Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Great Commission

Jesus said, "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel. . .etc. (see Matthew 28:19-20). We don't! At least not many of us do. We keep talking about being "Great Commission Churches" and yet the commission goes unheeded by almost everyone.

Ever wonder why? Simple! We have never adopted the "great commandment." (see Matthew 22:36-39)

Going follows lloving Him. Teaching follows lloving them. It's not that we have the cart before the horse; we've got no horse.

Life Verse

Job 13:5

There was a time somewhere back in the “olden” days (now remember, I’m pretty old) when people talked about their “life verse.” One doesn’t hear that much anymore, that is, someone taking a particular verse of Scripture and making it a daily thought, or an appropriate action for their spiritual operation, but it was fairly common once.

Somewhere along the way I chose a particular verse that seemed to suit me just perfectly. I made a large copy of the words and posted them on my office wall (they’re still there). Every time I see those words I am reminded how often I fail to live up to the principle.

My chosen verse is Job 13:5. It says, “O that you would be silent! And it would be your wisdom.” Now for those who know me, is that a chorus of “amen’s” I hear? I have learned (regardless of my practice) over the years that one of the best things I can say is nothing. Doing so helps to eliminate the “foot in mouth” problem, the “I wish I hadn’t said that” syndrome, the “I’m just saying it because it’s true” lie, and the always popular “I take it back” impossibility.

Paul (the Spirit of God, really) said, “Let no corrupt communication proceed from your mouth.” (Ephesians 4:29) We would really do well to take that to heart and make it an overriding characteristic of our daily walk. Sometimes we say inappropriate and hurtful things. At other times we spread gossip or speak slander. We are quick with our verbal opinions and comments, and we speak before we think, or pray, or get the permission of God to say what we are confident needs to be said.

Wise folk have prudent lips. Wise folks watch what they say. Wise folk hear their own words before they leave the mouth and must be endured by others.

My constant prayer is for that kind of wisdom!

Monday, July 30, 2007


Someone said, "To err is human, to forgive divine." It's just one of those things you've heard for years. We always think about it in relationship to the fact that we mess up and God forgives.

What I see clearly now, is that while we are quite adept at foolish and sinful behavior, we are not so good, poor in fact, at forgiveness. God has given us the incredible power to forgive one another. There can't be any question in our minds that it is a most useful gift. But we choose not to exercise that power with reckless abandon.

I think we ought to! I know we need to!

Fixing the Leak

Watch yourselves so that you don’t lose what we have worked for. . . 2 John 1:8

We’ve got a leak in the men’s room. I put up the “do not use” sign a couple of weeks ago and so far we have had two or three plumbers turn down the job. Now don’t panic! It’s just a small split in a supply line water pipe, but no one wants to tackle the job for some reason.

It got me to thinking about John’s comment in his second letter to the Church. I think some of us are allowing for a little “leakage” in our containment of Truth.

John is talking about llove and Truth in his short letter to the Church, and reminding them that we are commanded to llove one another, to avoid listening to, and certainly following, the counsel of deceivers or those who work evil. In other words (actually in his words); watch yourself in these things.

When you and I fail to practice the disciplines of llove, or when we do not appropriate Truth on a consistent basis, even that which we have previously practiced and learned tends to slip (or leak, to keep the metaphor alive) away. It is impossible to practice the disciplines of llove toward those we never see or talk to. It is unlikely that we will apprehend much Truth if we are not involved in a teaching venue on a regular basis. Certainly I know that we learn on our own under the leadership of the Spirit, but God has given us the Body of Christ so that we might mutually edify one another and we can’t do that when we are apart.

Separation from the things of God and the people of God can’t be good. Everything we know leads us to understand that being diligent regarding our walk, especially in this matter of llove (2 John 1:4-6) requires faithful participation in the life of the Body.

Actually our family has some really good spiritual plumbers. They can fix those leaks and get the water of life flowing fully and freely through our soul. They can inspire a desire to know the Truth of God’s Word and to live in llove. And, like John, they want to do it face to face (2 John 1:12).
Check for leaks! You don’t want to lose anything God has placed within you to bring you to maturity of faith.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Defining Christianity

In his "soon to be available" new book, my friend Jerry Adams defines Christianity by saying, "Trust the Christ, but watch out for the Christians."

As much as it hurts, he's absolutely right. So many of us live as if the disciplines of living a Godly life and practicing llove are options we can exercise at our leisure.

Think about whether or not you are someone who deserves the accolade - "Watch out!"

Little Piece of Heaven

. . .and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the Earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. 2 Peter 3:10

There are some incredibly pretty places where men have chosen to build their homes or spend a significant portion of their time. One of those was described to me this week as “my little piece of Heaven.” It could be that Heaven will be a bit like that place, or totally different, we just don’t know. What we do know is that this Earth and everything on it will be destroyed. Only the people will survive – some destined for eternity with God, and some headed toward eternity separated from God. Baring a change of heart, i.e. the impartation of salvation to the soul of some folks, good and bad, their little piece of Heaven here on Earth is the only Heaven they will ever know.

How sad it is that one can labor a lifetime for something that strikes them as Heaven and still miss the greatest gift God has to offer. They never come to the knowledge that by exercising faith and receiving grace resulting in the redemption of our life from the wages of sin, that when “our earthly house is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the Heavens.” (2 Corinthians 5:1)

There is great beauty in this Earth, and I am a believer in seeing and enjoying as much of it as possible. I can’t help but believe that Heaven will have some of the beauty of this place we call home, but we’ll never know if we fail to focus on the reality that only a heart changed by the Spirit of God will ever have the opportunity to discover God’s infinite dwelling place.

One thing I hope; every House of Worship of the Living God will be a little piece of Heaven. It is there that we discover llove and peace and hope and healing. It is there that we find the Truth and its application to our daily life. It is there we immerse ourselves in the Family of God and journey toward Spiritual maturity. It is there we glimpse what eternity will embody and the llove we will share.

Find your little piece of Heaven. But, for Heaven’s sake, find Heaven.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

God On Display

I was driving down the freeway when I saw the two huge billboards. They were less than half-a-mile apart. The first one, in large letters proclaimed "Saving Grace." I think it's a new TV show or something. Anyway, that's not what crossed my mind!

Then, just a little way on down there was the second billboard and on it were the words "Millions Saved." It may have been something about electric service or some such. . .again not what crossed my mind!

That's the story we want to get out there, right? Millions have beens redeemed by His matchless, infinite saving grace! You are, or can be, one of them. There's great news on the freeeways around where I live. Maybe we should capitalize on it.

Federal Investigation

Even a child is known by his acts, whether they are pure, and whether they are right.
Proverbs 20:11

Have you ever been the subject of a federal investigation? I just finished filling out another “Investigative Services Division” form regarding someone I know. They want me to tell them “what I know and when I knew it.” I’ve completed such forms before, and I always tell the absolute truth. . .really, I do.

What I really wonder about is how you or I might fill out an imaginary form received from “Heaven” carrying the logo “Ultimate Investigative Service – Representing Jehovah God.” Now we won’t get such a form since Jehovah knows all, see all, and understands all. But what if we did? What if I had to give a report about your life based on what I have seen, observed, and discovered through my relationship with you. . .or vice versa. (And for those of you who are ready to deal with it, check out Hebrews 13:17 which indicates I shall no doubt have to give an account of my faithfulness in my ministry to you, and possibly fill out a “report” or two on you as well.)

Well, the idea here in this quote from Proverbs is that we cannot make all our decisions based on what we are told. If that is true for children, how much more true is it for adults? We are not so much known by what we say, though I assure you that says a lot about us, rather we are known by what we do. We have to keep reminding ourselves that what we think dictates our actions, and those actions are pure and right, or otherwise, dependent on the focus of our mind.

I read about a preacher who named his bed “the Word” so that he could honestly tell his congregation he spent a lot of time in “the Word.” Actually I think one can tell when the person with whom they are communicating has spent time in the Word. I am sure it is observable when one has quality and quantity time alone with God in prayer and communion. It is easy to see our devotion to the Bride of Christ, our allegiance to the members of the Body of which we are a vital part, and our dedication to ministering the Spiritual gift imparted to us by God’s saving grace (see 1 Corinthians 12 especially verse 7).

I shall stand before the Father soon enough. I hope He only asks about me, not that He doesn’t know already, He just wants to hear me say it. That will be painful enough. Praise God for Grace, Grace, Grace!! But. . .what if He asks me about you? Surely not! Right? Right?

I told Uncle Sam what I know about this individual of whom they asked. I hope it is part of the sufficiency necessary for him to get the job.

I hope what I know about you is that which helps to pile up your Heavenly treasure so that you may cast it at the Savior’s feet. And I pray, if you are ever asked, that is what you know about me.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

New Roof

The pounding is keeping me awake as a new roof is added above my office. After some hail damage a few weeks ago, it became apparent that a new roof was in order. It should be done today and I can get back to some between paragraph snoozing.

Some of us need a new "protective covering" on our minds. We have allowed the Enemy to penetrate our thinking and create what my friend Zig Zeigler calls "stinking thinking." Some of us have allowed our minds to be corrupted and damaged with the detritus of this world. God's Word, rightly implanted will stop all that. It provides a protection that is vital if we are to stop the inflow of evil.

Mind Games

You are being renewed in the spirit of your mind. – Ephesians 4:23

I llove those Trivia games, Scrabble, Sodoku (just kidding about that last one as you can well imagine) and others that really challenge one to think about what one knows.

The word “mind” in this Scriptural context means, generally speaking, “the seat of reflective consciousness, comprising the faculties of perception and understanding, and those of feeling, judging, and determining” (Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words)

Right now, it seems to me, each of us (meaning those who are a part of the family of God) ought to be using every faculty of our mind. Heaven knows we need to attempt to perceive and understand all of the things that have happened in our history and all of those things that are coming in our future. Of course there is no possibility that one mind, or even many minds, can accomplish that task fully, but thankfully God's people do have some feelings (however varied they may be) about where we are, and we are able collectively to make competent judgments as we determine what our direction ought to be based on where we have been and where we are going.

Sometimes forward movement is a scary thing. More often the realization that we are sliding backward or, at best, remaining motionless, is more frightful, or at least ought to be. If we are proficient learners, we understand that God’s Word, throughout His entire involvement with His human creation, teaches clearly that we are to use our minds to apprehend Truth, make decision affecting our Spiritual and temporal operation in this world, and move forward with insight, enthusiasm, and trust.

We are not lacking in mind strength. God has blessed us with some fine minds, some brilliant minds, and some minds that need, perhaps, a bit more discipline to embrace full potential. We are obliged, however, to develop a requisite understanding that our Father has a plan for our collective future and making the right judgments and determinations in regard to His will sometimes requires we move beyond our feelings of inadequacy and fear to embrace that which only He can accomplish.

The good news is that His Spirit is renewing those minds that are open and willing, ready to encircle His revelation and take on whatever task we understand to be His design for us. I am grateful that we have great minds working on our team; minds that are tuned to God’s Spirit and ruled only by a desire for obedience; minds that are capable of discernment regarding the complex issues we face and making them transparent and comprehensible for others of us less disciplined. With that kind of leadership and thinking we will be able to achieve more now than ever before!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Returning Home

Coming back from a trip, whether it's work, or vacation that has taken us away, is a good feeling. We get to sleep in our familiar bed, feel the comfort of our "stuff" around us, and drive with the relaxation of knowing the territory.

When we have moved away from God, whatever the reason, coming back throught the processes of confession and restoration, is a wonderful release with freedom surging again in our hearts and minds.

We can get awfully far from home in our widespread adventures. We can never get more than "one step" away from God. He is awaiting our return and one step of confession (see 1 John 1:9) restores us in His incredible grace.

It's A Scorcher

And when the south wind is blowing, you say, ‘It’s going to be a scorcher,” and it is. Luke 12:55

It’s just hot! There are a lot of euphemisms we could use, but the reality is, hot is the word. We have not reached the magnitude of 1980 for “over 100 degree” days yet, but it is frightfully hot and dry. Grass is fading or gone. Trees are giving up their leaves and lives, and people who have to work outside are looking for shade and cold water.

Some folks are going to say it’s Global Warming. Some will say it’s just a climactic change that is a normal part of the Earth’s cycle of weather. Others will be reminded that the Scripture tells us in Genesis 8:22, As long as the earth endures. . .cold and heat. . .will not cease. Therefore we can rest assured that the cool and cold days will come again.

I have long been convinced that the same phenomenon exists in the life of the Body of Christ. No matter how hard we try to resist the temptation toward vacillation in our Spiritual temperature, we are sometimes hot and sometimes cold. When we are recipient of some unique intervention of God in our lives – recovery/remission from cancer, or especially convicted toward holy living by a penetration of God’s Truth to our hearts, we heat up and the fire of commitment burns brightly for a time. Inevitably, however, and certainly too quickly the heat is moderated by the coolness of distraction, hectic schedules, unrealistic demands on our time and resources, and the fires of consistency burn out.

The resultant outcome of the hot/cold cycle is apathy. We have managed to convince ourselves that the rotation or sequence is normal, everyone goes through it, and there is no solution. I am almost convinced that is accurate thinking. Surely by this point in the history of man we would have discovered the resolution if one existed.

The questions then becomes would our Father leave us to this cruel fluctuation, without answer and without hope? My answer is a resounding no! No more than He would leave the beauty of His Earth to the destructive elements of only heat or cold would He leave His children without hope. We must appropriate the disciplines of endurance and perseverance which are promised by God. Perhaps we might call them (endurance and perseverance) the heaters of the soul. They are the by-products of building the supplements to our faith into our lives day by day (see 2 Peter 1:3-11).

We’ve a long way to go before North Texas reaches the scalding temperatures of Death Valley, California or Baghdad, Iraq. I pray it’s not that long or far to the hottest Church in town.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Rocky Mountain High

I hope some of you have been missing my devotionals and thoughts. I had planned to continue this week without interruption, but. . .

We are working with Estes Park Baptist Church this week and visiting Rocky Mountain National Park. WOW! Does God do good work or not? Yesterday we hiked to Dream Lake, an alpine lake located just at the base of Halletts Peak. I am not sure I have seen another place any more beautiful than that spot. It took some time to get there, but every strained breath was worth the effort. I'll see what I can do about getting a picture to you (as soon as I figure out how).

Anyway, I'll be back on track soon. If you're not missing my stuff. . .well, don't tell me!

Thursday, July 12, 2007


When there is a storm in our relationship with a friend, we tend to get a bit more introspective, and I think that is good. When you struggle with one you llove - ask yourself these questions:

1) Am I being obedient to the Truth of God in seeking reconciliation?
2) Am I practicing the disciplines of llove regardless of the outcome of the circumstance?
3) Am I willing to go the "second mile" in rebuilding the friendship?
4) Can I find the peace of God in my heart even if there is no resolution or if that resolution is going to take some time?

Sometimes things go awry. Sometimes you can't fix it. What you can always fix is you!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


1 Corinthians 12:25 says that we are to "care for one another." Last evening I sat with some long time friends (over 25 years) as we remembered our precious brother who transferred to Heaven a few days ago. While we mused over the years and experiences we shared together, each of us wished for "one more time."

Take time with those you llove. That time will end, one way or another, and while you will always wish for "one more" you will have the assurance you have done what you could while you could.

The Local Church

Matthew 16:18 - . . . I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

George Barna, in his book Revolution (Tyndale House, 2005), says, “There is nothing inherently wrong with being involved in a local church. But realize that being part of a group that calls itself a “church” does not make you saved, holy, righteous, or godly (sic) any more than being in Yankee stadium makes you a professional baseball player. Participating in church-based activities does not necessarily draw you closer to God or prepare you for a life that satisfies Him or enhances your existence.”

Whoa, what Church has he been attending? First of all, if you are not “saved” you are not part of the “group” to begin with. You’re just a person who attends the gatherings. But if participation as a part of the group does not “draw you closer to God” or “prepare you for a life that satisfies Him,” you must be gathering with something or some ones other than the Church of Jesus Christ or you are definitely not listening and learning.

The Church of Jesus Christ, regardless of its denomination or affiliation, whether it is more traditional or contemporary in its approach, is a place where those in whose heart the Messiah dwells find the Spirit of God, operating through gifted individuals, so that they are “rooted and firmly established in llove, able to comprehend with all the saints what is the length and width, height and depth of God’s llove and to know the Messiah’s llove that surpasses knowledge, so you may be filled with all the fullness of God.” (Ephesians 3 17-19 HCSB)

And, they find “their hearts to be encouraged and joined together in llove, so that they may have all the riches of assured understanding, and have the knowledge of God’s mystery – 'Christ.' " For “in Him all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden.” (Colossians 2:2-3 HCSB)

The Church of Jesus Christ is a place where from the head, Jesus Christ, “the whole body, fitted and knit together by every supporting ligament, promotes the growth of the body for building up itself in llove by the proper working of each individual part.” (Ephesians 4:16 HCSB)

Not everything that calls itself the church is the Church. But those who are rightly related to Jesus Christ are the collective Body of Christ and lack of enthusiastic involvement in that Body is a failure to be obedient to the Truth of God’s Word. The Church calls that sin because the Word of God calls that sin. Mr. Barna is wrong, period, paragraph.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Journey

Mark 13:34 says, It is like a man on a journey, who left his house, gave authority to his slaves, gave each one his work, and commanded the doorkeeper to be alert.

Let me share with you with this thought. Our Savior is on His journey, and soon, I believe, He will return for his people. It will be a difficult time for many. Some will be disappointed because they are caught up in the affairs of this life and will not want to leave. Some will be found failing to be alert, reluctant to watch and wait, and refusing to carry on the ministry to which they have been called. There will be those who are yet immature in their beliefs, lacking knowledge of Truth, and falling short of the Master’s expectations because they have chosen to focus on lesser things. Some will discover that although they walked through the baptismal water and signed up for Bible Study class, they are missing saving faith and will be left behind.

There are those who actually think the Savior’s journey will never end. Convinced He will not come in their lifetime, and betting on His last-minute forgiveness, they saunter through life with a careless attitude. They have avoided lloving the family of believers, never grasped the reality of His supernatural Spirit gifting and empowering them, and found the work of the Church to be dull and boring. They have walked through life with a deaf ear toward God, and the result has been a wasted and confused journey full of uncertainty and disillusionment.

Please, be reminded, the Savior will soon return from His journey. He will take up the Church. He will pass judgment on us all. He will separate the wheat from the tares, and we will receive the just recompense of our faith.

Maybe it's time to wake up, work hard, give your best, seize the Light, believe with all your heart, and work while there is still time.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Whose Got the Power

There's a game we play at Church called "whose got the power." If you know anything about how the Church works, you understand the rules. . .or lack thereof. I am glad we are not the only ones playing the game. Watching our Government struggle with the same issues gives me a sense of hope that one day we will understand God's role and ours. Somebody needs to check the Scriptures to get the answer.

Associated Press writer Laurie Kellman said, in part, that certain events are "inflaming an intense battle between Democrats and (sic - President) Bush over his use of executive power. There was relatively high tension on both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue." In other words, Congress wants the power to control the Executive Branch of Government (the President must answer to us), and the Executive Branch wants its freedom to work independently of the Legislative Branch (you're not going to tell us what to do) and the Judical Branch is salivating over the prospects that they will get to exercise ultimate power. Somebody needs to check the Constitution to get the answer.

What ever happened to "of the people, by the people, for the people?"

Call Them Like You See Them

"Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." Genesis 2:24

Calling things as they are may not be the same as calling things as we see them. Some of us do not see well in certain areas and we are subject to making incorrect judgments. On the other hand there are things that are easy to call.

This whole matter of Marriage is an easy call. Some folks are confused, or rebellious, or just plain stupid (whoops, sorry). So let me give you the straight “skinny” on this issue.

Marriage is God’s thing! He invented it. Actually He invented everything so it’s not a stretch to make such a statement. Humans have often felt or been tempted to believe that because we use something God made it becomes ours to define and manipulate however we desire. That, of course, would be wrong thinking. The Truth of the matter is that Marriage is especially important to God because it is a temporal demonstration of His relationship with His Church (read: people). Since the beginning God has used Marriage as a means to communicate a multitude of Truths to His people. Llove finds its greatest expression in Marriage. Procreation finds its source in marriage. Fulfillment of familial relationships is discovered through Marriage.

The Scripture defines Marriage as the uniting of a man and a woman in a relationship that allows them to become one person. It is a sacred bond that cannot be broken, and must discover the mutual submissiveness to God and each other that allows llove to flourish and mature. It is not subject to adding additional persons (except offspring) and cannot consist of any partnership not clearly delineated by Scripture.

To think otherwise is ridiculous, self-serving, ignorant, rebellious sin. Anyone who thinks that such Truth is unenlightened or narrow-minded is blind and in need of an accurate, adequate Biblical education.

And, by the way, when you have opportunity to say so – do!

Hey, I just call ‘em like I see ‘em.

Thursday, July 5, 2007


The Ft. Worth Cats, God bless them, can't seem to get a ball game in (their field is a lake), but they sure can put on a great fireworks show! The one I watched last night was just spectacular. Perhaps it is being so close to the action that makes it better. One's shirt is littered with the "fall-out", and I llove it.

What I llove most, however, is being so close to the action of the local Church that I find the "fall-out" to be all over me. People practicing their gifts of edifying the Body, caring for one another, reaching out to the damaged and hurting, and practicing the disciplines of llove leaves a residue of hope and excitement in my heart.

If you're not experiencing that, you're in the wrong pew.


You don’t even know what tomorrow will bring—what your life will be. James 4:14a

Some say that the anticipation regarding what is coming is often if not always better than the event itself. That’s a sad thought, but true perhaps in relationship to the nature of reality. I often find myself anticipating those coming things more than concentrating on the things that are occurring. Sometimes the problem is our faulty way of thinking. For example, in the midst of our vacation we are so focused on the fact that it will soon be over that we fail to enjoy the time we have. Or, we are concentrating on how many days are left before we can retire to that cabin in the hills, and in the process missing the incredible possibilities of the day at hand.

If the Scriptures tell us anything at all it is clear that we need to focus on the here and now. I don’t mean to preclude the fact that Heaven may be in our thoughts, but our primary view must be attentive to the present. It is certainly not wrong to plan, prepare and even preview in our minds the future, but if our absorption is such that it prevents our best efforts at the present, we will miss God’s best and live each day with less intensity than possible.

I fully believe that tomorrow is bright. When we are involved in obedient response to the leadership of the Father, it matters little whether tomorrow extends our service and llove to others or transports us to Glory. Tomorrow may be a day of pain and sorrow, a day of joy and fulfillment, or a day of repeating the same tasks as the day before. In each day, however, there is a purpose, a plan, a promise, and a provision. We must learn to see them, embrace them, and enjoy them.

Tomorrow will come—or it won’t. Someday that long awaited vacation will start—today. Retirement, the new career, marriage, or the expected one will arrive. Maybe the inheritance will be much larger than you thought! In the meantime, carpe diem! Or better still, llove what is now! You have that in hand.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Traditional Hunting

The Japanese used to be prolific whale hunters. The practice is dying out. Whales are protected more now than ever before. Perhaps that is best.

Old traditions die hard.

In one former whaling area the hunting boats are all gone, "But every year, citizens don traditional clothes and take to the water in traditional boats, ceremonially using traditional harpoons to hunt a 'whale' which is made of metal and powered by an outboard motor." (BBC News, Japan)

I couldn't help but think of some Churches who no longer hunt the oracles of God. Instead they are doning the traditional "cloak of self-righteousness" for a few minutes of following a tradtional self-serving approach to prosperity and a traditional happiness based on hedonism.

A Changing America

"Happy is the nation whose God is the LORD." Psalm 33:12

"One good thing about growing older is that you have a lot to look back over. There is never a shortage of things that one has seen and heard, assuming, of course, that one has watched and listened.

It’s nothing short of amazing how “things” have changed in fifty (50) years. And you have heard and read (via the internet, probably) all of the “stuff” about how it used to be. My greatest concerns do not lie with the change that we have seen, but the change that is coming that some of us will not live to see.

I believe that my grandsons will live in a political, socio-economic, and spiritual world that would be unrecognizable to us. We can always hope that our Savior will return before they are forced to live through the collapse of this Nation. It may need to be soon. I don’t want to be an alarmist, but I am alarmed. And I am certainly not a prophet, but then neither am I Biblically illiterate. It is easy to see the secularization of the Church. It is clear that as a Nation we are moving at light-speed away from our Judeo-Christian roots. Multiculturalism is gnawing away at the very foundation of what made this Nation great. Laws, in this declining Republic, are less made by the Legislature, acting in response to an informed electorate, and more by a five (5) member cobbled committee accountable to no one but themselves.

We are moving toward a time when Psalm 33:12 is only a fond memory. The remaining ten verses of that Psalm are clear that we cannot long survive the conversion to a Godless entity.

As we celebrate this 4th of July, 2007, we pause to pay tribute to the founding fathers, and their great literary works which became the framework for our system of Government. But, we are choosing, en masse, to ignore and thereby destroy the very rock on which this people stand.

Failure to survive as a Nation is not uncommon, but it is unprecedented that people with such vast knowledge, so strong an organization, so powerful a driving force, so educated and enlightened a society, and so obviously blessed by “the hand of Providence”, would squander it all in a relentless pursuit of hedonistic misotheism.

There is a hollow ring in the words, “God bless America” for those of us who are asking, in concerned honesty, “Why would He?”

Monday, July 2, 2007

July 4th

July 4th is coming. I'm going to a picnic, a baseball game, and watch fireworks. That sounds like a real fourth of July celebration to me.

I can do that because someone will lay down their life on the 4th of July. Some young man or woman, or perhaps a decorated veteran still fighting the enemies of freedom on a battle field in Iraq or Afganistan, will give the ultimate sacrifice while I eat and watch. I can't change that! I can pray, everyday, for our men and women in military service. I can beseech Heaven on behalf of our Nation, its leaders, and its citizens. I can fervently pray for the families who will hear the news of casualties while we go through another 4th of July normal activities.

Heaven help us when we cannot hear the cries of pain and sorrow in the midst of our rightful celebrations!


Everything that can be said about freedom has surely already been said. We all know freedom isn’t free. We know the cost of liberty is for many the ultimate sacrifice. Even as we write and read these words the price of freedom, the cost of liberty, is demanding the life-blood of our finest men and women in conflicts around the world.

There is no question that the freedoms we have enjoyed in the United States of America are eroding. We are being swept along in the flood of evil that is inevitable when men are bent on worshipping the created rather than the Creator. Religion seeks to establish its rule in the lives of those who know not God. Religious fervor demands allegiance to humanism and embraces the worst in humankind leading to the destruction of nations and societies and ultimately, except for the grace of God, civilization itself.

In John 8:36, the Bible says, “If the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” We understand clearly that the context here is freedom from the tyranny of sin and bondage of legalism that is a part of the liberation which Jesus Christ brings to those who trust Him and embrace Him as Lord and Savior. But it is more than that.

We can be free from the depression and discouragement which plagues those whose focus is on this world and its myriad pleasures. We can recognize that life and death are integral parts of a relationship with Christ. We will indisputably spend eternity in the presence and power of the Lord God of Heaven, but the intimacy we seek is as much a part of today as it is tomorrow.

We can be free from the self-serving power and prestige of this age and discover the joy and tranquility of surrendered lives living out the principles of faith, hope, and llove. We can move beyond the sting of bitterness and pride left behind by previous generations to a life of humble service, giving, as did Christ, to those in need and those left lloveless by the cruelties of sin.

We live in the greatest nation in the world. Even with all the changes that have come recently, we are remarkably free to be about our lives, our work, our faith. We can come and go much as we please, free to worship, to gather together in the houses of prayer we have built, to establish lloving relationships with others believers, and carry out our calling in Christ.

We may lack the political support of a citizenry that has succumbed to that which Patrick Henry, the patriot of earlier years, suggested when he said, "Bad men cannot make good citizens. It is impossible that a nation of infidels or idolaters should be a nation of free men. It is when a people forget God that tyrants forge their chains. A vitiated state of morals, (and) a corrupted public conscience, are incompatible with freedom."

Let freedom ring! Across the land and through the houses of worship, let real freedom ring!