Monday, April 23, 2007

The Wall

It reminds me of the story of the Kentucky fellow who said to the Texan, "There's enough gold in Ft. Knox to build a wall around Texas four feet tall." To which the Texan replied, "Go ahead and build it. If I like it, I'll buy it!"

Build the wall in Baghdad. Build the wall between Mexico and the U.S. Southwest. People have been building walls between themselves and others since the beginning of time. The Chinese have one left over that is pretty impressive. People in Iraq will blow it up. People in Mexico will go around or over or under. Men and women are going to do what they have always done and nothing short of God's miraculous intervention will change them them.

God's intervention is in the person of Jesus Christ. New minds are created through exchanged hearts. And the vast majority of folks in this old World are havin' none of that.


Anonymous said...

Well said.

Christian West said...

Thanks for your comment. Did you just find us here at lloveletters? There have been a lot of posts since this one. Hope you become a regular reader. And I hope to hear from you as you have opportunity.
