Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Just Preach the Word

A couple of paragraphs from Associated Press reported:

An angry Obama told reporters yesterday he was "outraged" by what he called a "performance" by Jeremiah Wright at the National Press Club in Washington on Monday and added that he was "saddened by the spectacle."
Wright used the forum to reiterate some of his charges against the U.S. government, including his suggestion that the government invented the AIDS virus to destroy "people of color."

Here's what I told my preacher (hope he was listening!). First, you are not in the "performance" business. There is way too much performance in the Church of Jesus Christ now. Just stop it. No "performance!" Secondly, we don't need any "spectacles." Just do what you have been called to do. Preach the Word of God. Do it with clarity, do it with consistency, do it with compassion. You have no calling to "suggest" anything about Government (except what the Bible teaches about our obedience to law), so do your JOB. Just do your job!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Where's Dad?

"Miley Cyrus apologized to fans April 27, 2008 for photographs taken by famed photographer Annie Liebovitz for Vanity Fair magazine, which Cyrus now says 'embarrassed' her."

I don't know this child (she's 15) and I have never seen "Hanna Montana." In fact, I don't even know what it is - or is about. But I have seen her picture displayed all over the place - the one mentioned above - and my question is, "where is dad or mom?"

Fame, fortune, popularity - all more important than protecting our children, stemming the sewer of teen nudity, crimes against children, pornography, child prostitution, etc., etc. Yes, I know it's ugly and not something we want to think or talk about. I don't know that this particular picture is lewd, or even distasteful - only that she is 15! 15! "Dad, Mom - c'mon!"

Monday, April 28, 2008

This Is The Day!

I hope you have a song in your heart. I don't mean one from the radio or your latest CD, but one that God has placed there. The Psalmist said, "Hallelujah! How good it is to sing to our God, for praise is pleasant and lovely."

It's a beautiful day where I am. I am surrounded by wonderful people. I am clear in my understanding that "the Lord values those who fear Him, those who put heir hope in His faithful llove."

I've been talking a lot lately about all the things that are wrong in life. But, lots of things are just right. . .and getting better. I have a song in my heart, I have the joy of my salvation, and I see the Spirit of God at work in our lives producing llove, joy, peace, and all the other fruit that are products of His presence.


Friday, April 25, 2008

End Times in the United States

There was a time when you could practice your religion, or be a Bible-believing Christian, or get a fair shake from the police. Are all three of these quotes from various news sources related?

Three detectives were acquitted of all charges Friday in the 50-shot killing of an unarmed groom-to-be on his wedding day. (Officer) Oliver squeezed off 31 shots; (Officer) Isnora fired 11 rounds; and (Officer)Cooper shot four times.
The truth emerged when the smoke cleared: There was no weapon inside Bell's blood-splattered car.

Last week, the 3rd U.S Circuit Court of Appeals told Marcus Borden he cannot participate in prayer with his players, including bowing his head or bending a knee. The court ruled the East Brunswick High School coach, who has prayed with his team for 23 years, was promoting or endorsing religion.

Emotions were frayed Thursday as tots from the FLDS polygamous clan were torn from their mothers in the biggest custody case in Texas history.

Is our nation out of control? Have we moved so far from God and our Nation's history of the absolute sovereignty of human rights that these kinds of things are becoming more and more commonplace? Is it possible that laws were broken in these matters? Yes (though it is hard to see in the second quote). But our response to law breaking is supposed to be careful, deliberate, due process, and always with an eye toward mercy. We don't need to shoot unarmed men till our 15 shot mag has been emptied twice. We don't need to punish those who are protected by the Constitution of the United States because someone might be offended, and separating mothers and children, when no one even expects that those "tots" are being abused, just because we "feel" that something "might" happen when they become teenagers, is beyond the boundaries of law and order.

We are facing a Godless society. Don't expect that to be pretty. When we act like there is no God, no Truth, no Justice, no Mercy, don't be surprised at the outcome.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Missing Something

Last night in Bible Study the preacher was talking about how important it is that our life exhibit the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22) because that is the proof of the presence of God's Spirit dwelling in us (Romans 8:1-11).

Afterwards I heard someone say to him that he needed to repeat those things on Sunday, and it got me to thinking. Some of us just won't miss an episode of our favorite show on TV if it is humanly possible. But just in case we do, there are "summer re-runs" and we can watch for the one we missed.

It is unfortunate that we would miss the teaching of God's Word at Church for some lesser thing (often one of those TV shows), especially when it only happens two or three times a week at best. Here is the most important, vital, life-giving resource in the World and we are just too busy to give an hour or two to its pursuit. Be that as it may, here's my solution:

Summer re-runs! Beginning in June and running thru August -- the preacher will just re-run what he taught during the previous months. Maybe he could just play the CD's through the sound system on Sunday morning and evening and he could take the summer off for lots of fishing and traveling. You could show-up for what you missed. I think the preacher is going to like this a lot! I am not sure how God is going to like it. . .but lots of folks don't care much about that in the first place.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

State May Be Oversteping Bounds in FLDS Case

I plan to make this my last comment on this matter. It's a "no-win" argument no matter how it goes. There are many issues here including parental rights, religious freedom, deprivation of freedom without due process of law, and others.

Michelle Roberts, AP writer, reported, "with a court order signed Tuesday, about a quarter of the children were moved from the San Angelo Coliseum, loaded onto buses and taken to foster care facilities around the city and elsewhere. By week's end, all 437 children are likely to be scattered across the state in 16 facilities."

Here's an idea. Why not send these kids "home." If the Court is concerned that they are going to be abused during the sorting our of this mess, assign CPS workers, Deputy Sheriffs, Constables, foster care parents, or any responsible persons, for that matter, to the compound to monitor all this abuse that is supposedly occurring.

These people should not lose their kids without due process of law. Don't tell me they will get due process in the next months or (more likely) years while the kids are carted off to a life they don't understand, shuffled through a system that has never been accused of adequacy, and denied the security of their homes and families without seemingly (and the outsider has only the words of the Media) any PROOF that they are being abused. I think we can rest assured that if any proof existed the Media would have it exposed it by now with great relish.

I repeat (see my first publication on this matter), if there is actual abuse of anybody, prosecute the perpetrators. We have laws - enforce them. But this. . .this seems almost, in my opinion, like the abuse is being carried out by the Court.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

It's A Miracle

My Grandfather died in 1942. He was a man who collected various items and when my Grandmother died about 30 years ago, I picked up a few things from their home in Dallas. I did not pay much attention to some of it, it seems like there was little if any value to many of the items.

I do remember one very old little box that was half full of watch parts. My Dad told me that Granddad had tinkered with watches on occasion and had thrown the parts and pieces of various models into that box. I'm guessing those part had been in there for over 75 or 80 years.

Yesterday, I went to my study at home to find a particular book I needed, and in moving some things around I found that old box. I opened it slowly and carefully and found the shock of my life! There, surrounded by a few left over parts was a very inexpensive, simple, Timex. It was certainly no chronograph, and had none of the bells and whistles of today's fine watches, there was no band, but it was running, and although the time on it's face was wrong, and of course there was no second hand, when I put it to my ear, I could hear the tiny sound of a real watch.

Can you imagine how Granddad would react today, not knowing that those little wheels and springs and tiny screws would someday become a time piece. He would have been so proud of his collection.

I guess it's time to modify my thinking about the origin of life. I mean, this find changes everything!

Monday, April 21, 2008

The Avenger

For government is God’s servant, an avenger that brings wrath on the one who does wrong.
Romans 13:4b

Reading this verse, and those that surround it, over and over again I can’t help but believe that Government is supposed to be “good.” Obviously, for Government to be good, the people who make up its organization must be good people. Sometimes I have real doubts about that.

So much of what we see today in the Congress (House of Representatives and Senate) is really discouraging. Politics (which has nothing to do with good Government) takes up almost all of the time and effort, and little of real value appears to be accomplished.

Unfortunately that does not give the Believer an option about being “subject to the governing authorities.” (Romans 13:1) Paul, the Apostle, reminds us that there is no authority except from God, and that all authority that exists is appointed by God.

That is why it is so important to be informed, and actively involved in the process established by our Government to elect people to offices in that Government. Ignorance in relationship to issues, and the policies and procedures of Government operation is inexcusable. For a believer to say, “I just don’t want to get involved,” is to make excuse which ultimately leads to bad or poor Government.

When Godly men and women are reluctant to stand up for what is right (the Bible is clear about what is and is not right), unwilling to oppose corruption and vice, and choose not to take the time necessary to support morality in the Governmental sphere, we are simply allowing evil to prevail. Knowing the voting records of those who represent the people of the United States and those who represent us in our individual State is mandatory. That information is easily obtained, and candidates for public office must be held to the highest standards of honesty, decency, and what is arguably “right and good” for the people they represent.

I believe this year, 2008, is a pivotal year for the future of our Republic as we know it. Do not sit on the sidelines. Get in the know. Get to the voting booth. The quality of our Government depends on it.

See the Movie

I don't often recommend movies - the last I recall was "The Passion of the Christ." You need to see "Expelled - No Intelligence Allowed." The Bible warns us to guard against "false knowledge," and perhaps especially this ignorance that comes with the capacity to destroy society.

When the academic community reaches the point where it is no longer allowing students (beginners or Ph.D's) to inquire into the fields of study which move beyond the absolute embrace of the theory of Darwinian Evolution, we are on dangerous ground.

One must have irrational fears to refuse to allow inquiry into one's belief. If Darwinian Evolutionists had nothing to hide, they would welcome divergent research and opinion. Continuing to restrict students to this one philosophy, flawed as it is, can lead only to ignorance that separates men from God.

While I am a Creationist, and not a big supporter of Intelligent Design, failure to stand up for the rights of those who would seek such study, is to ultimately have no one stand up for me.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Making A Mess of a Mess

The further it goes the worse it gets. Does the State of Texas have a complainant or just an unsubstantiated phone call in relationship to this FLDS group? Were kids being abused prior to the abuse that they are going through now (torn from their homes and parents without so much as a hearing)? Here's a quote from Associated Press writer, Michelle Roberts:

If the judge gives the state permanent custody, CPS will have an enormous challenge in finding homes for the children in an already tight foster system.
CPS has relied on volunteers to help feed the children, launder linens and provide crafts and games for them in a dorm-style setting for the past two weeks. But the agency will have to find stable homes and try to decipher sibling relationships that should be preserved if it gets permanent custody.

This is a mess, and I know too much about the Courts and Attorneys and CPS to believe that these kids (and probably the adults) are going to get a fair go at getting this right.

If you are a praying person, pray. If you are able to open your home to someone, get ready.
If you are concerned about State intrusion in religious matters, worry now!

This is going to turn out badly!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I Wish I'd Said That!

Here's the story from AP:

President Bush has quite a birthday present for Pope Benedict XVI: at least 9,000 excited guests gathered on the White House's South Lawn for a 21-gun salute, a famed soprano's rendition of "The Lord's Prayer" and an emotional presidential welcome.
Bush was to tell the pontiff and the crowd how glad America is to have him visit — and to tell Americans they should listen to his words.
(emphasis mine)
"He will hear from the president that America and the world need to hear his message that God is love, that human life is sacred, that we all must be guided by common moral law, and that we have responsibilities to care for our brothers and sisters in need, at home and across the world," (emphasis mine) said White House press secretary Dana Perino.

Well, now! Isn't it great that someone on American soil is finally saying something that Americans and the world need to listen to? Don't you wish someone here had been saying that kind of stuff all along. . .wait a minute! Wait a minute!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

What Else Is On

While I don't spend a lot of time with the TV, my favorite TV watching experience is "to see what else is on." My wife says I keep the remote hot during my brief encounters with what's on TV.

Didn't someone say a long time ago that TV was a "vast wasteland?" Obviously you can watch the news on dozens of channels, and that must have some value. You can watch our Government at work, but that has almost no value. You can find all kinds of "Christian" programming, which is more scary than informative. I am astounded that you can watch people competing to lose weight, bachelors looking for wives, people losing huge sums of money they have earned by answering questions or picking briefcases because they are greedy for just a little more. And then, of course, you can watch people losing their money at the World Championship of Poker, or some such thing. Did I mention golf, racing, soccer, tennis, football, basketball, hockey, ultimate fighting, and maybe the greatest of all sports - Gladiators! (Oh my, I repeat, Oh my!)

TV programming is successful in part because people:
Have abandoned time with the family (no, watching TV together is not family time);
Don't have gardens;
Know all they want to know about the Bible;
And their conversational skills are a mess.

You can add your reasons to my short list (I have a longer one).

If God's people spent as much time with Him, in His Word, with His folks, ministering grace to others around them, as they do watching TV, this would be a different world.

And that would be a GOOD thing.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Guarding the Truth

The Apostle Paul told Timothy, pastor of the Church at Ephesus, that he was responsible for guarding the Truth. It seems incumbent on all believers in the Church of Jesus Christ that they must do so too.

That is becoming a full-time job. If one accepts the Bible as God's revealed Word to mankind, keeping that Word pure and clearly disseminated is of vital importance. In a world where there are so many divergent views, one can only hope and pray that the voices of Truth will not be drowned out in the clamor for "something new."

The Truth is very old. It has never, and will never, change. Progressive societies seek change. The two often collide, and the results can be devastating. The Truth can never be less than it is. Hold on to the Truth. It will set you free.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Need a new Job?

I arrived home yesterday to find an accounting from my retirement investments. The news wasn't all bad. In the first quarter of this year I had an account that earned $10. On the other hand, the overall loss for the first quarter of 2008 was five (5), I repeat, five (5) times the amount invested.

So then I read this tidbit in the news from Iraq:

William Odom, a retired three-star Army general, has spelled out just how shaky our alliance with the Sunnis is. "Our new Sunni friends insist on being paid for their loyalty," Odom told the Senate Foreign Relations committee last Wednesday. He cited one estimate that the U.S. military is paying a local strongman $250,000 a day to keep the peace in a 36-square mile swath of the country. "Remember, we do not own these people, we rent them — and they can break the lease at any moment."

So how do I get that job? Of course, the way things are going, if I invested most of that, I could lose about a million dollars a day.

Aren't you glad your future is in the hands of the Lord God of Heaven and not the stock market, or, God forbid, the hands of Congress? The Scripture tells us that God will provide for His own. I think I'll just bank on that.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Free Exercise Thereof

This business with the "church" in Eldorado, Texas is a mess. Children being abused, by anyone, need to be free of such abuse and cared for. Anyone who is being held captive must be set free, either by their captors or by authorities. Violations of the laws of Texas and the United States of America must be obeyed by everyone, and such violations must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

We must not forget, however, that these kinds of sensationalism from a journalistic perspective often create an environment where the truth is hard to discern. The "slippery slope" looms large in such matters. Different religions have divergent views. While being out of the "mainstream" is fraught with problems, it is not necessarily illegal.

It is possible to put every "church" in jeopardy if we are not prudent. I am reminded that if I do not speak on behalf of those who are "innocent," even though I disagree with their Theology (and there may be no one innocent here except the children), what will happen when they come for me?

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Known By Their Company

I made an attempt to attend what some are calling "Oprah's Church" last evening. No luck. I think you can't just "walk" up and get in. Anyway I decided to look up Eckhart Tolle, seemingly the "teacher" at "A New Earth, Awaking To Your Life's Purpose."

I am not surprised by what I found. . .

He was born as Ulrich Tolle in Germany. He lived with his father from about age 13 until he moved to England in his early 20s around 1970. Tolle did not attend formal schooling after age 13, although we are told he was educated at the Universities of London and Cambridge. No information is published as to whether he graduated or earned any degrees, which normally means he did not.

At the age of 29, after suffering long periods of depression, Tolle experienced what he considered a "spiritual transformation" that marked the beginning of his function as a counselor and spiritual teacher.

His bestselling book, The Power of Now, emphasizes the importance of being aware of the present moments as a way of "not being lost in thought." (Thinking is never a good thing with these kinds of folk) In his view, "the present is the gateway to a heightened sense of peace" (one of those statements that means absolutely nothing, but sounds as if it does)

He states that "being in the now" brings about an awareness that is beyond the mind, which awareness helps in transcending "the pain-body" that is created by the identification of the mind and ego with the body. (Say what? Psycho-babble at its best)

Tolle is not aligned with any particular religion or tradition. However he has acknowledged a strong connection to J Krishnamurti and Ramana Marashi ( it figures) and stated that his teaching is a coming together of the teachings of both those teachers.

Influences which are alluded to in The Power of Now are the writings of Meister Eckhart, Advaita Vendanta, Sufism, mystical Islam, Rumi's poetry, as well as Zen Buddhism's Lin-Chi (Rinzai) school. The book also interprets sayings of Jesus from the Bible (wonder where he learned that?)

Well, forgive me for being unkind, but you had best avoid this gentleman like the plague. Oprah seems lost in this foolishness. Don't join her!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Command Them To Stop

In the first Chapter of 1 Timothy, Paul told Timothy that to protect the Church he needed to command those who were leading the people astray through "idle talk" and "fruitless discussion" to cease and desist. That is still necessary today.

I am not sure about what is now being called "Oprah's Church" and the claim that in March there were over 3,000,000 people "attending" (that would have to be on-line"). I am sure my voice would have no effect in calling Oprah to stop with the "spiritual thing." But I hope my voice will have some effect on those of you who read this note.

Oprah has nothing to say to believers. Her "far out" musings and collection of "prophets" with which she has surrounded herself is un-Godliness at its worst. I would suggest that any of you who listen to Oprah need to stop. With her own voice she has denied God, clearly called Jesus Christ a liar, espoused new age teachings that are clearly anti-Biblical and anti-Christian, and embarked on a pathway which leads only to destruction.

How will the "lost" find the Gospel if we do not sound a clear note, a clarion call, which can be heard above the din of evil and godlessness?

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Couch in the Office

I've got this couch in an office. It's a big, expensive couch, you know, the kind that is beautiful but not very comfortable. It's time to move that office to another place and use the room the couch is in for something else. Problem is, how do you get the couch out? It won't go through the door. Even if I fold it once or twice, I can't make the turn into the hall. You will probably ask how it got in there in the first place. It's a long story and suffice it to say, things have changed.

Anyway it got me to thinking about the sin in the closet of my heart. It won't fit through the door of my mind, and I am having no success in folding it in half. Anyway the turn into the hall is too short. I am stuck with it, but I need the change.

Jesus said He has the capacity to make it disappear. No, really. With a confession (that is, agree with Him about the reality of it's existence and it's violation of His will) He will remove it forever; a real disappearing act.

Does anyone know a couch magician?

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Charge Who?

RUSS BYNUM, Associated Press Writer, Wed Apr 2, WAYCROSS, Ga. - "A group of third-graders plotted to attack their teacher, bringing a broken steak knife, handcuffs, duct tape and other items for the job and assigning children tasks including covering the windows and cleaning up afterward, police said Tuesday."

This article goes on to say that the kids are too young to be charged with anything (third graders would be about 8, right?). So how about we charge the parents with something? I would be willing to wager that these kids did not learn about how to plan and carry out this "attack" at AWANA, or in Sunday School. I'd be willing to wager they did not read about it in a James Patterson novel.

The reality is they have probably seen it on TV, or in the movies, or one of those incredibly bad video games. Now don't get me wrong. Parents cannot and do not always have control of the mind of their kids. . .but eight year old kids shouldn't even know how to begin such planning, much less carry it out. So charge the parents with "lack of attention," or "failure to watch what your kid is taking to school," or "unwillingness to listen and provide a solution when your kid is fuming over a perceived sleight from a teacher."

Does that all sound to harsh? It probably is. But let's face the fact that eight year old kids ought to be riding bikes, building sand castles, playing hide and seek with the neighbor's kids. Shut that TV down and go outside. Too hot (or cold)? Play Monopoly.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Preaching Truth

. . . Their mouths utter arrogant words, flattering people for their own advantage. Jude 16c

There is not much I admire more than a smooth, fluent, charismatic orator. I remember years ago when I was in college our guest speaker was Paul Harvey (ABC News). He spoke for over an hour and I would have sworn that it had not been more than fifteen minutes. I am always intrigued by those men who can persuade, inspire, motivate, and capture the minds of others by the consummate perfection of their rhetoric.

The issue is not that those people have no place. It's that they have no place in the Church as the proclaimers of God's holy Word. I am convinced that genuine "preaching" is a supernatural gift from God whereby the Holy Spirit uses a human vehicle to reach through the ears of people the heart of people. And while the Preacher may possess all the rhetorical expertise of the best of orators, it is the message that is different - and primary.

Jude warns the Church that there are those who will stand before them who have a wonderful message, but it is not the Truth revealed in God's Word. Rather it is that which focuses on the value of humanity, the upward momentum of individual effort, and appeals to the desire we have within us to believe that we can overcome the vicissitudes of life by sheer will power alone. That's a flattering message.

Warning the Church is critical in the 21st century as well. While we cringe at the prospect of criticizing these "dreamers" (Jude 8) who inhabit pulpits and airwaves, allowing the Church to be wrecked on the "dangerous reef" of human wisdom (Jude 12) is not an option.

John Piper said, "The Gospel does not offer what the unbeliever wants." The Gospel is an offense to those whose life is caught in the destructive cycles of sin. No matter how much one may wish to be "popular" or to "nurture themselves" (Jude 12) by drawing crowds of people to hear their humanistic philosophy, they violate the very principles of Truth they claim to espouse.

God will ultimately hold those who do such things accountable. (Jude 15) Perhaps He will not hold guiltless those of us who fail to oppose them now.