported:

An angry Obama told reporters yesterday he was "outraged" by what he called a "performance" by Jeremiah Wright at the National Press Club in Washington on Monday and added that he was "saddened by the spectacle."
Wright used the forum to reiterate some of his charges against the U.S. government, including his suggestion that the government invented the AIDS virus to destroy "people of color."

Here's what I told my preacher (hope he was listening!). First, you are not in the "performance" business. There is way too much performance in the Church of Jesus Christ now. Just stop it. No "performance!" Secondly, we don't need any "spectacles." Just do what you have been called to do. Preach the Word of God. Do it with clarity, do it with consistency, do it with compassion. You have no calling to "suggest" anything about Government (except what the Bible teaches about our obedience to law), so do your JOB. Just do your job!

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