Thursday, April 10, 2008

Need a new Job?

I arrived home yesterday to find an accounting from my retirement investments. The news wasn't all bad. In the first quarter of this year I had an account that earned $10. On the other hand, the overall loss for the first quarter of 2008 was five (5), I repeat, five (5) times the amount invested.

So then I read this tidbit in the news from Iraq:

William Odom, a retired three-star Army general, has spelled out just how shaky our alliance with the Sunnis is. "Our new Sunni friends insist on being paid for their loyalty," Odom told the Senate Foreign Relations committee last Wednesday. He cited one estimate that the U.S. military is paying a local strongman $250,000 a day to keep the peace in a 36-square mile swath of the country. "Remember, we do not own these people, we rent them — and they can break the lease at any moment."

So how do I get that job? Of course, the way things are going, if I invested most of that, I could lose about a million dollars a day.

Aren't you glad your future is in the hands of the Lord God of Heaven and not the stock market, or, God forbid, the hands of Congress? The Scripture tells us that God will provide for His own. I think I'll just bank on that.

2 comments: said...

Need a new job? We'll look for one for you.

Christian West said...

Dear Gimmearaise,
Thanks for reading the blog. Is this a "shameless" attempt to promote your business? It's OK. Your site looks pretty good. Keep it honest out there is all I ask.
