Thursday, May 31, 2007

Can't You Die of That?

"Health officials in North America and Europe sought passenger lists Wednesday for two trans-Atlantic airline flights in their effort to find about 80 people who sat near a honeymooner infected with a dangerous drug-resistant form of tuberculosis." By MIKE STOBBE, AP Medical Writer

I'm glad they found this guy and have him under quarantine. No sense in taking a chance with his life or yours.

You are, however, often sitting next to someone who had a problem that will cause his death and separation from God forever. If you are a possessor of Truth, you can initiate the conversation that may lead to his salvation. Don't wait until it's too late!


Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians appears to indicate some concern that the folks who were the Church had been subjected to some false teaching or teachers (perhaps by letters written to them falsely claiming Paul’s authority). They were in need of some encouragement and in Chapter 5, verses 16-18 (in part) Paul said, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks. . .

I am confident that is perfect counsel for each of us as we face the daily complexities we call “life.”

Think for a moment about the encouragement (read: command) to rejoice always. If that means we are to rejoice when things go wrong, we can identify. If it means to rejoice when others let you down, we can understand. If it means to rejoice when it appears that the enemy has the upper hand and most, if not all, of our efforts are failing to succeed, we get it! Learning how to rejoice when we want to cry or turn away or even run away, is a crucial part of our Spiritual growth process.

Prayer helps, of course. Staying in intimate contact with the Father allows us to see more clearly what He is up to in our lives. Giving thanks in everything (surely not!) teaches us the profound principle that God is in charge of the circumstances and situations of our life. If and when we understand that basic Truth, our rejoicing comes easier.

Are you rejoicing in the understanding that today is the day that He has made and there is an exciting adventure awaiting those who are seeking the Kingdom of God in their daily walk?

Does rejoicing fill your mind when you recognize that the Father has revealed Himself, His plan, and His purpose in His Word and that Word is encapsulated in the book on your shelf and the Spirit of God Himself is available to teach you its treasures?

Do you find yourself rejoicing that God has given you another day to be the progenitor of a personal ministry that shares His llove in the life of an individual who has yet to come to faith?

Surely rejoicing overflows your heart and mind to know that just down the street, or across the way, there is a Body of believers who welcome you, walk with you, thrive on getting to know and llove you, and anxious to be imperative in your life.

Let’s rejoice. Let’s rejoice together. Let’s rejoice each day along this path we walk together. After all, we not only have this incredible treasure of abundant, eternal life, but we have each other. That calls for rejoicing!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The War Continues

"The guys that we lost, we remember them, and that's what pretty much drives us every day, " said Pfc. Samuel Rhodes, 25, of Albuquerque, N.M. "The day that they died, that totally broke my heart. It angered me. It made me want to fight twice as hard." (MAYA ALLERUZZO, Associated Press Writer Mon May 28, 10:02 PM ET)

I hate this war! I pray for victory and peace. At the same time I cannot help but remember how much it is like the spiritual war in which God's people are involved. The funeral I attended yesterday reminded me that death is the result of sin, and we need to fight harder than ever to share the redeeming grace of God. Would to God we were brokenhearted and angered by the victories of the enemy that rob so many of real life here and now, and for eternity.


I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is God's power for salvation to everyone who believes. . . Romans 1:16

It can be safely said that “preaching” in the 21st century Church is definitely a toss-up as to what one will get when the deed is done. There are among us some great orators, technicians, scholars, persuaders, expositors, story-tellers, collectors (read: offering takers), motivators, and undoubtedly a multitude of other descriptive terms, along with some who are not much good at any of those things. In fact, terms like long-winded, boring, silly, and worthless are not uncommon among the flock.

Yet the Truth of God’s Word is that preaching is to be the central focus of the Body. It is there that the Gospel of Christ is proclaimed which is the power of God to Salvation (Romans 1:16; 1 Corinthians 1:18). It is in the process of preaching that Scripture is applied to the brain and teaching, reproof, correction, and training resulting in maturity along with the necessary ingredients to prepare each individual for good works, are delivered (2 Timothy 3:16)

So why is that so hard to find in the Church of Jesus Christ in the 21st century? Why is it that multitudes attend “Church services” every weekend and yet find their lives and/or actions unchanged and/or antithetical to the calling of God for the redeemed? Why is it that “great preaching” is seldom the “draw” at the local Church?

William McPheeters (of long, long, ago) said, “O if our ministers could only realize the utter reasonableness of doing what the Apostles did; preach the Word and pray the Holy Spirit to bless it.”

Perhaps the preaching suffers because the minister is of poor quality (sorry!). Perhaps the preaching suffers because the minister’s intellectual capacity is diminished (sorry!). Perhaps the preaching suffers because the minister’s relationship with God’s Spirit is hindered by, well, pick any number of reasons.

Most likely, however, the preaching suffers because the preacher is too busy. Not too busy because there is much to do, rather too busy because the busy-ness of Church activities is an easier task than the assignment of hearing the Truth from God via His Word and praying the power of the Spirit, through the proclamation, to bring it to fruition in the Body.

I could be wrong. . .but I doubt it.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Conventional Wisdom

Dartmouth University political science professor and analyst Linda Fowler is quoted by AFP as saying, "The deadline for withdrawal of (US) troops will be back on the agenda and I think there will be a number of Republicans willing to suport it as we get closer to the 2008 (presidential) elections."

Now let me make sure I have this straight. Winning the election is more important than winning the war? Or, perhaps your Congressman might say, "I'm willing to abandon our commitments, and play fast and loose with the safety of all Americans, if it means I'll get re-elected.

Heaven, help us! And speaking of Heaven, have you considered whether you are willing to abandon the sin of unbelief for the promise of eternal security?


You are not thinking about God's concerns, but man's. Mark 8:33b

Being critical is bad. Having a critical eye is good. Criticism hurts. Critical information often solves the problem. Say it like it is – we have a problem with this concept in our lives, and our families, and our Churches.

Jesus was sometimes critical of those who were off trac. See Matthew 23:27. Lend more than a passing evaluation to Mark 8:33. Sometimes being critical of that which is wrong is right. Sometimes a critical spirit, while missing the mark in its proper evaluation of a circumstance, spurs another look which enhances understanding or precipitates needed or necessary change.

Don’t shrink too quickly when criticism comes toward you, or toward someone you llove. It might just be the catalyst that forges the good with the better or the better with the best.

Learning how to say what must be said and not hurt others in the process, is more than skill development, it is performing art. It is practicing the disciplines of llove, actually, and we need to know that. Llove never lets one lloved go on doing things that hurt themselves or those around them without verbal intervention. We say what must be said, in llove, with genuine support for the individual and their inevitable emotional discomfort.

No one likes to be criticized. But we must be honest enough to recognize that criticism is often the very action that gets things moving in the right (read: God’s) direction. Now, that is the direction in which we are traveling, right?

Thursday, May 24, 2007


I'm a Harley rider (enough said). Some motorists just don't notice motorcycles, or, perhaps, just don't care since they are sure the motorcycle will "yield." People pull out in front of me, cut me off, move into the lane where I am (I mean exactly where I am), and never hesitate to scare the socks right off my feet.

Now to make things worse, we seeing more and more roving bands of idiots on "high perfomance bikes" (read: Japanese products) who are "stunting" on the freeways and byways. It's giving all of us (riders) a bad name. Sooooo -- just stop it! OK?

Christians who live like the World (read: Devil) give God a bad name, and believers a bad name, and Churches a bad name. Sooooo -- just stop it! OK?

Praise and Worship

If there is one subject that seems to attract a lot of attention it is "Praise and Worship." When people talk about it they are generally (not always, of course) talking about the music, prayer, conversation, direction and scope, of everything that precedes the “preaching.” Some people are looking for a “traditional” operation in this area, others, something much more “contemporary.” Still others are trying desperately to find that “middle of the road,” “try to please most folks” blend that incorporates a little of everything.

Paul, the Apostle, said in Ephesians 5:19 that there ought to be a variety of musical offerings, . . .Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.

I am afraid that we have adopted that philosophy without remembering some other words of Paul when he said in Colossians 3:16, Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

I, for one, am going to begin to take a closer look at the music I hear and sing to make certain that my concerns are less about when it was written (1796 vs. 1996), and the style with which it is sung (traditional vs. contemporary), and focus on the value of its presentation of the “Word of Christ” and whether or not it “teaches me Truth” and “counsels me wisely.”

Music performs a variety of tasks. I really like a broad spectrum of classical music. My favorite is the William Tell Overture by Rossini. And, though it may offend some, I really like a bit of fluff from Willie Nelson, and I llove to laugh a lot at Ray Stevens, especially the Mississippi Squirrel Revival.

But when it comes to worship, I want the music to speak to me the Words of life. I want it to teach me the great truths of the faith, the attributes of God, to speak to me of the holiness demanded of my life, and give me wise counsel from the Scriptures. And, oh yeah, I want it to allow me to praise Him for his wonderful, incredible, infinite, grace and mercy in my life.

Maybe we need to contact the music guys, ya’ reckon?

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

It's Over. . .or Nearly

I can finally relax! The Batchelor got his girl, the dance champions have been crowned, and the Idol contest is down to the last go round and I hear the final two are equally matched. Jack Bauer has saved the United States (again), Paris is going to serve her time, and the SuperBowl is coming to Dallas.

Nevermind that war rages on multiple fronts, Congress is out of control, Truth is being exchanged for the lies of immorality, and the world is racing toward Hell in a handbasket. The Church has lost it's voice, schools are failing to produce competent students, and society approaches critical failure.

It's time for me to quote Alfred E. Newman -- "What, me worry?"


God is faithful! Know therefore that Yahweh your God is God, the faithful God who keeps His gracious covenant loyalty to a thousand generations with those that love him and keep his commandments. (Deuteronomy 7:9) We are not! I know we like to say we are, and perhaps to a small degree, sometimes we are. But in comparison to His operation and His calling in our lives, we just aren’t. There is no easy way to say it. There is no way around it, no avoiding the problem. We lack faithfulness.

God is never distracted. We are. What He says He will do, He always does. His merciful faithfulness is new every morning. We are told in Lamentations (3:22), Because of the Lord’s faithful llove we do not perish, for His mercies never end. They are new every morning; great is His faithfulness.

God never tires, is never late, never misses an opportunity, never focuses elsewhere, never turns away, never fails to llove fully, never goes in the wrong direction, never takes a wrong action, never turns a deaf ear, and never, never gives up.

How easily we say, “well, He is God and I am not.” True! True! But we are to be like Him. We are to be imitators of His actions, ministers of His grace, conduits for His endless, infinite llove, and worthy of His calling in our life.

Why on Earth did God choose you, and lavish His llove on you, redeem you from the curse of sin, fill you with His Spirit, gift your life with His supernatural power, enlighten your mind to Truth, and place you in a position of limitless possibilities?

If you don’t know the answer to that question, or you haven’t discovered a lifestyle that embodies those concepts, you’ve missed it. His faithfulness to those purposes is everlasting. He’s never going to change. He’s never going to lose focus on the issues, or fail to follow through. What about you?

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Good and Bad

My cell phone refuses to work properly, and my vendor does not care. . .and has said as much.
I want so badly to "run them down" to everyone I know. I guess I won't.

The guy who offered to cut and bale my hay won't get the job done and time's wasting away when we could be working on a second crop. I really want to call him and give him "what for." I guess I won't.

Some of my friends are pulling out of our relationship. I want to cry, but I guess I won't.

What I will do is tell you I had a bagle from Panera Bread this morning. It was warm, and wonderful, and really "hit the spot." You ought to stop by there sometime and ask for a Cinnamon Crunch. It's really, really good.


I spent some time in a cemetery yesterday. I saw gravestones dating back as far as 1876. I’m sure there were probably older ones. And, of course, there are newer ones. One, fresh, unmarked yet. Now I know we don’t like talking about death and dying, but after living a long time, and ministering most of that time, I have reached the conclusion that this mortality we all share ends, and sometimes abruptly.

Now if I knew a tornado or a tsunami were coming to an area near you, I’m thinking you would like for me to let you know about it. So, I going to take the chance that you might want to hear this as well.

Death is coming. It may be a multitude of years before it overtakes you, or it might be tonight. God has individually numbered our days and has not given us the number. I know the Bible talks about “threescore and ten” (Psalm 90:10) years of life and we know that some live longer, some not so long. My father lived fourscore years, and my mother fourscore and fourteen, and perhaps my time will fall somewhere in-between.

No matter really. Once we have come to faith in Jesus Christ, we’re fit for Heaven and will spend eternity in the dwelling place He has prepared for us (see John 14). My concern lies not in longevity, but in the quality of the spiritual maturity we possess and demonstrate while the numbers are still running.

It was such a joy to speak of the “saint-ly-ness” of my friend yesterday. To see a life lived well on Earth, and believing she received Heaven’s “well-done” upon arrival brings peace in the midst of sorrow, joy in the midst of hurt.

We need to focus everyday on “our calling.” We need to demand of ourselves a walk worthy of who we are and what has been entrusted to us by the Father. We must recognize that while we traverse this landscape we call life, there is a responsibility that cannot be avoided or dismissed. Our lives have impact on others. What we say and what we do are those things that bless or curse, wound or heal, speak life. . .or not.

For most of you who read these words, that guy who bores you on Sunday and stays too long in your hospital room when you want to sleep, who calls you to inopportune challenges, and confuses you with his own vacillations, will someday accompany you to the cemetery. What will he say there? I know we don’t like thinking about that. . .but let’s do it anyway.

Monday, May 21, 2007

At Last, the Truth

From the May 20, 2007 Washington Post, staff writer Joel Achenbach speaks about as much truth as I can handle for one day. It's so good, and so true, I didn't want you to miss it.

"So much of what is packaged and distributed in American politics at the national level is, let us be honest, a lie -- or spin, or an illusion, or a partisan manipulation of facts, or something bought and paid for by special interests. Perhaps it's just bad journalism, or tabloid trash, or the mindless spew of cable TV shouters. You don't have to be completely marinated in your own cynicism to perceive that much of what we call "politics" is a farce, a sham, a travesty and a buncha bull malarkey."

Man, oh man, I wish I'd Said That!

And it so much reminds me of what goes on in some Churches on Sunday. Just substitute the thought that it is preaching that is being talked about. John MacArthur is absolutely right when he says, "Church leaders are obsessed with style and methodology, losing interest in the glory of God and becoming grossly apathetic about truth and sound doctrine. For the moment at least, the battle appears to be turning in the enemy's favor." (The Truth War, Thomas Nelson, 2007, page xvii)

Assault On The Family

FYI [I actually wrote this piece some time ago (a couple of years), but it's time to repeat it! If some of it seems dated, you'll understand. Thanks for reading it. . .or reading it again.]
Christian West.

This may be the next in a long line of those who have been writing and talking about the assault on the family in American family, but it’s time to “speak my piece.”

Television is without doubt a major culprit in what I believe is the Enemy’s design to damage, an ultimately, prohibit many from knowing God’s design for families. The latest exhibition of dysfunctional and disorderly distress comes to us directly from Wisteria Lane, Hollywood. It’s not new, it’s just more blatant. Role reversal, adult immaturity, sexual infidelity, drugs, booze, divorce, murder, fraud and deceit are all pictured as normal operations in the neighborhood. Sure, I would llove to believe that everyone sees it for what it is (poisonous hype designed to extort money from bored, lazy, unsuspecting couch potatoes), but I am more and more convinced each day that our society has been dumbed down to the point that most people are unable to separate the fiction from the reality. Is that stuff on the afternoon garbage heap (Springer, etc.) for real? And even those among us who are a bit brighter fully realize that “the perfect marriage” between the “perfect couple” (Pitt/Aniston) lasted almost an eternity at four and a half years. What chance is there for those who are not perfect?

I have to share with you my heart, however. I don’t think it is the TV, or the Hollywood off-again/on-again marriages, or the rising divorce rate, or the homosexual agenda, or the economy, or any other number of scenarios trotted out to convince us that Christian marriages and homes are passé that is the major problem. I can’t speak about marriages and home inhabited by “lost” folk. They are under the control of the Enemy and everything that can go wrong, will go wrong. But I can address Christian homes and families. We know there is little difference between the two (Christian vs. non-Christian) in the divorce/dysfunctional/booze filled/drug oriented/family-at-war/somebody is going to jail, arena. But there is a huge difference in what must be the operational agenda. Christian parents need to turn off the TV and turn on the Truth (spend time in God’s Word with your spouse and kids). Get your family up on Sunday and get them in a Spirit-filled, Bible believing, Truth teaching/preaching, lloving, caring Church. Get rid of those movies that pollute the mind, those video games that are vile and violent, that “Godliness is for jerks” attitude, that hate-filled “I’m better than you” mind set, the “I married the wrong person” syndrome, and the “my kids will turn out all-right if I build their self-esteem” idiocy, and start living in the light of God’s design for marriages and families. Pray together! Pray separately! Pray, and then pray some more!

And if you don’t know where to find the kind of Church that Christian families need, Drop me a note. I can turn you on to a few.

Now I’ve said my piece. What are you going to do about it?

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Bipartisan - No Matter What

When a peice of proposed legislation is really bad, lots of folks in Congress and the Administration start talking about how "bipartisan" it is. In other words, it doesn't matter how bad the law is for the American people, at least we did something that the majority of Congress and the White House can agree on. How sad is that?

Most people seem to want the various factions of the Christian Church in the United States to "get along." What will it hurt to sacrifice a little (or a lot) of Truth? What will it hurt to compromise on Godliness and righteousness, if we can all just agree on something. The "emerging church" seems to believe that Truth cannot be understood or worse, be known at all. Others (traditional evangelicals) believe it is only Truth that matters and it is clearly revealed in God's Word.

The future will tell the story. This latest "bipartisan" legislation will help to destroy America as we know it. Failing to embrace the Truth will decimate the Church. But hey, at least we'll all go down together.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Non-binding Support

News from the Associated Press says, "In a bid to expedite negotiations and avoid thorny procedural hurdles, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid set up a vote Thursday on a nonbinding resolution expressing support for the troops." (emphasis mine)

Say what? A non-binding support for the troops? Does that mean we might support them and we might not, depending on how we feel on a particular day, or how much it might cost to supply them with weapons and food, or whether or not they don't kill enough of the enemy, or too many of the enemy, or . . .

Give me a break! He's starting to sound like a lot of the people who attend Church. "Well, we might support the Church if we get our way, or if we get to lead, or if no one offends us, or if the Pastor stops preaching so long, or if the music sounds more like Billy Bob's than Heaven, or . . ."

"Harry, retire, will you? We need real Americans in leadership!"

The Last To Know

Therefore be as shrewd as serpents and as harmless as doves. Matthew 10:16b

I think I’ve discovered something. I’m sure I am not the first, but at least, at last, I have seen the light. I’m sure it’s important.

While talking with a friend this past week discussing items related to the Church of Jesus Christ, my friend mentioned that she had talked with someone about the possibility of involving another person in an activity and was told that person might not be available because of a particular circumstance. Then my friend said to me – “I guess I’m the last to know.”

Almost immediately I understood something vitally important. Perhaps my friend might be the “last to know” because she is busy at being worthy of her calling. She is actively involved in ministry, meeting needs, caring for and lloving others, and generally not available to ask for, listen for, or care about, the latest “news” (read gossip). I think that “being the last to know” might be one of the markers of a successful journey toward Spiritual maturity.

I am reminded of Matthew 10:16b. I believe that it is there we are told there is no reason for us to ever be less than pure and innocent, and never, as wise servants, to be open to the negatives and hurtfulness of that which is not appropriate or of the right propriety for those who llove one another.

Some of God’s people can’t wait to hear the news, review the news, and spread the news, while others have no interest at all in that which damages or disrupts or destroys.

When the rumors start, and the gossip flies, when the dirt is being shoveled about, there are some who are not listening. There are some who are considered smart, cunning, cautious, and shrewd in dealing with the unbelieving world around them. Would to God we would have that same operation toward the members of the family of God.

If everyone were the last to know, there might never be a first to know.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Got Gas?

If the profit for the oil company averages about .08 cents per gallon, and the tax for the Government averages .50 cents per gallon, I think I see a partial solution! Have we ever considered the fact that it's not so much that people are driving more, but that there are more people driving (there's a new crop of teen-agers and illegals getting cars every day)! And why won't anyone in Government talk about building more refining capacity?

When I get to Heaven I am going to ask God why nobody ever listened to me about how to solve the world's problems! This gas thing is really simple. Outlaw driving! Force everyone to walk or ride a bicycle. It makes about as much sense as politicians riding the oil companies into the ground on their way to re-election. Or here's an even better idea - let's use the methane produced in Congress to fuel our vehicles - problem solved!

I've got to keep reminding myself - God lloves Congress-persons too.

The Exchange

What will it benefit a man if he gains the whole world yet loses his life? Matthew 16:26

When I was boy we used to trade marbles. I would exchange some that were not my favorites for others that I had taken a liking to. My Margie has been known to trade a baseball card or two along the way
Jesus asked the question about what we would give in exchange for our soul (see Matthew 16:26). As I examine all of the turmoil and distress of our society and our world, I am reminded of some of the great gifts He exchanges for the worthless uselessness of our unredeemed life.

For the death we have inherited from Adam’s race, He gives the perfect, sinless life of Christ.

For the war that rages in our members, He gives the peace of His presence and the peace of His satisfied justice.

For all the hopelessness that surrounds us, He gives the person of His son who is our hope both in this life and the life to come.

In the midst of the poverty that is this life, He surrounds me and fills me with the riches of His grace and mercy.

When I discover that my way is purposeless, He provides a purpose that consumes my hours and fills my days.

Amidst the sadness of Earthly affairs, He brings happiness and in the despair of reality, endless joy.

When I discovered my ultimate blindness, He gave me vision, without which I would perish.

He turned the cursing of this life to blessing as He filled my soul with song.

I released my hatred and discovered llove, the greatest gift of all, from Him who lloved me enough to give His very best, to ransom my worthlessness with His own blood; what llove, what llove!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Georgia-Florida, Catalina Island, California - it's that time of year. I sometimes wonder if the fires will ever get so big they will consume the whole country (except the desert, of course, since sand doesn't burn well).

I am reminded that gossip is like a wildfire. Talking about others in a negative light, spreading information regarding something about which the truth is little known, is really damaging.

Gossip which damages the name or reputation or career, or anything else, of another individual is as destructive to life as is fire. My mom was right; "if you can't say something good about someone, just say nothing at all."

Watching TV

Now you, man of God, . . .pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, llove, endurance, and gentleness. 1 Timothy 6:11

There is always controversy regarding the moral degeneration of television fare. The Super bowl fiasco a couple of years back was a final straw for some, and the soft porn of Desperate Housewives and the mayhem of a Suns vs. Spurs playoff has others up in arms.

Personally my dismay with TV preceded the more relaxed moral climate and focused on the stupidity. . .let me rephrase that. . .silliness of so much of the programming. Now I have to be honest. I have seldom been able to get all the way through thirty minutes, much less an hour, of those things they call “situation comedies.” They are, by my standard, predominately sexual in nature, intellectually vacant, condescending, and juvenile. Most of the “cop” shows only have one story line and they tell it over and over and over. It’s hard to watch most pro-sports games without being turned off by the grandstanding, showboating, and “me, me, me” philosophy (we need more players like Nowitski and Nash, who never seem to be self-focused). Whatever happened to the great cowboy stuff, like Gunsmoke, my personal favorite (even with Matt and Kitty drinkin’ in the Longbranch).

There is still good programming on TV (and I don’t mean the religious channels –they mostly are intellectually vacant as well). But maybe those of us who want to keep our minds “clean and sober” (1 Timothy 3:2), need to focus on a higher standard. Perhaps the “off” switch needs to become our favorite.

Do you think Paul was talking about TV in 1 Timothy 6:11ff? Well probably not, but it does say what we need to hear in a lot of areas and TV is certainly one of them. Read through verse 16. Now, how much time do we spend pursuing righteousness, Godliness, faith, llove, patience, gentleness – as opposed to watching TV?

Is the one who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, who alone has immortality, dwelling in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see, to whom be honor and everlasting power, pleased with our choices regarding the time spent in front of the TV.

No, I’m not a wild-eyed advocate of tossing TV’s into the streets and burning down the networks. But I do think there is a lot of stuff there that damages our faith, and harms our witness. Watch what you watch! Take time to read a good book (there are several I can recommend). Talk to your spouse and kids for a while. Spend some time alone with the Father. Take a walk, ride your bike again, call a friend and shoot a little breeze.

Hey, watch a little TV! It will certainly broaden your perspective. Just recognize what is good and what is not. And if you can’t figure it out, send me an e-mail. I’ll be happy to share my narrow-minded prejudices with you.

Monday, May 14, 2007

The Cost of Living

The cost of sending a letter goes up today.

The cost of gasoline goes up almost everyday, it seems.

The cost of travel continues to rise - air fares, hotels, cruise ships, rental cars, etc., make one stay home more than one desires.

The cost of government rises exponentially through tax increases as war continues, services expand, and pork abounds.

The only cost that remains the same is the cost of Heaven. It's free. Always has been, always will be.


Early the other morning my running partner and I were discussing some really important items; like the value of TV, and other things men talk about when they are really tired. And although neither of us has seen much of the “show” we talked for a moment about the “makeover” stuff.

I told him that the question on my mind was not so much about how they do that, but rather, how long does it last? I mean, they take a person, as I understand it, and change almost everything about them physically; hair, complexion, weight, teeth, attire, and other assorted goodies. What they can’t change, of course, is their history. So without any research, or knowledge really, I am going to jump to a hasty conclusion.

Since I hear it takes about 8-10 weeks, or so, for the transformation to take place in its entirety, I’ll wager (whoops) that it takes not much longer than that for the person to return to the same state of disrepair (except for the cosmetic surgery) as when they began. I do know that all the liposuction in the world won’t keep you slim and trim unless there is a corresponding change in your diet and exercise habits. I also know that those teeth will return to dingy yellow if you go back to the two pack-a-day habit. I’ll also go so far as to say that when you have to pay for the hairdresser and the make-up artist to make you look so good, it may be a while before you have it done.

Well, now, none of that is any of my business, but I wanted to make a Spiritual point if I may.

It is really hard to endure. Just as it is hard to change your history of past lapses in caring for yourself, and allowing your body to be in disrepair, so it is hard to endure the difficulties of the Christian experience. Take a moment to read these Scriptures:
2 Thessalonians 1:4-5
2 Timothy 2:3
Mark 13:13

Do you have what it takes to maintain the beauty of God’s presence in you day by day? Do you have what it takes to remain holy in the midst of all the unholy things around you? Do you have what it takes to endure? Now be sure you know what it takes – dependence and obedience. We are totally dependent upon His presence and power to be what He designed us and called us to be. Our obedience is the key to successfully exhibiting a life of peace, joy, llove, and beauty. It is true that God has “made us over” in the beloved Christ (see 2 Corinthians 5:17). Now we must exercise absolute dependence and obedience to continue the path on which He has set our feet. And, by the way, beautiful feet they are, according to Romans 10:15.

Sunday, May 13, 2007


Sometimes the "Church" gets itself into a mess trying to do things men believe is right. And therein lies the problem. The Church is about doing what God has said is right regardless of how we think or feel about it.

There is a lot of talk about providing sanctuary for illegal immigrants so that they will not be deported or jailed. Whatever else we do with and for illegals, let's get our priorities straight. The Church is not above the laws of a state or our Nation, nor are we allowed to be disobedient to the laws of our state or Nation. I am not aware of any laws that violate the clear commands of Scripture, so I am limited to obedience. Period! Paragraph!

One can't pick and choose which Truth to obey. The Church does not have that authority!

Now What?

Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you. Matthew 6:33

Do you ever find yourself in the position of wondering what you are going to do next? Sometimes even before we finish what we are doing, we’re wondering what is going to follow. Besides keeping our minds way too busy, that kind of wondering hinders us from appreciating or enjoying the moment. Some have said that it is not the destination that is so important, but rather, the journey.

In Matthew 6 the Father gives us good counsel regarding our incredible ability to worry about everything even to the point of rushing through things so we can get to other things to rush through. Many of us rush through the week so we can get a day or two off which we will rush through so we can get back to what we are afraid will fail without us.

We have not learned that while the future is important, and planning is wise, and care needs to be exercised in all our work and effort, we must take time to enjoy the moment. We must lessen our concern about how everything is going to turn out, and believe that if we do what the Father has commanded, however it turns out is OK.

Now what? Well, remind yourself of verse 33 in this 6th Chapter of Matthew. A simple command, adequately followed, taking priority, and overshadowing every other thing, will yield exactly what we desire.

I’d write more, but I’ve got a lot of other stuff to do. . .

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

And Now, Some Lighter News

Crime is out of control in our nation, especially crime involving identity theft.

Terrorists are among us, and it's more luck than skill that keeps them temporarily at bay.

Congress, elected to protect us, is too busy trying to get re-elected to do so, as usual.

The Church of Jesus Christ is at a crisis of belief in the clear revelation of Scripture.

The cost of living is reaching unreachable levels for many if not most.

Apathy and indifference are at catastrophic levels.

But, hey, we've got to deal with this matter of Paris Hilton going to jail before we can get to the lesser things.


Be reconciled to God! 2 Corinthians 5:20

I hope you are ready to get involved. There is much made of the belief on the part of some that the Christian community has no part or involvement in the politics of our Republic. With the lack of participation on the part of the vast majority of evangelical Christians (and I'm not talking about the Christian "radical right", whatever that is) in the political process, we have evidently succumbed to that belief. That belief is, however, incorrect. We must not only verbally proclaim our faith (witnesses), but we must also live out our faith in the institutions and insanities of our society.

Our Republic was founded and built on the wisdom of God revealed in Scripture. Our forefathers knew this experiment they were developing would never be able to succeed without righteous leaders and Godly actions. In the last few years many have begun to believe that we are in the throes of collapse because of our departure from those principals.

Finding righteous men to lead is a difficult process. The good guys avoid politics and politicians, by definition, are often iffy. Laws proliferate, right becomes wrong, wrong becomes acceptable, and Christians avoid the fight. It’s easier to just watch from the sidelines and somehow believe that God will intervene before it is too late.

I believe this is a time in history when we better be right. If we miss it this time (and I am speaking now about our National Government), the time bomb on which we are standing will tick a whole lot faster. Who knows, it may anyway. But while we still have the opportunity, let’s stand up and say, “Listen, you guys and gals who direct the government of our beloved United States of America. We’re sick and tired of being shut-out of the process by our own inactivity. We’re sick and tired of being relegated as irrelevant because we have ‘held our peace.’ We’re sick and tired of our country being inundated with Godlessness and sinfulness, exposed as every sort and degree of selfishness. So hear the warning. I’m coming out of my self-imposed silence and apathy, I’m standing up for Truth and righteousness, and you can’t stop me from proclaiming the righteousness of my Father even if you pass the laws that imprison my body, or figure a way to make my tongue a criminal. This is God’s kingdom within me and I am His ambassador (2 Corinthians 5:20), and I have a message for you – be reconciled to God.”

My second action in this matter is to be a campaigner and voter! We have a choice. Exercise yours!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Some of the biggest scams in the world -

Bottled water: a multi-jillion dollar boondoggle that produces nothing valuable except portablility.

Carbon offsets: the latest, greatest hook for putting your money in someone else's pocket and convincing you that you are helping "save the world."

Global warming: the lastest fad in the saga of ice ages and boiling seas.

Spirituality is unrelated to regular Church attendance : someone forgot to read the Book.

Losing Power

Take care then that the light in you is not dark. Luke 11:35

People all around the Mid-West have been losing their power due to the devastating weather that has moved across that area. I have a friend who has one of those old cars like all of us used to have, and it has been losing power. I’ve got an old tractor down on the farm, and when we get the brush hog into the tall grass, the power loss is pretty significant.

My real concern, however, is the power loss in the family of God. We were designed to be light in darkness (see Matthew 5:14), yet the darkness is overwhelming. I think the danger spoken of in Luke 11:35 has come to fruition. We have been left in this world to impact society, our neighborhood, our family, and everyone with whom we come in contact. Somehow we seem to have lost the power to be about that business.

I am convinced we lose power because we allow disobedience and apathy to fill our life rather than the presence of God. Whenever the Spirit of God is in control of our thoughts and actions, we have sufficient power to do whatever is required. Reading the Scripture gives us example after example of how God uses his people to perform mighty works and exploits. The same Scripture show us example after example of those who allowed distraction and dissolution to damage, and in many cases, destroy their ability to be what they were designed and called to be. When we are not what we are, we can never do what we do.

The should be no question in our minds that we are not the actors but rather the vehicles in this process. It is the life of Christ in us that produces righteousness, faith, and power. Paul the Apostle said, “It is not I who live, but Christ who lives in me.” (see Galatians 2:20)

There is no reason that those who belong to Christ should ever suffer from power loss. We need to hear and repeat the words of Jude, half-brother of Jesus, who said, He (Christ) “is able to keep you from stumbling, and present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy.” (Jude 1:24)

Let me encourage you to find time alone with God. Let me urge you to spend time as a family considering and learning the claims of the Scripture. Let me emphasize the importance of gathering with the family of God to celebrate, minister, and be ministered to. Therein lies the power.

Monday, May 7, 2007


"With nearly nine months to go before the first presidential primary, many voters are showing early signs of campaign fatigue," said a recent report by the Pew Research Center.

People are getting bored with the candidates, the issues, the hype, and the "slapping around" of the current administration. Maybe that is good news, but probably not. People will stop listening, grow less informed, and apathy will reign. . .as usual.

The Church of Jesus Christ has the same problem. People are bored with a God who never changes, Truth that is absolute and unyeilding, and the demands of "walking worthy" of one's calling. We always say we are not, but the apathy that permeates the life of the "body" is proof enough that we have left our first llove.


. . .there is a friend who stays closer than a brother. Proverbs 18:24

Do you have a friend? Are you a friend? There is a significant difference between being friendly and being a friend. I fear that on occasion some have reduced the Savior of the World, the manifestation of the Word of God, to friendship status. While Jesus did call his disciples friends (John 15:13-15), we must never allow our mindset to reduce that to the lowest common denominator. He is still Lord of Heaven and Earth, the eternal God, without peer and matchless.

It is possible for us, however, to abandon genuine friendship for a cursory friendliness. Certainly a friendly person would smile and speak as a neighbor, an acquaintance, or even a stranger approaches. But only a person who is intent on being a friend would invite the other individual in for coffee and a doughnut. A friendly person would probably send a card, even make a phone call to become a well-wisher. Only a friend will show up at some late hour to rejoice, or cry, or share the pain, or share the wealth, or give allegiance to the relationship.

Proverbs 18:24 has never struck me as a commentary on God’s relationship to men, but rather as a measure of true or genuine friendship. Not all brothers are close, as we well know, and sometimes they manage to avoid “sticking together.” It is none-the-less true that there are frequently incredibly strong bonds between brothers. They watch for one another, care for one another, support one another, and give themselves to one another in a plethora of ways. Friendship can have the same bond, or perhaps, depending on how we exegete this verse, a stronger bond even than blood.

A friend would never deny his friend a cup of coffee. A friend would not speak ill of his friend, or damage the relationship with unkind or untoward words. A friend would always support his friend with words of encouragement and peace and always react negatively to mean-spiritedness and disparaging remarks or comments. Just being friendly demands no deep commitment and abiding llove. It does not demand the abiding presence of God’s Spirit. On the other hand, being a friend demands a commitment that seeks the best for another, embraces the weakness and failure of others, gives generously without thought of return, and invests in providing nurture for the relationship.

Got friends? You are a fortunate person. So are they!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Just Stop It!

When I was learning to speak the language of our country, one always referred to himself last. Now, even the most important of folks drive me to distraction with the "me and ___" phrase.

"Me and Bush," said John McCain as he talked about a coming debate. "Me and my kids," said a mother recently. "Me and Jeff and Tom are going. . .," is a often heard sentence starter. Just listen to the people around you, it's pervasive. Even folks who must know better have slipped into this thoughtlessness. I hear it from TV news anchors, Congressmen, business leaders, public speakers, school teachers (even those who teach language skills), and ALL teenagers. We need to change it back. Of course, it's just symptomatic of our "me first" society.

I'm sure that is what has happened to God's folks, and His Church. We've just been putting ourself first instead of Him. The former examples are just poor language and thought skills. The latter is a matter of serious miscalculation.

The Slippery Slope

Romans 1:18-32

I am convinced we are on a downward rush toward God allowing our country to be overcome by the unspeakable evils of the enemy. It seems to me there is a progression of evil that occurs, not only individually, but also collectively in society, which foreshadows the coming destruction that awaits those who practice that which God forbids.

I really don’t like talking about ungodly things, but as we approach the elections of November, we really must make some determinations about how those we place in leadership will see and handle evil’s impact on our society.

In Romans 1, Paul makes it clear that the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven. We must not assume that His wrath is ‘coming’, but understand that it is already here. When men suppress the Truth, and worship the created rather than the Creator, when we do not glorify God, the wrath of God is revealed in darkened hearts. God gives men over to the lusts of their hearts (sexual immorality), followed by God’s releasing men and women to shameful depravity (homosexuality), and ultimately to depraved minds (minds that are worthless and useless) from which there is no return. Once the mind is gone, there is no way to repent and believe the infinite grace of God, which prior to that abandonment, is able to save even the vilest among us.

Look around and see where you think we are on the ‘scale of slip.’ Examine those who would lead us and make an intelligent, informed decision regarding how and if the current state of affairs can be changed. I am convinced it is not too late for a dramatic, last minute revival. But we must not slip further. Individual lives must be freed from chains of slavery to sin. Marriages must return to the Designer’s intent. Churches must forsake need sensitive, people-focused programs and re-establish God-focused worship. Truth must once again be the heart and totality of the message.

There is much wrath of God to come. But do not be misled. We are experiencing it now. I’m not sure we have a lot of time left before God gives US (read U. S. of A.) what we deserve.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Did you ever buy one of those stocks (NYSE) that begins the slow rise of a few cents or more every day and you begin to feel confident, knowing you're on your way?

Then, after a couple of weeks there is the $1.50 slide that wipes out all your profit and takes you into the loss column - really deep.

It's life, you know? We feel like we are on top of the situations and circumstances, good things are happening, then, from out of nowhere the Enemy attacks with a ferociousness that knocks the props from under us, and suddenly, we're on the skids.

I wonder if Jesus of Nazareth felt that twinge of fear on that last Monday thru Friday, 2000 years ago?


Jeremiah 29:11-13

We’ve been praying for a multitude of things. Sometimes I feel as if we are the most selfish people in the world because we want God to do so many things. Perhaps that is true.

But the reality of praying is that our Father has asked us to do so. Not because He needs information from us, or is unaware of our need, or even that He is failing to notice the problems and difficulties of our lives, but because he desires the intimacy of communication and focus. When we move beyond distractions and focus clearly on Who He is and what He plans for us, when the closeness of our relationship moves to clear understanding of our roles in prayer, we are so changed by the experience that we are never to be the same again.

Are you ever tempted to think that prayer changes the mind of God? Or even that prayer changes His design and purpose? In Jeremiah 29:11-13, God says, “I know the thoughts (the mental process of planning and conceiving) that I think toward you, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.” God is more than familiar with all the details of our circumstances and situations. He knows His unchangeable plans toward us, and how it all comes out in the end. The joy and success of praying is discovering that we can be part of the means whereby His will is accomplished.

Try to imagine God accomplishing some great thing, like building a great Church in a community somewhere, where people llove Him with all their heart, soul and strength, and where they llove each other with the same kind of self-sacrificing llove, and doing it through you. There is no doubt that it is His design to do incredible things. The question is, are you the means to the end?

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Help! I'm stuck in this cycle. . .

Isn't it amazing how easily we focus on the behavior of everyone else which, because of their selfishness, and their constant habit of thinking only of themselves, brings difficulty or stress into our life.

We notice that, of course, because we are always focused on ourself and our needs, and how much we are hurt by others who are unable to see our need because their behavior. . .


John 14:1-6

Someone said, “everybody talkin’ ‘bout Heaven ain’t going there.” Maybe thats a line from the lyrics of some song. Anyway, it’s true. Talking about Heaven won’t get you any closer to it, but possessing a saving faith in Jesus Christ will settle the issue and assure your eternity there.

Jesus said in John 14 that He was going to prepare “a place for us.” I’ve been thinking about that a little more lately. I guess, as much as I hate to admit it, as one gets older, one has to focus more clearly on the future, especially as the future comes closer to the present. Just the other night when I heard again, for the second time in a few weeks, the haunting words of “Beulah Land”, I was reminded that I am “looking now, across that river, where my faith shall end in sight. There’s just a few more days to labor, and then I’ll take my Heavenly flight.”

What I really need to focus on, however, is not Heaven (for that is settled and ready), but the labor that is before me. And so it is for all of us. I’ve often wondered how we could understand the cost of salvation, the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, the call to discipleship placed in our lives, and the desperate need of our family, friends, and neighbors, while willing avoiding the necessary labor to fulfill His calling in us.

How easy is it to wile away our time dreaming of things to come, or focusing on the immediate, never seeing the “big picture.” Perhaps we don’t believe the part about “just a few more days. . . . .” We often think we have forever to go, failing to know that for many of us there are more yesterdays than tomorrows. Even though there could be years and years left to us, there are those among us who will be gone tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow.

There are times when I am more “homesick” than others. When thing are not going well in our life, or when there is too much opposition to the ministry we have embraced, it is easy to focus elsewhere. But God has called us to labor in His vineyard. We have a row to hoe, a harvest to bring in, and a crown to win (kinda/sorta some mixed metaphors there).

It’s certainly OK to focus on Heaven but we’ve a lot of work to do before we get there. Could be there is not much time left. So, let’s be about it.