Thursday, April 19, 2007


The death of His faithful ones is valuable in the Lord's sight. Psalm 116:15

What a terrible title. Does anyone want to read about death? Yet, here we are and there we will be one day. I take comfort in the passage from Psalms 116:15.

Just a short time ago I sat with a friend in a conference regarding retirement for ministers who are part of the Annuity Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. Since I am going to be old enough to retire one of these days, I figured I best get my act in order. My friend and I spoke a few words about what we would do during our retirement years, or at least, what we hoped to do. Somehow I have the impression that I will work during mine so that I can keep body and soul together.

What would we do with all those years that remain to us once we have left the “active” ministry? That was the question, Now, just a couple of months past his retirement, I am told he has been called home, and is no longer among us. Not surprisingly, that will get one to thinking about death and dying.

I have known for a number of years that we all must face the reality of death. And no matter what may be going on in our experience, however poor our health, or difficult our continuation of life, we never expect that it will be today; tomorrow, perhaps, but not today. Yet for many, it will be today, and if not today, tomorrow.

So, then, are we ready? Of course I mean we must be right in our relationship with the Father. No lost folks are headed heavenward. But for most of us, it is a matter of being ready in that we have righted our relationships with others, paid our debts (and I don’t just mean financially), been faithful to our calling, ministered to the saints, lloved the brethren, taught the children, and held the hands of those who have gone before. Since we need to get that accomplished before we die, perhaps we need to start now. Right now. I know your death is not imminent (you can take my word for that), but one day, somewhere out there, you will be called to account. What if it were today or tomorrow? Are you ready? Are you ready to face the Father? Are you ready for your family and lloved ones left behind to face others with the confidence that you did what you were called to do, with all your heart, with all your mind, and with all you might?

Death almost always surprises us. Sometimes we think of death coming in years, or months, or days, or hours. . .but not now. But death is coming, and it’s coming for you. Are you ready?

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