Monday, April 14, 2008

Guarding the Truth

The Apostle Paul told Timothy, pastor of the Church at Ephesus, that he was responsible for guarding the Truth. It seems incumbent on all believers in the Church of Jesus Christ that they must do so too.

That is becoming a full-time job. If one accepts the Bible as God's revealed Word to mankind, keeping that Word pure and clearly disseminated is of vital importance. In a world where there are so many divergent views, one can only hope and pray that the voices of Truth will not be drowned out in the clamor for "something new."

The Truth is very old. It has never, and will never, change. Progressive societies seek change. The two often collide, and the results can be devastating. The Truth can never be less than it is. Hold on to the Truth. It will set you free.


Anonymous said...

I've been discussing the relative merits of Joel Osteen with a fan of his at work, and his reactions to my description of Osteen's underlying theology is a classic case of denial. I'm either jealous of him, or because the material I read is written by evangelicals, the writers' perspective is unduly biased. It's all about "tolerance" these days. But he won't let me finish explaining the difference between positive and negative tolerance.

Negative tolerance is disagreeing yet allowing the other party to retain the right to hold his view; positive tolerance (the kind insisted on by today's culture) is absolute affirmation of the validity of everything one of another view thinks about anything.

The world says we must affirm all error or we hate everyone. Logic left with societal tolerance of the Truth.

Christian West said...

Your explanation of tolerance is very good. I am a believer in allowing people to hold whatever opinion they choose (as does God).

I am not required, however, to allow that opinion when it challenges the authority and veracity of God's revealed Word to remain unchallenged.

Thank for responding.
