Intellectual emptiness that refuses to see the Creator in His creation.
Participation in immorality under any of it's pseudonyms.
Murder in the exercise of personal freedom.
Perversion, and its sister violence, under the pretense of enlightenment.
Depravity reconstituted as the essence of humanity.
We are a people given over to worthlessness. Who will stop the madness?
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Worthless Minds
And because they did not think it worthwhile to have God in their knowledge, God delivered them over to a worthless mind to do what is morally wrong. Romans 1:29
Do you ever wonder why people do what they do? There is no doubt that we are products of our environment, our education, our experiences, even our victories and failures. But if we are to believe this verse, and we better, there comes a point in time when those who ignore God, those who refuse to see His clear revelation of Himself to man, those who are unwilling to remove the obstacles which separate them from His presence, are faced with the withdrawal of God’s grace from their mind and it (their mind) becomes worthless.
When that occurs, there is no further remedy. They continue the descent into a Hell of unrighteousness, evil, greed, and wickedness. They are filled with envy, murder, disputes, deceit, and malice, and the list goes on and on.
One would have to be spiritually blind to fail to see that exact occurrence in our Churches and Nation. There is a beginning to this madness, a starting point, if you will, and Paul makes it clear in this chapter.
What we are seeing is the wrath of God clearly revealed because of those who suppress the Truth. The Truth is we can know God. The Truth is we can have a relationship with God. The Truth is God has revealed Himself to us and His revelation is designed to bring us into a llove relationship with Him.
Most people want no relationship with God because that calls them to accountability. When we are confronted with our sin, we must either repent or rebel. Most have chosen the latter. Many, especially those who think themselves most wise, are intellectually dishonest, and their thinking has become nonsense (witness the continuation of such foolishness as rejection of a Creator/Designer for our universe) and being a fool becomes their reality.
Hence, the great exchange is not His life for ours and the redemption of Calvary’s cross giving us access to eternal life, rather it is the exchange of the Truth for a lie. And it is that lie which ultimately destroys any opportunity for salvation.
Our nation is on a collision course with the wrath of God. It may already be too late! If you can still think clearly, you might want to consider the llove of God in Christ Jesus. Once the mind goes, death follows after.
Do you ever wonder why people do what they do? There is no doubt that we are products of our environment, our education, our experiences, even our victories and failures. But if we are to believe this verse, and we better, there comes a point in time when those who ignore God, those who refuse to see His clear revelation of Himself to man, those who are unwilling to remove the obstacles which separate them from His presence, are faced with the withdrawal of God’s grace from their mind and it (their mind) becomes worthless.
When that occurs, there is no further remedy. They continue the descent into a Hell of unrighteousness, evil, greed, and wickedness. They are filled with envy, murder, disputes, deceit, and malice, and the list goes on and on.
One would have to be spiritually blind to fail to see that exact occurrence in our Churches and Nation. There is a beginning to this madness, a starting point, if you will, and Paul makes it clear in this chapter.
What we are seeing is the wrath of God clearly revealed because of those who suppress the Truth. The Truth is we can know God. The Truth is we can have a relationship with God. The Truth is God has revealed Himself to us and His revelation is designed to bring us into a llove relationship with Him.
Most people want no relationship with God because that calls them to accountability. When we are confronted with our sin, we must either repent or rebel. Most have chosen the latter. Many, especially those who think themselves most wise, are intellectually dishonest, and their thinking has become nonsense (witness the continuation of such foolishness as rejection of a Creator/Designer for our universe) and being a fool becomes their reality.
Hence, the great exchange is not His life for ours and the redemption of Calvary’s cross giving us access to eternal life, rather it is the exchange of the Truth for a lie. And it is that lie which ultimately destroys any opportunity for salvation.
Our nation is on a collision course with the wrath of God. It may already be too late! If you can still think clearly, you might want to consider the llove of God in Christ Jesus. Once the mind goes, death follows after.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Aiding the Enemy
According to the news, a senior U.S. Army officer has been charged with nine offenses, including aiding the enemy. If it's true, that's about as serious as it gets in wartime. I wish we could tag some of our non-military leaders with the same charge.
Of course God's army has lots of guilty people as well. We give aid to the Enemy when we fail to walk worthy of our calling. Just as a soldier in the United States Army is sworn to oppose the enemy even to the expenditure of his life, so we could use a few more soldiers in God's army willing to lay down their life for the brethren.
I think I won't hold my breath in anticipation.
Of course God's army has lots of guilty people as well. We give aid to the Enemy when we fail to walk worthy of our calling. Just as a soldier in the United States Army is sworn to oppose the enemy even to the expenditure of his life, so we could use a few more soldiers in God's army willing to lay down their life for the brethren.
I think I won't hold my breath in anticipation.
Learning To Pray
He was praying in a certain place, and when He finished one of His disciples said to Him, "Lord teach us to pray. . . Luke 11:1ff
How on Earth does one learn to pray? If we grew up in a family where our parents prayed, I suppose we learned it by watching them. Perhaps it was the familiar practice in the Christian home of “returning thanks” before meals. Maybe it was that our folks came into our room, or to our bedside, at night and helped us kneel there for a quick recitation of “Now I lay me down to sleep” (a wonderful prayer, by the way). We may have been fortunate enough to have parents or grandparents who prayed regularly in our presence or where we would have seen them rather or not by design.
The closest followers of Jesus asked Him to teach them to pray. See Luke 11:1
I am confident that they had watched Him, heard Him, pray. They were intrigued by the words but more so by the result. Whatever they thought was going on, they wanted some of that consistency, that fervency, that depth of intimacy they observed.
Some statistical information indicates that the average Pastor (minister) spends an average of about ten (10) minutes in prayer each day. I am sure most of us are willing to believe that even they spend more time in prayer than the “average” joe. And that is a scary proposition in my book. Can you even imagine a “few hours” in prayer? How about “all night” in prayer? Forty days in prayer? Surely there had to be some singing and preaching and a few announcements in there somewhere.
A wise man told me this week that if people are going to learn how to pray, they are going to need an example. We’re going to need some genuine intercessors that will mentor others in the “art” of prayer. Long hours, long months, maybe even years will elapse before a majority of folks attending services in our Churches on a regular basis will know how to really pray with depth, with the required fervency to be effective, and with the intimacy which comes with extended hours of communication with the Father.
It is one of those long journeys we embark on with great enthusiasm, only to find ourselves growing less interested as time go by. So, generation-by-generation, we grow weaker and less able to accomplish our calling. We become less familiar with the discipline, more ignorant of the task, and poorly acquainted with the practice.
Is that anyway to run a life?
How on Earth does one learn to pray? If we grew up in a family where our parents prayed, I suppose we learned it by watching them. Perhaps it was the familiar practice in the Christian home of “returning thanks” before meals. Maybe it was that our folks came into our room, or to our bedside, at night and helped us kneel there for a quick recitation of “Now I lay me down to sleep” (a wonderful prayer, by the way). We may have been fortunate enough to have parents or grandparents who prayed regularly in our presence or where we would have seen them rather or not by design.
The closest followers of Jesus asked Him to teach them to pray. See Luke 11:1
I am confident that they had watched Him, heard Him, pray. They were intrigued by the words but more so by the result. Whatever they thought was going on, they wanted some of that consistency, that fervency, that depth of intimacy they observed.
Some statistical information indicates that the average Pastor (minister) spends an average of about ten (10) minutes in prayer each day. I am sure most of us are willing to believe that even they spend more time in prayer than the “average” joe. And that is a scary proposition in my book. Can you even imagine a “few hours” in prayer? How about “all night” in prayer? Forty days in prayer? Surely there had to be some singing and preaching and a few announcements in there somewhere.
A wise man told me this week that if people are going to learn how to pray, they are going to need an example. We’re going to need some genuine intercessors that will mentor others in the “art” of prayer. Long hours, long months, maybe even years will elapse before a majority of folks attending services in our Churches on a regular basis will know how to really pray with depth, with the required fervency to be effective, and with the intimacy which comes with extended hours of communication with the Father.
It is one of those long journeys we embark on with great enthusiasm, only to find ourselves growing less interested as time go by. So, generation-by-generation, we grow weaker and less able to accomplish our calling. We become less familiar with the discipline, more ignorant of the task, and poorly acquainted with the practice.
Is that anyway to run a life?
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Who's On First
"For the first time, the president will have to be accountable for this war in Iraq," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Tuesday. "And he does not want to face that reality."
Say what? President Bush has always spoken clearly about his accountability in this matter. Is there anyone in the leadership of the U. S. Congress who is not so focused on politics that they can see clearly what is happening with current legislation?
It reminds me of the old "Who's On First" routine. Who's really "in charge" of this mess. I'm all for getting out of Iraq. . .right after we win.
God's family of believers often uses this same routine for their operational organization. We need to learn clearly that Christ sets the agenda. God's Word places Him in the Commander (read: LORD) role, just as surely as the Constitution places the President as Commander-in-Chief of the United States Armed Forces.
Say what? President Bush has always spoken clearly about his accountability in this matter. Is there anyone in the leadership of the U. S. Congress who is not so focused on politics that they can see clearly what is happening with current legislation?
It reminds me of the old "Who's On First" routine. Who's really "in charge" of this mess. I'm all for getting out of Iraq. . .right after we win.
God's family of believers often uses this same routine for their operational organization. We need to learn clearly that Christ sets the agenda. God's Word places Him in the Commander (read: LORD) role, just as surely as the Constitution places the President as Commander-in-Chief of the United States Armed Forces.
Lighting the Fire
Is not my Word like fire. . . Jeremiah 23:29
I wanted to do an experiment, but I didn’t because I am just too cheap (make that frugal, will you) to waste the fuel. I know that if you take a half gallon of gasoline and light it, you get and explosion and resultant fire. I know that because I used to use gasoline to start brush fires when clearing the farm. As I got older and smarter, I started using diesel. Believe me it is much better. But, let’s get back to the point.
I wonder what would happen if you mixed a half gallon of water with that half gallon of gasoline? Maybe they won’t mix, I don’t know (too cheap, remember). But let’s pretend that they will. What would happen if you tried to light that mixture. Once again, I don’t know, but I guessing it would be harder to get started? It wouldn’t burn? It might burn, but poorly? Maybe I should have done the experiment!
Anyway, the whole point is this. In our buildings where the Church of Jesus Christ meets there are those who are regenerate and those who are not. There are those who have made faithfulness and commitment the hallmarks of their relationship to Christ and those who have not. When we mix the two together, which we do when we gather, sometimes it is really difficult to get the fires of faith and llove burning.
In Jeremiah 23:29 we read “Is not my word like as a fire, says the LORD; and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces? Yet it seems at times that the Word of the Lord is not powerful enough to overcome the spiritual apathy of our distracted lives. I believe it is true that the Word of God is a sword, cutting wide and deep through the sin that wreaks havoc on this World’s inhabitants. The proclamation of the Cross, presented in His Word, is the power of God to salvation. It is the force required for renewing the mind and transforming the walk. But we can never forget that the renewed mind comes because of a regenerated heart, and without the latter the former can never be accomplished even by kindling the fire of His Word.
First, let fill the jug with gasoline! Let’s displace all the water. Then, reaching for a match, he said, . . .
I wanted to do an experiment, but I didn’t because I am just too cheap (make that frugal, will you) to waste the fuel. I know that if you take a half gallon of gasoline and light it, you get and explosion and resultant fire. I know that because I used to use gasoline to start brush fires when clearing the farm. As I got older and smarter, I started using diesel. Believe me it is much better. But, let’s get back to the point.
I wonder what would happen if you mixed a half gallon of water with that half gallon of gasoline? Maybe they won’t mix, I don’t know (too cheap, remember). But let’s pretend that they will. What would happen if you tried to light that mixture. Once again, I don’t know, but I guessing it would be harder to get started? It wouldn’t burn? It might burn, but poorly? Maybe I should have done the experiment!
Anyway, the whole point is this. In our buildings where the Church of Jesus Christ meets there are those who are regenerate and those who are not. There are those who have made faithfulness and commitment the hallmarks of their relationship to Christ and those who have not. When we mix the two together, which we do when we gather, sometimes it is really difficult to get the fires of faith and llove burning.
In Jeremiah 23:29 we read “Is not my word like as a fire, says the LORD; and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces? Yet it seems at times that the Word of the Lord is not powerful enough to overcome the spiritual apathy of our distracted lives. I believe it is true that the Word of God is a sword, cutting wide and deep through the sin that wreaks havoc on this World’s inhabitants. The proclamation of the Cross, presented in His Word, is the power of God to salvation. It is the force required for renewing the mind and transforming the walk. But we can never forget that the renewed mind comes because of a regenerated heart, and without the latter the former can never be accomplished even by kindling the fire of His Word.
First, let fill the jug with gasoline! Let’s displace all the water. Then, reaching for a match, he said, . . .
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Harry Reid scares me. It's not because of his political affiliation, rather that he has evidently learned nothing from history. Perhaps he does not read history. Perhaps he is not concerned about what will happen to our nation and our world when he is no longer a part of it.
Terrorists will not be thwarted by anything except death. But they are emboldened by fear and cowardice in their enemies. Harry just doesn't get it. He seems more interested in winning seats for his party in the Senate than for winning the victory over those who have sworn to destroy us and our children.
God's enemies are embolden by the fears of God's people. Of course, as Christians, we have nothing to fear since our Enemy was absolutely defeated at the Cross. It is only our ignorance, like the aforementioned Mr. Reid, that breeds fear and defeat.
Terrorists will not be thwarted by anything except death. But they are emboldened by fear and cowardice in their enemies. Harry just doesn't get it. He seems more interested in winning seats for his party in the Senate than for winning the victory over those who have sworn to destroy us and our children.
God's enemies are embolden by the fears of God's people. Of course, as Christians, we have nothing to fear since our Enemy was absolutely defeated at the Cross. It is only our ignorance, like the aforementioned Mr. Reid, that breeds fear and defeat.
Second Place
Ephesians 5:30
Have you ever won second place? Of course it beats third, but it’s not first. Imagine Olympic athletes competing so as to win second place. Think about Lance Armstrong working hard in the hills of France with a burning desire for second place.
Now imagine your husband or wife coming to understand that they have taken second place in your affection. They’ve moved into your second place slot for time, effort and commitment expended on their behalf. You might want to consider seriously the consequences of such action.
How do we manage to miss that insight in our life regarding the operation of The Church? In Ephesians 5:30 we are told that we are “members of His body, of His flesh, and of His bones." \We have a responsibility to nourish, cherish, and llove His body just as we llove our own. For some, that is counsel that is often if not frequently ignored.
May I just give you an example or two about how we need to consider the possibility we have put His Church, His Body, in second place. I am always surprise how folks who are deathly sick on Sunday manage to make it to work, or shopping, or bridge club on Monday. I sometimes call those folks on Monday whom I am told are ill on Sunday only to get the answering machine. Later on I see them driving down the road looking pretty good. I ‘m sure it has to do with all that prayer on Sunday.
Isn’t it amazing how company always comes on Sunday, we have to help our friend move—on Sunday, we’re just worn out from all the work and have to “sleep-in”—on Sunday.
I really don’t mean to be critical or difficult, but I think we do need to evaluate the “place” to which we relegate the Body of Christ. We all take a vacation now and again, and we all get sick (at least most do), and sometimes there are events that occur on Sunday that cannot be ignored. But it’s time to take a serious look at our priorities. If we can miss Sunday after Sunday (and we’re not in a hospital somewhere), there may be a second place mentality regarding the Body of Christ.
I could never get away with telling my wife, “I llove you, honey, but I just don’t have time for you this week.” I recognize that my llove for her takes priority over everything else. Some would say, of course, that I am combining Christ and the Church to closely. “I can llove Him with all my heart, soul, and strength, but as for His Church, second place is more than acceptable.” If you really believe that, perhaps you need to spend some time in His Word. It appears to me He differs with you.
Have you ever won second place? Of course it beats third, but it’s not first. Imagine Olympic athletes competing so as to win second place. Think about Lance Armstrong working hard in the hills of France with a burning desire for second place.
Now imagine your husband or wife coming to understand that they have taken second place in your affection. They’ve moved into your second place slot for time, effort and commitment expended on their behalf. You might want to consider seriously the consequences of such action.
How do we manage to miss that insight in our life regarding the operation of The Church? In Ephesians 5:30 we are told that we are “members of His body, of His flesh, and of His bones." \We have a responsibility to nourish, cherish, and llove His body just as we llove our own. For some, that is counsel that is often if not frequently ignored.
May I just give you an example or two about how we need to consider the possibility we have put His Church, His Body, in second place. I am always surprise how folks who are deathly sick on Sunday manage to make it to work, or shopping, or bridge club on Monday. I sometimes call those folks on Monday whom I am told are ill on Sunday only to get the answering machine. Later on I see them driving down the road looking pretty good. I ‘m sure it has to do with all that prayer on Sunday.
Isn’t it amazing how company always comes on Sunday, we have to help our friend move—on Sunday, we’re just worn out from all the work and have to “sleep-in”—on Sunday.
I really don’t mean to be critical or difficult, but I think we do need to evaluate the “place” to which we relegate the Body of Christ. We all take a vacation now and again, and we all get sick (at least most do), and sometimes there are events that occur on Sunday that cannot be ignored. But it’s time to take a serious look at our priorities. If we can miss Sunday after Sunday (and we’re not in a hospital somewhere), there may be a second place mentality regarding the Body of Christ.
I could never get away with telling my wife, “I llove you, honey, but I just don’t have time for you this week.” I recognize that my llove for her takes priority over everything else. Some would say, of course, that I am combining Christ and the Church to closely. “I can llove Him with all my heart, soul, and strength, but as for His Church, second place is more than acceptable.” If you really believe that, perhaps you need to spend some time in His Word. It appears to me He differs with you.
Monday, April 23, 2007
The Wall
It reminds me of the story of the Kentucky fellow who said to the Texan, "There's enough gold in Ft. Knox to build a wall around Texas four feet tall." To which the Texan replied, "Go ahead and build it. If I like it, I'll buy it!"
Build the wall in Baghdad. Build the wall between Mexico and the U.S. Southwest. People have been building walls between themselves and others since the beginning of time. The Chinese have one left over that is pretty impressive. People in Iraq will blow it up. People in Mexico will go around or over or under. Men and women are going to do what they have always done and nothing short of God's miraculous intervention will change them them.
God's intervention is in the person of Jesus Christ. New minds are created through exchanged hearts. And the vast majority of folks in this old World are havin' none of that.
Build the wall in Baghdad. Build the wall between Mexico and the U.S. Southwest. People have been building walls between themselves and others since the beginning of time. The Chinese have one left over that is pretty impressive. People in Iraq will blow it up. People in Mexico will go around or over or under. Men and women are going to do what they have always done and nothing short of God's miraculous intervention will change them them.
God's intervention is in the person of Jesus Christ. New minds are created through exchanged hearts. And the vast majority of folks in this old World are havin' none of that.
Youth and Rebellion
How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping Your Word. Psalm1119:9
Why is it that young men, and young women, rebel against all that seems important to many of us? How do they lose respect for authority? How do they determine that they are mistreated, or bullied, or teased and need to retaliate? What is the catalyst that moves them from merging within the confines of lawful society, to become a child molester, a rapist, or a murderer?
I am convinced that the human mind must have an intake of God’s Word. I am certainly not saying that everyone who does not feed on God’s Word will move outside the boundaries of the law, but I am saying that proper inculcation and obedience to the Word of God will be the insuring factor that purity can be the chosen way of life. Of all those life ingredients the Enemy can defeat, God’s Word is not one of them.
Trying to assign fault for any violation of human decency is difficult if not impossible. My goal here is not to make a determination as to why an event occurs, rather to decide if young men and women, or anyone for that matter, can avoid complicity with him whose goal is to steal, kill and destroy. I am convinced the answer is yes!
The Psalmist tell us that it is possible for one to be blameless and happy, focused on the delight that comes from keeping God’s precepts and thinking about His ways. Wrong can be avoided when His ways are followed and His Word is treasured.
We (as a society) seem Hell-bent on making sure that does not happen. Many, of course, just don’t believe it. But there are many more who are so consumed with political correctness that they are unwilling to attempt it and thereby admit that the alternative is acceptable.
I empathize with those who hurt. And I know that hurt will always be a part of life. But I am going to stand with the Psalmist who said –
I have sought You with all my heart; don’t let me wander from Your commands. I have treasured Your Word in my heart so that I may not sin against You. Lord, may You be praised; teach me Your statutes. With my lips I proclaim all the judgments from Your mouth. I rejoice in the way [revealed by] Your decrees as much as in all riches. I will meditate on Your precepts and think about Your ways. I will delight in Your statutes; I will not forget Your word.
Why is it that young men, and young women, rebel against all that seems important to many of us? How do they lose respect for authority? How do they determine that they are mistreated, or bullied, or teased and need to retaliate? What is the catalyst that moves them from merging within the confines of lawful society, to become a child molester, a rapist, or a murderer?
I am convinced that the human mind must have an intake of God’s Word. I am certainly not saying that everyone who does not feed on God’s Word will move outside the boundaries of the law, but I am saying that proper inculcation and obedience to the Word of God will be the insuring factor that purity can be the chosen way of life. Of all those life ingredients the Enemy can defeat, God’s Word is not one of them.
Trying to assign fault for any violation of human decency is difficult if not impossible. My goal here is not to make a determination as to why an event occurs, rather to decide if young men and women, or anyone for that matter, can avoid complicity with him whose goal is to steal, kill and destroy. I am convinced the answer is yes!
The Psalmist tell us that it is possible for one to be blameless and happy, focused on the delight that comes from keeping God’s precepts and thinking about His ways. Wrong can be avoided when His ways are followed and His Word is treasured.
We (as a society) seem Hell-bent on making sure that does not happen. Many, of course, just don’t believe it. But there are many more who are so consumed with political correctness that they are unwilling to attempt it and thereby admit that the alternative is acceptable.
I empathize with those who hurt. And I know that hurt will always be a part of life. But I am going to stand with the Psalmist who said –
I have sought You with all my heart; don’t let me wander from Your commands. I have treasured Your Word in my heart so that I may not sin against You. Lord, may You be praised; teach me Your statutes. With my lips I proclaim all the judgments from Your mouth. I rejoice in the way [revealed by] Your decrees as much as in all riches. I will meditate on Your precepts and think about Your ways. I will delight in Your statutes; I will not forget Your word.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
And Now the Show
My favorite news commentator, Paul Harvey, sometimes speaks of a horrible act committed by someone and he will say, "he would want us to mention his name. . ." and then goes to commercial. He is right!
Why is it that we want to hear the name, bio, history, see the pictures, watch the video, and do it over and over again? If I were in charge, there would be a complete blackout of information regarding the perpetrator, and lots of focus on the good folks who suffered through the tragedy. This latest tragedy at Virginia Tech was committed by an individual who wanted attention. We certainly are meeting his need. Who's next?
Well, some say (Mark at WBAP comes to mind again; I gotta stop listening) we have to have ALL the news. The market demands it! This is the biggest crime of its type in American history! People want to know!
Here's my question, "Have you ever heard of the Guinness Book of World Records?" Somebody is always trying to go one better. Wake up, America!
Why is it that we want to hear the name, bio, history, see the pictures, watch the video, and do it over and over again? If I were in charge, there would be a complete blackout of information regarding the perpetrator, and lots of focus on the good folks who suffered through the tragedy. This latest tragedy at Virginia Tech was committed by an individual who wanted attention. We certainly are meeting his need. Who's next?
Well, some say (Mark at WBAP comes to mind again; I gotta stop listening) we have to have ALL the news. The market demands it! This is the biggest crime of its type in American history! People want to know!
Here's my question, "Have you ever heard of the Guinness Book of World Records?" Somebody is always trying to go one better. Wake up, America!
The death of His faithful ones is valuable in the Lord's sight. Psalm 116:15
What a terrible title. Does anyone want to read about death? Yet, here we are and there we will be one day. I take comfort in the passage from Psalms 116:15.
Just a short time ago I sat with a friend in a conference regarding retirement for ministers who are part of the Annuity Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. Since I am going to be old enough to retire one of these days, I figured I best get my act in order. My friend and I spoke a few words about what we would do during our retirement years, or at least, what we hoped to do. Somehow I have the impression that I will work during mine so that I can keep body and soul together.
What would we do with all those years that remain to us once we have left the “active” ministry? That was the question, Now, just a couple of months past his retirement, I am told he has been called home, and is no longer among us. Not surprisingly, that will get one to thinking about death and dying.
I have known for a number of years that we all must face the reality of death. And no matter what may be going on in our experience, however poor our health, or difficult our continuation of life, we never expect that it will be today; tomorrow, perhaps, but not today. Yet for many, it will be today, and if not today, tomorrow.
So, then, are we ready? Of course I mean we must be right in our relationship with the Father. No lost folks are headed heavenward. But for most of us, it is a matter of being ready in that we have righted our relationships with others, paid our debts (and I don’t just mean financially), been faithful to our calling, ministered to the saints, lloved the brethren, taught the children, and held the hands of those who have gone before. Since we need to get that accomplished before we die, perhaps we need to start now. Right now. I know your death is not imminent (you can take my word for that), but one day, somewhere out there, you will be called to account. What if it were today or tomorrow? Are you ready? Are you ready to face the Father? Are you ready for your family and lloved ones left behind to face others with the confidence that you did what you were called to do, with all your heart, with all your mind, and with all you might?
Death almost always surprises us. Sometimes we think of death coming in years, or months, or days, or hours. . .but not now. But death is coming, and it’s coming for you. Are you ready?
What a terrible title. Does anyone want to read about death? Yet, here we are and there we will be one day. I take comfort in the passage from Psalms 116:15.
Just a short time ago I sat with a friend in a conference regarding retirement for ministers who are part of the Annuity Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. Since I am going to be old enough to retire one of these days, I figured I best get my act in order. My friend and I spoke a few words about what we would do during our retirement years, or at least, what we hoped to do. Somehow I have the impression that I will work during mine so that I can keep body and soul together.
What would we do with all those years that remain to us once we have left the “active” ministry? That was the question, Now, just a couple of months past his retirement, I am told he has been called home, and is no longer among us. Not surprisingly, that will get one to thinking about death and dying.
I have known for a number of years that we all must face the reality of death. And no matter what may be going on in our experience, however poor our health, or difficult our continuation of life, we never expect that it will be today; tomorrow, perhaps, but not today. Yet for many, it will be today, and if not today, tomorrow.
So, then, are we ready? Of course I mean we must be right in our relationship with the Father. No lost folks are headed heavenward. But for most of us, it is a matter of being ready in that we have righted our relationships with others, paid our debts (and I don’t just mean financially), been faithful to our calling, ministered to the saints, lloved the brethren, taught the children, and held the hands of those who have gone before. Since we need to get that accomplished before we die, perhaps we need to start now. Right now. I know your death is not imminent (you can take my word for that), but one day, somewhere out there, you will be called to account. What if it were today or tomorrow? Are you ready? Are you ready to face the Father? Are you ready for your family and lloved ones left behind to face others with the confidence that you did what you were called to do, with all your heart, with all your mind, and with all you might?
Death almost always surprises us. Sometimes we think of death coming in years, or months, or days, or hours. . .but not now. But death is coming, and it’s coming for you. Are you ready?
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
What is it, exactly, that we expect? Do we somehow think that our continued movement away from the the morality of previous generations, our abandonment of God in the public square, the drive to remove "religion" from our schools and governance, and the acceptability of "violence" as a "pastime," will create an environment of "peace and love?"
Give me a break! There are "disturbed" people out there (millions of them). We think that, somehow, as they come in contact with the violence and immorality our society they will be unaffected by it. Some deficient thinkers believe that if you can take a gun off the market, you can save a life. Hey! Are you listening? That's not the problem! Life is spiraling out of control for more and more people every day, and they are being negatively affected by our societal changes. Things are going to get worse. . .and worse, unless we are willing to introduce the answer into our operation!
Give me a break! There are "disturbed" people out there (millions of them). We think that, somehow, as they come in contact with the violence and immorality our society they will be unaffected by it. Some deficient thinkers believe that if you can take a gun off the market, you can save a life. Hey! Are you listening? That's not the problem! Life is spiraling out of control for more and more people every day, and they are being negatively affected by our societal changes. Things are going to get worse. . .and worse, unless we are willing to introduce the answer into our operation!
2 Corinthians 6:14-17
Sometimes you can hear it coming ten miles away. In the best sense of the word, it is just publicity. In the worst, it is explicit lying. Most hype falls somewhere in between.
We see it across the spectrum of America’s daily operation. From the “just set it and forget it” of Ron Popeil, to the RNC-DNC as they propel their candidate toward the focus point of November’s elections. I suppose by now those of us who have been around for a while, ought to be oblivious to the hyperbole. Seemingly, however, there is no end to the lengths some will go to get their “product” to “market.”
I can live with that. What I struggle with is the perception that the Church, or what purports to be the Church, seems committed to following in those footsteps as surely as mud follows rain.
Aren’t we supposed to be different? Isn’t our standard Heavenly? I don’t mean that we are not supposed to, or cannot, promote the differences among our Worship styles and musical offerings, but when the hype becomes hyperbole, have we not fallen into the snare of the enemy? Paul told the early Church, “Don’t be unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion has light with darkness? And what concord has Christ with Belial? or what part has he that believes with an infidel? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? for you are the temple of the living God; as God has said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be separate, says the Lord, and do not touch the unclean thing; and I will receive you. . .” (2Corinthians 6:14-17)
Maybe I need to translate that passage more narrowly. Don’t make a compact with the devil? Don’t let unbelievers serve the Church as Pastors and Elders? Don’t use the multi-media for Worship on Sunday and as a pornographic theatre Monday thru Friday? Right?
Somehow, I’m not convinced that when our “marketing strategy” illegitimatizes other Churches (understand my use of the word Church), or promotes anything other than our Lord and Savior (like the pastor, or music leader, for example), or hypes the programs and operations (look what we offer that you don’t), that we haven’t succumbed to failure in our God-called separation.
Sometimes you can hear it coming ten miles away. In the best sense of the word, it is just publicity. In the worst, it is explicit lying. Most hype falls somewhere in between.
We see it across the spectrum of America’s daily operation. From the “just set it and forget it” of Ron Popeil, to the RNC-DNC as they propel their candidate toward the focus point of November’s elections. I suppose by now those of us who have been around for a while, ought to be oblivious to the hyperbole. Seemingly, however, there is no end to the lengths some will go to get their “product” to “market.”
I can live with that. What I struggle with is the perception that the Church, or what purports to be the Church, seems committed to following in those footsteps as surely as mud follows rain.
Aren’t we supposed to be different? Isn’t our standard Heavenly? I don’t mean that we are not supposed to, or cannot, promote the differences among our Worship styles and musical offerings, but when the hype becomes hyperbole, have we not fallen into the snare of the enemy? Paul told the early Church, “Don’t be unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion has light with darkness? And what concord has Christ with Belial? or what part has he that believes with an infidel? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? for you are the temple of the living God; as God has said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be separate, says the Lord, and do not touch the unclean thing; and I will receive you. . .” (2Corinthians 6:14-17)
Maybe I need to translate that passage more narrowly. Don’t make a compact with the devil? Don’t let unbelievers serve the Church as Pastors and Elders? Don’t use the multi-media for Worship on Sunday and as a pornographic theatre Monday thru Friday? Right?
Somehow, I’m not convinced that when our “marketing strategy” illegitimatizes other Churches (understand my use of the word Church), or promotes anything other than our Lord and Savior (like the pastor, or music leader, for example), or hypes the programs and operations (look what we offer that you don’t), that we haven’t succumbed to failure in our God-called separation.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Tragedy Strikes Again
Tragedy in the form of one who chooses to murder others with seemingly no rhyme or reason has struck again. As I listened for a few moments to the morning talk show on WBAP I heard (again) the host's mantra that factors other than poor parenting and shallow gene pools do not contribute to the problem.
Someone suggested that music that glorifies violence and video games that provide all sorts of behaviors that are outside the range of decency's acceptability would be a contributor. "Absolutely not true," said the host. That stuff has nothing to do with it.
How I appreciate such wisdom. It's exactly like saying that constantly repeated advertising (and this would be good information for WBAP's advertisers) has nothing to do with society's buying pattern and habits. Grow up, Mark. We've got some really serious problems, and we better face the reality that what we see, read, hear and "play with" affects the actions we take!
Someone suggested that music that glorifies violence and video games that provide all sorts of behaviors that are outside the range of decency's acceptability would be a contributor. "Absolutely not true," said the host. That stuff has nothing to do with it.
How I appreciate such wisdom. It's exactly like saying that constantly repeated advertising (and this would be good information for WBAP's advertisers) has nothing to do with society's buying pattern and habits. Grow up, Mark. We've got some really serious problems, and we better face the reality that what we see, read, hear and "play with" affects the actions we take!
Altered States
If we ever needed wisdom, we need it now. Proverbs 1:7 says, “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” John MacArthur defines fear of the Lord as, “a state of mind in which one’s own attitudes, will, feelings, deeds, and goals are exchanged for God’s.”
In our society there is a tremendous pressure, especially on those who are immature in The Faith, to follow people, ideas, practices, and actions that are totally antithetical to the Truth. It may be in the area of Worship and extended spiritual family relationships, or it may be in marital fidelities. It can arise in the political arena when so much is at stake from a nationalistic standpoint. While some speak of truth and wisdom, their words are developments of the human mind, figments of imagination, if you will, and while having a resemblance to Truth, are far wide of the mark.
Often our attitude is dependent on circumstances or emotions that have little or nothing to do with the work of God in our life. Our goal and actions are determined on the basis of pure pragmatism. Coming to the place where our will becomes His will is an arduous process when our focus is constantly distracted by those who would lead us into the pleasures of sin and the failures of humanistic philosophy.
What we need, then, is a shift in our thinking, or to be more explicit, we need an altered state of mind. We have most often been led to believe that an altered state of mind is a negative thing. It is one of those places in life where our mind has taken leave of its senses and failed to remain under control. But, perhaps, that is exactly what wisdom is, i.e., a state of mind where we are no longer in control, no longer expressing attitudes that disturb, feelings that create despondency, deeds that defy logic and morality, and goals that are rooted in the worthlessness of earthly pleasure. Rather, we must reach the state of mind that mirrors the Lord Jesus Christ Himself as he lived out the glory of the Father in a day-to-day pattern of obedience.
Our life exchanged for His. That’s the ticket to wholeness, happiness, joy and peace. That’s the path to successfully reaching His goals for our walk. That, you can be sure, is the road less traveled. No much, if anything, is more vital and necessary during these difficult days.
“A wise man will hear and increase learning, and a man of understanding will attain wise counsel. . .” Proverbs1:5
In our society there is a tremendous pressure, especially on those who are immature in The Faith, to follow people, ideas, practices, and actions that are totally antithetical to the Truth. It may be in the area of Worship and extended spiritual family relationships, or it may be in marital fidelities. It can arise in the political arena when so much is at stake from a nationalistic standpoint. While some speak of truth and wisdom, their words are developments of the human mind, figments of imagination, if you will, and while having a resemblance to Truth, are far wide of the mark.
Often our attitude is dependent on circumstances or emotions that have little or nothing to do with the work of God in our life. Our goal and actions are determined on the basis of pure pragmatism. Coming to the place where our will becomes His will is an arduous process when our focus is constantly distracted by those who would lead us into the pleasures of sin and the failures of humanistic philosophy.
What we need, then, is a shift in our thinking, or to be more explicit, we need an altered state of mind. We have most often been led to believe that an altered state of mind is a negative thing. It is one of those places in life where our mind has taken leave of its senses and failed to remain under control. But, perhaps, that is exactly what wisdom is, i.e., a state of mind where we are no longer in control, no longer expressing attitudes that disturb, feelings that create despondency, deeds that defy logic and morality, and goals that are rooted in the worthlessness of earthly pleasure. Rather, we must reach the state of mind that mirrors the Lord Jesus Christ Himself as he lived out the glory of the Father in a day-to-day pattern of obedience.
Our life exchanged for His. That’s the ticket to wholeness, happiness, joy and peace. That’s the path to successfully reaching His goals for our walk. That, you can be sure, is the road less traveled. No much, if anything, is more vital and necessary during these difficult days.
“A wise man will hear and increase learning, and a man of understanding will attain wise counsel. . .” Proverbs1:5
Monday, April 16, 2007
Taking Advantage
When a major (read: multi-billion dollar) company decides to take advantage of an individual over a few hundred dollars, it really creates a concern for me. Never mind the contract, never mind that one has done everything he is supposed to do, never mind that the company is violating it's own comments, advertising, written words, and both the law and spirit of their contract. They just decide that they are not going to do what they agreed by contract to do.
I'm going to bat for my son who is in this predicament. How does a believer handle abuse, anger, wrongful actions and loss? It's not an easy answer. I'm sure their lawyer is bigger than my lawyer. I sure they have time well beyond my life span and resources well beyond my imagination.
Maybe I'll ask my Father to convince them they're wrong. They won't win that battle!
I'm going to bat for my son who is in this predicament. How does a believer handle abuse, anger, wrongful actions and loss? It's not an easy answer. I'm sure their lawyer is bigger than my lawyer. I sure they have time well beyond my life span and resources well beyond my imagination.
Maybe I'll ask my Father to convince them they're wrong. They won't win that battle!
Coming Apart
. . .many live as enemies of the cross. . .they are focused on Earthly things. . .their end is destruction. Philippians 3:18-19 (my order)
I llove the United States of America. Perhaps I should say, I llove the Nation of my youth when I knew and understood much less, and most likely failed to see the corruption that surely has always been part and parcel of this great Republic.
I grow more fearful each passing year for my sons and grandsons knowing that as a Nation we move further and further from the solid foundations on which our homeland was established. Crime and greed, hatred and carelessness, bitterness and licentiousness propagate unrestrained. Self-centeredness, from the country school-yard to the hallowed halls of Congress proliferates with exponential velocity. The alacrity with which we descend toward the abandonment of personal responsibility and clarity of character frightens the enlightened mind and dulls the impact on reticent thinkers.
We have never been, nor are we now, invincible. Our National strength, measured in mega-tonnage and nuclear-strike capability, will not support the failure of purpose and deficit of direction which even now incites a plethora of incompatibilities. We teeter on the brink of an insurmountable apathy and indifference borne on the wings of immorality and ignorance. Once over the precipice the plunge into internment of mind and will, will be, at last, the irrevocable reality.
Will God continue to protect America? Has it been indeed His hand which has sustained and prospered these 231 years? Are we to believe His Truth will march onward without regard for the insolence and disobedience deeply ingrained in the fabric of our lives? Will His matchless llove discard its purity to embrace a rationale of evil?
We are coming apart! Do we not see that? Can we not see that? Will we not see that? I repeat again and again the words of Patrick Henry, the patriot of earlier years, who said, "Bad men cannot make good citizens. It is impossible that a nation of infidels or idolaters should be a nation of free men. It is when a people forget God that tyrants forge their chains. A vitiated state of morals, (and) a corrupted public conscience, are incompatible with freedom."
I llove the United States of America. Perhaps I should say, I llove the Nation of my youth when I knew and understood much less, and most likely failed to see the corruption that surely has always been part and parcel of this great Republic.
I grow more fearful each passing year for my sons and grandsons knowing that as a Nation we move further and further from the solid foundations on which our homeland was established. Crime and greed, hatred and carelessness, bitterness and licentiousness propagate unrestrained. Self-centeredness, from the country school-yard to the hallowed halls of Congress proliferates with exponential velocity. The alacrity with which we descend toward the abandonment of personal responsibility and clarity of character frightens the enlightened mind and dulls the impact on reticent thinkers.
We have never been, nor are we now, invincible. Our National strength, measured in mega-tonnage and nuclear-strike capability, will not support the failure of purpose and deficit of direction which even now incites a plethora of incompatibilities. We teeter on the brink of an insurmountable apathy and indifference borne on the wings of immorality and ignorance. Once over the precipice the plunge into internment of mind and will, will be, at last, the irrevocable reality.
Will God continue to protect America? Has it been indeed His hand which has sustained and prospered these 231 years? Are we to believe His Truth will march onward without regard for the insolence and disobedience deeply ingrained in the fabric of our lives? Will His matchless llove discard its purity to embrace a rationale of evil?
We are coming apart! Do we not see that? Can we not see that? Will we not see that? I repeat again and again the words of Patrick Henry, the patriot of earlier years, who said, "Bad men cannot make good citizens. It is impossible that a nation of infidels or idolaters should be a nation of free men. It is when a people forget God that tyrants forge their chains. A vitiated state of morals, (and) a corrupted public conscience, are incompatible with freedom."
Thursday, April 12, 2007
The Soldier
The soldier is on my mind today. He's out there, somewhere, on the front line of freedom. She's giving more than life ought to demand. The cost to a soldier is "all in!" Loss of life or limb, separation and loneliness, time and uncertainty, are the sacrifices demanded of those who would protect others and establish freedom for humankind.
Remember a soldier today. By name or by job, by place or by country. Their sacrifice is great, and they stand in for your freedom.
My prayer today - "Father, bless Major Morris in Baghdad today. My he know your peace and comfort in the face of danger and loss. Restore him to his family and friends, for Jesus' sake."
Remember a soldier today. By name or by job, by place or by country. Their sacrifice is great, and they stand in for your freedom.
My prayer today - "Father, bless Major Morris in Baghdad today. My he know your peace and comfort in the face of danger and loss. Restore him to his family and friends, for Jesus' sake."
John 8:36
Everything that can be said about freedom has surely already been said. We all know freedom isn’t free. We know the cost of liberty is for many the ultimate sacrifice. Even as we write and read these words the price of freedom, the cost of liberty, is demanding the life-blood of our finest men and women in conflicts around the world.
There is no question that the freedoms we have enjoyed in the United States of America are eroding. We are being swept along in the flood of evil that is inevitable when men are bent on worshipping the created rather than the Creator. Religion seeks to establish its rule in the lives of those who know not God. Religious fervor demands allegiance to humanism and embraces the worst in humankind leading to the destruction of nations and societies and ultimately, except for the grace of God, civilization itself.
In John 8:36, the Bible says, “If the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” We understand clearly that the context here is freedom from the tyranny of sin and bondage of legalism that is a part of the liberation which Jesus Christ brings to those who trust Him and embrace Him as Lord and Savior. But it is more than that.
We can be free from the depression and discouragement which plagues those whose focus is on this world and its myriad pleasures. We can recognize that life and death are integral parts of a relationship with Christ. We will indisputably spend eternity in the presence and power of the Lord God of Heaven, but the intimacy we seek is as much a part of today as it is tomorrow.
We can be free from the self-serving power and prestige of this age and discover the joy and tranquility of surrendered lives living out the principles of faith, hope, and llove. We can move beyond the sting of bitterness and pride left behind by previous generations to a life of humble service, giving, as did Christ, to those in need and those left lloveless by the cruelties of sin.
We live in the greatest nation in the world. Even with all the changes that have come recently, we are remarkably free to be about our lives, our work, our faith. We can come and go much as we please, free to worship, to gather together in the houses of prayer we have built, to establish lloving relationships with others believers, and carry out our calling in Christ.
We may lack the political support of a citizenry that has succumbed to that which Patrick Henry, the patriot of earlier years, suggested when he said, "Bad men cannot make good citizens. It is impossible that a nation of infidels or idolaters should be a nation of free men. It is when a people forget God that tyrants forge their chains. A vitiated state of morals, (and) a corrupted public conscience, are incompatible with freedom."
Let freedom ring! Across the land and through the houses of worship, let real freedom ring!
Everything that can be said about freedom has surely already been said. We all know freedom isn’t free. We know the cost of liberty is for many the ultimate sacrifice. Even as we write and read these words the price of freedom, the cost of liberty, is demanding the life-blood of our finest men and women in conflicts around the world.
There is no question that the freedoms we have enjoyed in the United States of America are eroding. We are being swept along in the flood of evil that is inevitable when men are bent on worshipping the created rather than the Creator. Religion seeks to establish its rule in the lives of those who know not God. Religious fervor demands allegiance to humanism and embraces the worst in humankind leading to the destruction of nations and societies and ultimately, except for the grace of God, civilization itself.
In John 8:36, the Bible says, “If the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” We understand clearly that the context here is freedom from the tyranny of sin and bondage of legalism that is a part of the liberation which Jesus Christ brings to those who trust Him and embrace Him as Lord and Savior. But it is more than that.
We can be free from the depression and discouragement which plagues those whose focus is on this world and its myriad pleasures. We can recognize that life and death are integral parts of a relationship with Christ. We will indisputably spend eternity in the presence and power of the Lord God of Heaven, but the intimacy we seek is as much a part of today as it is tomorrow.
We can be free from the self-serving power and prestige of this age and discover the joy and tranquility of surrendered lives living out the principles of faith, hope, and llove. We can move beyond the sting of bitterness and pride left behind by previous generations to a life of humble service, giving, as did Christ, to those in need and those left lloveless by the cruelties of sin.
We live in the greatest nation in the world. Even with all the changes that have come recently, we are remarkably free to be about our lives, our work, our faith. We can come and go much as we please, free to worship, to gather together in the houses of prayer we have built, to establish lloving relationships with others believers, and carry out our calling in Christ.
We may lack the political support of a citizenry that has succumbed to that which Patrick Henry, the patriot of earlier years, suggested when he said, "Bad men cannot make good citizens. It is impossible that a nation of infidels or idolaters should be a nation of free men. It is when a people forget God that tyrants forge their chains. A vitiated state of morals, (and) a corrupted public conscience, are incompatible with freedom."
Let freedom ring! Across the land and through the houses of worship, let real freedom ring!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Asleep at the Wheel
According to USA Today, "Sleep-deprived air traffic controllers played a role in at least four near-fatal incidents on the nation's runways. . . ." Why does this stuff always come to light when I'm planning a trip? Somebody else-asleep at the wheel (er. . .controls).
Of course this has been a problem in the Church for years. And they are not "near-fatal" incidents. When we are "asleep at the wheel" of effectively sharing the Gospel and people fail to discover the imputed righteousness of Christ, there is separation from God forever. Nothing is more fatal than that!
Doesn't the Bible say, "Awake! sleeper? Yeah, it does!
Of course this has been a problem in the Church for years. And they are not "near-fatal" incidents. When we are "asleep at the wheel" of effectively sharing the Gospel and people fail to discover the imputed righteousness of Christ, there is separation from God forever. Nothing is more fatal than that!
Doesn't the Bible say, "Awake! sleeper? Yeah, it does!
Great Preaching
For since, in the wisdom of God, the world though wisdom did not know God, it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe. 1 Corinthians 1:21
Maybe it’s the words themselves! Preaching seems at times to have a negative connotation, even if it is great. Perhaps that is because real preaching (that supernatural operation of the Spirit of God speaking to the spirit in us via a human vehicle) is always colored by the preacher. Let’s be brutally honest. Sometimes the communication is damaged by the communicator.
So what does it take to have great preaching? First, it takes the Truth. There is a lot of communicating these days that contains some Truth, or points at some Truth, or takes a stab at Truth. But, in reality, great preaching must be the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth (to take a definition from the courts). Good illustrative materials are valuable, but worthless unless they promote and codify the Truth. Jokes, while an effective tool to arouse the sleepers, are seldom able to encapsulate genuine Truth in an effective manner. (see 1 Corinthians 2:4)
Preaching proclaims the whole counsel of God. It is not a contest to determine the most creative thinker, the most personable individual, the finest wordsmith, nor to determine how long one’s mind can endure when one’s body reaches the limits of stamina.
Secondly, great preaching takes a gifted individual who, not only has a handle on Truth, but a handle on the limits of the hearers. Different hearers have differing limits, but everyone has a limit (I’m sure of that. . .at least pretty sure). Learning to measure the audience and fit the message to the limits is an art seldom learned. We need to know and understand that some preaching is too short. If we fail to allow time for the Spirit of our Father to be about the work of ministering grace to the hearer, we have missed the whole idea of the action. If we take too long, the distractions of the enemy, and the rampant apathy and indifference of our society, will multiply into the creation of an environment where Truth will not permeate the exterior of the mind, much less reach the heart where God does His work, and we will have once again missed the design.
So where does one find great preaching? Here’s what I think! One finds great preaching in the mind of the hearer. The individual who approaches the venue must have his mind (heart) attuned to God, whether by one’s own effort, or the drawing, wooing power of the Spirit. One must be prepared to concentrate, not endlessly, but for a while, on the Scripture and all its ramifications. One must be willing to listen for the voice of God, and that still, small voice must never be drowned out in the fervor of the communicating vehicle. There must be a delivery of Truth. There must be a spirit of humility on the part of the communicator and the hearer. There must be a recognition that preaching is not some speech by a variously challenged orator, but a work of God Himself as He speaks to His children, and to those who will be, by His infinite grace.
Don’t look for great preaching in buildings. Look for great preaching in your heart!
Maybe it’s the words themselves! Preaching seems at times to have a negative connotation, even if it is great. Perhaps that is because real preaching (that supernatural operation of the Spirit of God speaking to the spirit in us via a human vehicle) is always colored by the preacher. Let’s be brutally honest. Sometimes the communication is damaged by the communicator.
So what does it take to have great preaching? First, it takes the Truth. There is a lot of communicating these days that contains some Truth, or points at some Truth, or takes a stab at Truth. But, in reality, great preaching must be the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth (to take a definition from the courts). Good illustrative materials are valuable, but worthless unless they promote and codify the Truth. Jokes, while an effective tool to arouse the sleepers, are seldom able to encapsulate genuine Truth in an effective manner. (see 1 Corinthians 2:4)
Preaching proclaims the whole counsel of God. It is not a contest to determine the most creative thinker, the most personable individual, the finest wordsmith, nor to determine how long one’s mind can endure when one’s body reaches the limits of stamina.
Secondly, great preaching takes a gifted individual who, not only has a handle on Truth, but a handle on the limits of the hearers. Different hearers have differing limits, but everyone has a limit (I’m sure of that. . .at least pretty sure). Learning to measure the audience and fit the message to the limits is an art seldom learned. We need to know and understand that some preaching is too short. If we fail to allow time for the Spirit of our Father to be about the work of ministering grace to the hearer, we have missed the whole idea of the action. If we take too long, the distractions of the enemy, and the rampant apathy and indifference of our society, will multiply into the creation of an environment where Truth will not permeate the exterior of the mind, much less reach the heart where God does His work, and we will have once again missed the design.
So where does one find great preaching? Here’s what I think! One finds great preaching in the mind of the hearer. The individual who approaches the venue must have his mind (heart) attuned to God, whether by one’s own effort, or the drawing, wooing power of the Spirit. One must be prepared to concentrate, not endlessly, but for a while, on the Scripture and all its ramifications. One must be willing to listen for the voice of God, and that still, small voice must never be drowned out in the fervor of the communicating vehicle. There must be a delivery of Truth. There must be a spirit of humility on the part of the communicator and the hearer. There must be a recognition that preaching is not some speech by a variously challenged orator, but a work of God Himself as He speaks to His children, and to those who will be, by His infinite grace.
Don’t look for great preaching in buildings. Look for great preaching in your heart!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Sticks and Stones
You remember the nursery rhyme - "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me." Well, obviously that is not true. We do get way to excited about the words of those who are idiots in life. We need to get past letting what others think (and say) rule our peace (except, of course, you guys who make a living attempting to prove everyone is a racist).
Here's the issue! Words tell us more about the speaker than the one spoken about. When I hear what comes from one's mouth, I am confident I am observing their nature. I may or may not learn something regarding the one about whom they speak, but I will learn a lot about the speaker.
God said, (if I may paraphrase) "Watch your mouth!"
Here's the issue! Words tell us more about the speaker than the one spoken about. When I hear what comes from one's mouth, I am confident I am observing their nature. I may or may not learn something regarding the one about whom they speak, but I will learn a lot about the speaker.
God said, (if I may paraphrase) "Watch your mouth!"
The Heart
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it? Jeremiah 17:9
Have you ever really listened to a human heart? I’ve heard them with my ear pressed close, through a stethoscope, on a fetal monitor, amplified through speakers in surgery, etc. (I worked as a Para-Medic for a while in the dark, distant past), and the heart is an amazing piece of work. I was listening to one the other day, and what I heard disturbed me. When disturbed, it’s time to reach for the phone and call the Physician.
I’ve also listened to “heartfelt” conversation, “confessions” of the heart, and people everywhere “speaking” from their heart, “following” their heart, and “giving” their heart away.
In Jeremiah 17:9 we hear God speak about the heart. Obviously He is not talking about our physical heart that moves our blood throughout our bodies, but rather our innermost being, the very “heart” of whom we are. One really has to go back to verse five (5) of that chapter to get a clear understanding for verse nine (9). We must know and understand that we cannot trust in our flesh, our self, our strength, depart from the Truth, and slip away from our Savior and Lord. When we abandon the direction of the Father in our lives, and allow our fleshly nature to control what we say, what we do, where we go, and how we live, we discover the deceitful nature and desperate wickedness of our way as opposed to His.
God is in the process of a daily “listening” to our heart. He is searching our operation, testing our thinking, weighing our actions, and rendering His judgments for our works.
Just as surely as I would urge you to call your physician should your physical heart become abnormal in its operation, so I urge you to examine your innermost being and determine what is going on there. The Scripture clearly tells us that God will “give to every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings” (vs. 10). Listen to your heart! What does it say? Is it telling you to “trust in the Lord and hope in the Lord” (vs. 7)? That will happen only when your have surrendered your whole heart to the Father. You can do that.
If you don’t know how, contact me. I can tell you!
Have you ever really listened to a human heart? I’ve heard them with my ear pressed close, through a stethoscope, on a fetal monitor, amplified through speakers in surgery, etc. (I worked as a Para-Medic for a while in the dark, distant past), and the heart is an amazing piece of work. I was listening to one the other day, and what I heard disturbed me. When disturbed, it’s time to reach for the phone and call the Physician.
I’ve also listened to “heartfelt” conversation, “confessions” of the heart, and people everywhere “speaking” from their heart, “following” their heart, and “giving” their heart away.
In Jeremiah 17:9 we hear God speak about the heart. Obviously He is not talking about our physical heart that moves our blood throughout our bodies, but rather our innermost being, the very “heart” of whom we are. One really has to go back to verse five (5) of that chapter to get a clear understanding for verse nine (9). We must know and understand that we cannot trust in our flesh, our self, our strength, depart from the Truth, and slip away from our Savior and Lord. When we abandon the direction of the Father in our lives, and allow our fleshly nature to control what we say, what we do, where we go, and how we live, we discover the deceitful nature and desperate wickedness of our way as opposed to His.
God is in the process of a daily “listening” to our heart. He is searching our operation, testing our thinking, weighing our actions, and rendering His judgments for our works.
Just as surely as I would urge you to call your physician should your physical heart become abnormal in its operation, so I urge you to examine your innermost being and determine what is going on there. The Scripture clearly tells us that God will “give to every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings” (vs. 10). Listen to your heart! What does it say? Is it telling you to “trust in the Lord and hope in the Lord” (vs. 7)? That will happen only when your have surrendered your whole heart to the Father. You can do that.
If you don’t know how, contact me. I can tell you!
Monday, April 9, 2007
More Peace
God knows that peace comes when the enemy is defeated; no negotiation, no amnesty, no conditions, no compromise, just absolute defeat. Sometimes what brings more peace is more war.
According to the press, Muqtada al-Sadr is urging his fighters to kill more US troops. I've had enough of killing US troops, and every other kind of troop as well. Peace won't come because we remove our troops. Peace will come when the enemy is defeated. Let's end this thing! Send a "David" to have a final talk with this bellowing warrior.
According to the press, Muqtada al-Sadr is urging his fighters to kill more US troops. I've had enough of killing US troops, and every other kind of troop as well. Peace won't come because we remove our troops. Peace will come when the enemy is defeated. Let's end this thing! Send a "David" to have a final talk with this bellowing warrior.
The Image
And just as we have borne the image of the man made of dust we will also bear the image of the heavenly man. 1 Corinthians 15:49
Did you ever hear the expression, “ugly as a mud fence?” Yes, I know it old and girls and guys have gotten a lot cuter over the years. You hardly ever see “someone as ugly as a mud fence.” But the expression came to mind this week as I was doing some light reading in 1 Corinthians. Take a look at Chapter 15, verse 49.
We bear the image of Adam, the man created out of the dust of the ground, according to Genesis 2:7. Isn’t it amazing what God can do with a little dust? And yet the Truth remains that the physical components of our being are not worth much. A few chemicals rightly placed, “a hank of hair and a piece of bone” in the hands of the Master, well, surely looks good on some folks.
The real value of our life comes, however, when we move from the image of the man of dust to the image of the Heavenly Man. The second man, the one from Heaven was not made at all. He is the Lord God, and we who are but dust can take on the image of God himself.
Now we all expect to do that when we get to Heaven (you are going, right?). But what progress are you making toward bearing the image of God now? How is it that you are being transformed from the “mud fence” of this world, to the Heavenly light of Glory? In the most simple of terms, is your life choked with the dust of sin which obscures the light of His presence, or are you being transformed by the Truth and Llove to a daily conformity to His Spirit’s leadership?
Now let me assure the scholars among you, I understand this passage is about the change in our natural body which through the resurrection will be transformed into a body fit for Heaven (the mortal putting on immortality and all that stuff), but still there is ample insight providing for a renewed image in our current circumstance.
How does it happen? You should be finding out through your study of God’s Word and the assistance that comes from the messages you hear at your Church that speak of the process of becoming mature in The Faith.
The sad Truth is that many of our lives, Spiritually speaking, are “ugly as a mud fence.” We’ve got more fleshly dust than Holy light. What if we make a commitment to change that, right now?
Did you ever hear the expression, “ugly as a mud fence?” Yes, I know it old and girls and guys have gotten a lot cuter over the years. You hardly ever see “someone as ugly as a mud fence.” But the expression came to mind this week as I was doing some light reading in 1 Corinthians. Take a look at Chapter 15, verse 49.
We bear the image of Adam, the man created out of the dust of the ground, according to Genesis 2:7. Isn’t it amazing what God can do with a little dust? And yet the Truth remains that the physical components of our being are not worth much. A few chemicals rightly placed, “a hank of hair and a piece of bone” in the hands of the Master, well, surely looks good on some folks.
The real value of our life comes, however, when we move from the image of the man of dust to the image of the Heavenly Man. The second man, the one from Heaven was not made at all. He is the Lord God, and we who are but dust can take on the image of God himself.
Now we all expect to do that when we get to Heaven (you are going, right?). But what progress are you making toward bearing the image of God now? How is it that you are being transformed from the “mud fence” of this world, to the Heavenly light of Glory? In the most simple of terms, is your life choked with the dust of sin which obscures the light of His presence, or are you being transformed by the Truth and Llove to a daily conformity to His Spirit’s leadership?
Now let me assure the scholars among you, I understand this passage is about the change in our natural body which through the resurrection will be transformed into a body fit for Heaven (the mortal putting on immortality and all that stuff), but still there is ample insight providing for a renewed image in our current circumstance.
How does it happen? You should be finding out through your study of God’s Word and the assistance that comes from the messages you hear at your Church that speak of the process of becoming mature in The Faith.
The sad Truth is that many of our lives, Spiritually speaking, are “ugly as a mud fence.” We’ve got more fleshly dust than Holy light. What if we make a commitment to change that, right now?
Sunday, April 8, 2007
He's Alive
Don't miss the resurrection! It's not about recognizing the fact that Jesus of Nazareth arose from the dead, rather it is about the power that is available for your new life in Christ Jesus. If you miss that in the annual celebrations, egg hunts and frilly frocks, you've missed it all.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Peace At Last
"He (President Assad of Syria) is ready to engage in negotiations for peace with Israel," says Ms. Pelosi (Speaker of the House of Representatives, U.S. Congress) at the conclusion of her ill-advised visit with the Syrian leader. Really? So how come they keep waging war on multiple fronts?
It kind of reminds me of the old Serpent talking with Eve. He could arrange, in her best interest of course, that she become equal with God. She believed the lie and it cost her Eden. . .and much more.
Maybe if the Church would just "negotiate" (in good faith, of course) with the Enemy, we could get past the need for a Savior. I am sure ole Satan has our best interest at heart.
It kind of reminds me of the old Serpent talking with Eve. He could arrange, in her best interest of course, that she become equal with God. She believed the lie and it cost her Eden. . .and much more.
Maybe if the Church would just "negotiate" (in good faith, of course) with the Enemy, we could get past the need for a Savior. I am sure ole Satan has our best interest at heart.
When the Call Comes
Matthew 7:7-11
If you have teen-agers, or have had teen-agers in your home, you undoubtedly understand the process of waiting for “the call.” Those of you who have teen-agers coming on will soon "get it." Until you’ve had your first one you don’t spend a lot of time thinking about it, but after the first one, you are constantly alert for the next one.
You hope the call will be for a ride home, or a “meet me at the mall and bring money”, or a spilled ketchup stain and the need for a change of clothes. You might even imagine that once in a while along the way they will call just to tell you “Happy Birthday,” or “I love you.” Sometimes it is more than that. Sometimes the calls are for really tough things, and sometimes it is someone else who is calling – the police, the nurse, the principal, or the pastor.
It’s not easy getting kids through to adulthood, and even then, until the Lord calls you home, you spend hours, nights, week-ends, worrying about them, hoping everything is OK, and finding some extra funds to help. Most kids get through all right, but not without a few problems, lots of distress about real or imagined difficulties, and most manage to create a couple of heart-stoppers for you.
Imagine then, how the Father lives with His children. Most of us are really pretty self-sufficient (we rarely ever call, if at all), some are constantly seeking more stuff (what we have is never enough) and many get into the communication mode only on those seemingly frequent occasions when everything else has failed. The command given to us in Jeremiah 33:3 goes unused, unknown, and untested. The promise of Matthew 7:7-11 never comes to fruition in our lives.
God’s kids know he has provided absolute sufficiency, but we refuse to appropriate it. We have little time to call, except, perhaps, when a problem arises. We create our own view of the world ignoring what we have been taught by His Word. We don’t or won’t remember from whence we came to life, and fail to appropriate even a meager portion of His bountiful grace.
Just as our kids often ignore us except when they want something, or seek our assistance only when they have to, so we are often like that with our Heavenly Father. He is available for a call from us when we need help. He is available for a call from us when we don’t need help.
Other people talk to Him about us, but He would prefer to hear directly from us – good or bad.
If you have teen-agers, or have had teen-agers in your home, you undoubtedly understand the process of waiting for “the call.” Those of you who have teen-agers coming on will soon "get it." Until you’ve had your first one you don’t spend a lot of time thinking about it, but after the first one, you are constantly alert for the next one.
You hope the call will be for a ride home, or a “meet me at the mall and bring money”, or a spilled ketchup stain and the need for a change of clothes. You might even imagine that once in a while along the way they will call just to tell you “Happy Birthday,” or “I love you.” Sometimes it is more than that. Sometimes the calls are for really tough things, and sometimes it is someone else who is calling – the police, the nurse, the principal, or the pastor.
It’s not easy getting kids through to adulthood, and even then, until the Lord calls you home, you spend hours, nights, week-ends, worrying about them, hoping everything is OK, and finding some extra funds to help. Most kids get through all right, but not without a few problems, lots of distress about real or imagined difficulties, and most manage to create a couple of heart-stoppers for you.
Imagine then, how the Father lives with His children. Most of us are really pretty self-sufficient (we rarely ever call, if at all), some are constantly seeking more stuff (what we have is never enough) and many get into the communication mode only on those seemingly frequent occasions when everything else has failed. The command given to us in Jeremiah 33:3 goes unused, unknown, and untested. The promise of Matthew 7:7-11 never comes to fruition in our lives.
God’s kids know he has provided absolute sufficiency, but we refuse to appropriate it. We have little time to call, except, perhaps, when a problem arises. We create our own view of the world ignoring what we have been taught by His Word. We don’t or won’t remember from whence we came to life, and fail to appropriate even a meager portion of His bountiful grace.
Just as our kids often ignore us except when they want something, or seek our assistance only when they have to, so we are often like that with our Heavenly Father. He is available for a call from us when we need help. He is available for a call from us when we don’t need help.
Other people talk to Him about us, but He would prefer to hear directly from us – good or bad.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Let 'em Go!
Wow! Mr. Ahmadinejad is going to release the British Marines his country has held captive as a "gift" to the British people. He is doing it, he says, to celebrate the birthday of Muhammad (March 30) and the April 8th celebration of the "passing of Christ."
Two things, Mr. Ahmadinejad (I am sure he reads this blog!). First, releasing the Marines is not a gift, it is the reversal of a kidnapping in which your country violated the sovereignty of Great Britan and held hostage innocent men and women while breaching the Geneva Convention agreements. Secondly, Christians are not celebrating the "passing of Christ." Muhammad is dead, but Jesus Christ is alive and living in Heaven and we celebrate His "resurrection" which now by His Spirit brings resurrection life to each believer.
Try to get at least a part of it right!
Two things, Mr. Ahmadinejad (I am sure he reads this blog!). First, releasing the Marines is not a gift, it is the reversal of a kidnapping in which your country violated the sovereignty of Great Britan and held hostage innocent men and women while breaching the Geneva Convention agreements. Secondly, Christians are not celebrating the "passing of Christ." Muhammad is dead, but Jesus Christ is alive and living in Heaven and we celebrate His "resurrection" which now by His Spirit brings resurrection life to each believer.
Try to get at least a part of it right!
Learning and Knowing
John 8:32
One thing I know is that we don’t learn much, from a Spiritual perspective, on a regular basis. What we know, compared with what we ought to know, is frightening. Lots of us talk a bit of Truth, but fail to live out the great depths of Truth because they are a miniscule part of our overall knowledge base.
Jesus said, in John 8:32, You shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free. But the nagging question remains, what do we know, and are we in the process of learning?
How could anyone sit for years in a Bible Class or under the rhetoric and influence of someone gifted by God for proclamation of the Truth, and remain unlearned about those things that bring genuine freedom to the soul, and to the mind, and to the body? How can we go on year after year with the Word of God in our hands and the Spirit of God in our innermost being and remain unknowing?
Let’s imagine for a moment that there was a GASK test (you’ve heard of the TAKS test, right, the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills, the one we give to public school children to make sure the teachers are not sleeping in class?). Well this one is God’s Assessment of Spiritual Knowledge, and let’s pretend that you have to pass it to get to Heaven (bet you’re getting more excited about GRACE even as you read this). No one is sure exactly what the questions will be, but some will come from Luke and John, and some will come from Zephaniah and 2 Chronicles as well as other books we can’t find without the index. One part of the test requires a written thesis, and though you won’t know the specific subject matter in advance, it will revolve around some aspect of Soteriology, Pneumatology, or Ecclesiology with a particular emphasis on Scriptural Doctrine viewed dispensationally.
Not to worry! I’m sure there is not going to be a test. . .no, I’m really sure. . .I mean we couldn’t have missed that, right?
The reality is that we place less emphasis on Truth in our lives than we do knowledge about the goings on in this world. We spend more time with the TV than with the Scripture, and more time talking on the phone than communicating with God. Rather than learn and know, we hear and forget. Rather than concentrate and consecrate, we play church and pretend. Rather than commit and capture the mind of Christ, we escape and relax.
Of course that’s just my opinion. I could be wrong.
One thing I know is that we don’t learn much, from a Spiritual perspective, on a regular basis. What we know, compared with what we ought to know, is frightening. Lots of us talk a bit of Truth, but fail to live out the great depths of Truth because they are a miniscule part of our overall knowledge base.
Jesus said, in John 8:32, You shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free. But the nagging question remains, what do we know, and are we in the process of learning?
How could anyone sit for years in a Bible Class or under the rhetoric and influence of someone gifted by God for proclamation of the Truth, and remain unlearned about those things that bring genuine freedom to the soul, and to the mind, and to the body? How can we go on year after year with the Word of God in our hands and the Spirit of God in our innermost being and remain unknowing?
Let’s imagine for a moment that there was a GASK test (you’ve heard of the TAKS test, right, the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills, the one we give to public school children to make sure the teachers are not sleeping in class?). Well this one is God’s Assessment of Spiritual Knowledge, and let’s pretend that you have to pass it to get to Heaven (bet you’re getting more excited about GRACE even as you read this). No one is sure exactly what the questions will be, but some will come from Luke and John, and some will come from Zephaniah and 2 Chronicles as well as other books we can’t find without the index. One part of the test requires a written thesis, and though you won’t know the specific subject matter in advance, it will revolve around some aspect of Soteriology, Pneumatology, or Ecclesiology with a particular emphasis on Scriptural Doctrine viewed dispensationally.
Not to worry! I’m sure there is not going to be a test. . .no, I’m really sure. . .I mean we couldn’t have missed that, right?
The reality is that we place less emphasis on Truth in our lives than we do knowledge about the goings on in this world. We spend more time with the TV than with the Scripture, and more time talking on the phone than communicating with God. Rather than learn and know, we hear and forget. Rather than concentrate and consecrate, we play church and pretend. Rather than commit and capture the mind of Christ, we escape and relax.
Of course that’s just my opinion. I could be wrong.
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
For most folks power is enticing, enchanting, and excessively desirable. If we have none, we want some. If we have some, we want more.
Lord Acton's famous words, "Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely", come to mind. I'm am dead certain he is right. Mr. Perry wants to rule Texas. Ms. Pelosi wants to rule the Nation (her words and actions remind me of Louis' XIV, "L' Etat, c'est moi"). Mr. Ahmadinejad wants to rule the world. In every business, school, Church, daycare, and family, somebody is looking for more power. Even the smallest child want to be in control of the toys.
God speaks of the value of submission. To Him, of course, but also of each of us to others. There's a fine line as to when we must exercise power, and when we can submit to the power of others. Failure to understand that principle leads to a lot of corruption.
Lord Acton's famous words, "Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely", come to mind. I'm am dead certain he is right. Mr. Perry wants to rule Texas. Ms. Pelosi wants to rule the Nation (her words and actions remind me of Louis' XIV, "L' Etat, c'est moi"). Mr. Ahmadinejad wants to rule the world. In every business, school, Church, daycare, and family, somebody is looking for more power. Even the smallest child want to be in control of the toys.
God speaks of the value of submission. To Him, of course, but also of each of us to others. There's a fine line as to when we must exercise power, and when we can submit to the power of others. Failure to understand that principle leads to a lot of corruption.
Romans 1:24-32
Some things are just distasteful and talking about them or discussing them sometimes leaves a disagreeable measure of bitterness in our mouth and on our mind. Ever since our society decided to make tolerance the number one virtue among men, we have been asked to swallow the acrid disobedience of moral depravity.
It is difficult for some of us to imaging that God would give up on some. When we understand the cost He personally paid to redeem mankind, one would think His omnipotence would force compliance. But that is not the way of God.
We are saddened when we read and understand the plethora of evil acts that debase the mind and body and turn men’s hearts from the Savior to savagery. Romans 1:24-32 is not an easy passage to misunderstand. If we shut our eyes and close our ears and place our minds in neutral, perhaps we can misconstrue or misinterpret, but it requires effort to do so.
These past few years particularly our great Republic has taken serious steps down the slippery slope of immorality toward the abyss of Spiritual death. When our nation, by any means and to whatever degree, facilitates an increase in the speed or our abandonment of God’s design and purpose, we move inextricably toward the consuming fire of His righteous judgment against us.
When the silence of the Church is perceived to be tacit approval, we who are of the family of God invite the wrath of God on those who practice evil, and the discipline of God on those who, by their inability to remain faithful, incur the chastening and scourging of our Father who deals with us as sons (see Hebrews 12:6-8). It is, therefore, incumbent on believers everywhere to speak the Truth in llove. God hates sin!
We must never allow ignorance and/or disobedience of Truth to become the norm for our society. The Church must stand on the absolute authority of the Scriptures and expect explicit obedience to the revealed will of God. Where that conflicts with the rebellion of those who have given themselves to uncleanness and lust, have dishonored their bodies, worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, and exchanged the Truth of God for a lie, so be it.
Share the Gospel. Pray. Explain the penalty of the error. Llove. But never give up the Truth. It is our only hope and salvation.
Some things are just distasteful and talking about them or discussing them sometimes leaves a disagreeable measure of bitterness in our mouth and on our mind. Ever since our society decided to make tolerance the number one virtue among men, we have been asked to swallow the acrid disobedience of moral depravity.
It is difficult for some of us to imaging that God would give up on some. When we understand the cost He personally paid to redeem mankind, one would think His omnipotence would force compliance. But that is not the way of God.
We are saddened when we read and understand the plethora of evil acts that debase the mind and body and turn men’s hearts from the Savior to savagery. Romans 1:24-32 is not an easy passage to misunderstand. If we shut our eyes and close our ears and place our minds in neutral, perhaps we can misconstrue or misinterpret, but it requires effort to do so.
These past few years particularly our great Republic has taken serious steps down the slippery slope of immorality toward the abyss of Spiritual death. When our nation, by any means and to whatever degree, facilitates an increase in the speed or our abandonment of God’s design and purpose, we move inextricably toward the consuming fire of His righteous judgment against us.
When the silence of the Church is perceived to be tacit approval, we who are of the family of God invite the wrath of God on those who practice evil, and the discipline of God on those who, by their inability to remain faithful, incur the chastening and scourging of our Father who deals with us as sons (see Hebrews 12:6-8). It is, therefore, incumbent on believers everywhere to speak the Truth in llove. God hates sin!
We must never allow ignorance and/or disobedience of Truth to become the norm for our society. The Church must stand on the absolute authority of the Scriptures and expect explicit obedience to the revealed will of God. Where that conflicts with the rebellion of those who have given themselves to uncleanness and lust, have dishonored their bodies, worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, and exchanged the Truth of God for a lie, so be it.
Share the Gospel. Pray. Explain the penalty of the error. Llove. But never give up the Truth. It is our only hope and salvation.
Monday, April 2, 2007
Cheapening the Church
There's a new Church (not too new, actually) in town. It's got a name, but the website calls it the "rocknroll" church. I'm trying to figure out what that means before I go. I think the sermons are patterned after semi-popular TV series (whatever happened to Bible series?). At least it's got be as good as TV. I am interested in the "tooth and nail battle" these folks are struggling with. I'm supposing that means the "casting your burdens on Him (Christ)" philosophy is finally over.
They even tell me that the preacher will take the truths of the Bible and relate them to struggles we all face. Gosh, I wish God had done that. And, they have a free breakfast! Now that's what I'm looking for in a Church!
They even tell me that the preacher will take the truths of the Bible and relate them to struggles we all face. Gosh, I wish God had done that. And, they have a free breakfast! Now that's what I'm looking for in a Church!
Romans 6:1-14
This word may not be part of your vocabulary (I certainly don’t use it in normal conversation), but the meaning is vital. Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words tells us that the literal meaning is “missing the mark.” Dr. Vine goes on to say that this “etymological meaning is largely lost sight of in the New Testament.”
What’s more important to me is that we may have lost sight of it in the Church of the 21st century. Stop here and take a moment to read Romans 6:1-14.
I’m one of those “old fashioned” people who believe that the Father has set a mark for us to attain. It might well be said that the mark, although extremely high, is to walk in newness of life in every moment of every day of our life.
Attaining (note this word is not obtaining) that distinction requires a little concentration in a couple of areas. First, we have to know what “sin” is, and secondly, we have to overcome (achieve victory) that sin by the grace of God and the power of His Spirit residing within us.
There’s not a lot of rhetoric regarding the former in 21st century gatherings of the family. Because we don’t know when we have missed the mark, we experience difficulty in gaining victory. Sin is not something we like to hear about unless we are hearing about sin that does not challenge or affect us. Sermons condemning bank-robbery leave us feeling victorious, while sermons on corrupt communication leave us wishing we had slept-in.
I believe the Scriptures teach us that it is our mouth that is often “foul” or “rotten” (the meaning of corrupt). We want that to mean cursing and taking God’s name in vain. And of course, it does mean that. But it is much more than that. The Christian’s words must always be uplifting, encouraging, supportive, and positive even when corrective. It is always “missing the mark” when our words are negative, destructive, damaging, and sow discord in the family. Gossip, for example, is more than a “problem” in the life of the Church. It is hamartia! It grieves the Holy Spirit of God (Ephesians 4:30). It is classified along with “fornication, uncleanness, covetousness, filthiness, and idolatry“ (Ephesians 5:3-5).
No one ever said it better than God through the Apostle Paul. Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you. (Ephesians 4:31-32)
This word may not be part of your vocabulary (I certainly don’t use it in normal conversation), but the meaning is vital. Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words tells us that the literal meaning is “missing the mark.” Dr. Vine goes on to say that this “etymological meaning is largely lost sight of in the New Testament.”
What’s more important to me is that we may have lost sight of it in the Church of the 21st century. Stop here and take a moment to read Romans 6:1-14.
I’m one of those “old fashioned” people who believe that the Father has set a mark for us to attain. It might well be said that the mark, although extremely high, is to walk in newness of life in every moment of every day of our life.
Attaining (note this word is not obtaining) that distinction requires a little concentration in a couple of areas. First, we have to know what “sin” is, and secondly, we have to overcome (achieve victory) that sin by the grace of God and the power of His Spirit residing within us.
There’s not a lot of rhetoric regarding the former in 21st century gatherings of the family. Because we don’t know when we have missed the mark, we experience difficulty in gaining victory. Sin is not something we like to hear about unless we are hearing about sin that does not challenge or affect us. Sermons condemning bank-robbery leave us feeling victorious, while sermons on corrupt communication leave us wishing we had slept-in.
I believe the Scriptures teach us that it is our mouth that is often “foul” or “rotten” (the meaning of corrupt). We want that to mean cursing and taking God’s name in vain. And of course, it does mean that. But it is much more than that. The Christian’s words must always be uplifting, encouraging, supportive, and positive even when corrective. It is always “missing the mark” when our words are negative, destructive, damaging, and sow discord in the family. Gossip, for example, is more than a “problem” in the life of the Church. It is hamartia! It grieves the Holy Spirit of God (Ephesians 4:30). It is classified along with “fornication, uncleanness, covetousness, filthiness, and idolatry“ (Ephesians 5:3-5).
No one ever said it better than God through the Apostle Paul. Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you. (Ephesians 4:31-32)
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