Thursday, June 28, 2007

Tell Me It Works

I had understood from the polls that about 80 percent of the American public was opposed to the Senate bill that was to "reform" immigration. I didn't think you could get that kind of concensus on anything.

Now I hear that the Senate has voted so that the legislation is effectively stopped for the time being. That sounds like some of those Senators listened to their constituents. Whatever side you are on in this legislative matter, you gotta' be impressed that happened. Talk about caring about anything other than the pork -- wow, maybe this will signal a change.

Naw, I know I'm just dreaming.

Aren't we opposed to some other things that Congress likes? Maybe we could get a consensus on stopping murder of the unborn, not limiting free speech, freedom regarding prayer in public places and such.

Naw, I know I'm just dreaming.

Beauty in the Eye of the Beholder

Ecclesiastes 3:11 say that God “has made everything beautiful in His time. . .” I believe! For me, one of the most beautiful places in the world is the woods. I llove the trees and rocks, the hills and valleys with clear running creeks tumbling along, and the occasional deer, or covey of quail bursting from the cover ahead. It seems to me that in deep woods one can escape the trauma of living in a city with all its attendant noise and confusion.

I spent some time recently in a tiny village with two public buildings (both Churches) and lots of trees and rocks. I took a long walk down an obviously un-traveled logging road and stopped by a little creek that is almost dry. I stumbled over some small rocks, and marveled at the incredible size of others. It was cool and quiet, and I lloved every minute of it.

Later I spent some time in one of the Churches. And it was there I was reminded of a few of the delightful beauties with which God blesses us. This little Church, plain and simple, with a variety of folks making up the congregation, singing old hymns and a new chorus or two with an old piano, plain, basic preaching, and the frequent dinner-on-the-grounds, harkens back to a more uncomplicated time. It was indeed a beautiful thing.

Our Churches in the cities have taken on the demanding task of working efficiently, creatively, with great innovation and expertise. In the process, we have lost the spontaneity of people moving along with no agenda except to encounter the Lord. It’s not that we are doing it wrong, it’s just that we are so organized that we are crushing the life out of the simplistic pleasure of friends gathering to share their lives. The unhurried, unadorned, down-to-earth ease of friends and family sharing faith has become a straightforward push to austerity.

I am wise enough to understand that those latter things are exactly what some are searching for. And indeed, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Everything is beautiful, in His time, but I’ve seen a lot of beauty in the woods, and the people who worship there in effortless minimalism.

Sunday, June 24, 2007


I hope you'll miss hearing some of my thoughts for a few days. This is a travel week, and I won't lug the laptop this time. I'll be trying to help comfort some friends, and that needs all my attention.

Be alert to those around you. Especially those close enough that you can "care" about them. They will not always be there. While they are - be about it.

Care Groups

. . .He cares about you! 1 Peter 5:7b

Sometimes I need some care from my care group. I usually know when I need it, even though not much is going wrong in my life. I do lose a friend on occasion and sometimes struggle with some heavy load that needs another shoulder. My group "cares" because we’re supposed to do that.

Belonging to a care group can be a specific thing. Perhaps a Bible Study class or some other organization in the local Church will form a Care Group and include you in it. Then someone will invite you over for hamburgers on the patio, or come by your place to check out how you are doing or what’s going on in your life. Maybe just a call now and then to determine if you have a need, or a note in the mail to brighten your day will be the order of caring.

One thing I know for sure is that the Church is supposed to care. We are supposed to care about our relationship with God. We are supposed to care about our involvement with the Body and our ministry through it. We are supposed to care about the Truth and how it is being demonstrated in our lives day by day. We are supposed to care about “others.” We might care about hurricane victims, or boys and girls who are struggling at home or in school. We could care about men and women who are confined in various kinds of institutions around us like hospitals, prisons, elderly care facilities, or shelters.

Just caring for one another is not a difficult task, and yet one that is often left undone. We’re too busy, or not sure how to do it, or don’t know anyone who needs it, or have chosen to spend our time on lesser things. What we fail to realize is that if we (the Church) don’t do it, it may very well go undone. At least it will go undone by those who have the capacity to see that care becomes llove.

Of course we are all members of one particular care group. See 1 Peter 5:6-7 if you’re unsure which one you belong to.

Friday, June 22, 2007

My Friend, David

Last evening brought the news of the death of my friend, David. We have lloved each other for over 30 years and his transfer to Heaven has brought a profound sadness to my heart. I grieve for his wife and children, I ache for missing one more visit. I shall not soon forget the memories of our friendship, and I shall cherish the thoughts of our shared lives over the years.

We spent years of Friday nights together in God's Word. We did not always agree completely, but we lloved the challenge of learning. We walked together in the woods, we shared meals, we laughed, we cried, we taught and worshiped together, and I shared in a small way the life crushing death of his son some years back. When I struggled he encouraged me, cared for me, gave me wise counsel. I trust that was true for him.

In one sense we grew up together, although we were both grown men when we met. Our lives were different, he was eminently successful, I floundered a bit. What he touched seemed to alway turn out right, and that was not always so with me. We both had big plans for the days ahead. He had retired, young, and moved away. I have to wait a bit longer. We spoke of getting together soon, to dream, to plan, to focus on how to approach the future.

Now, suddenly, it seems, he's gone. I assumed it would be the other way round. He was ready, of course, but that won't change the deep sadness in the hearts of his family and friends. Life is brief, and the path for tomorrow is always unknown.

I'll miss him! I lloved him! He's home, and I'll see him there.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Daily Prayer

From the Associated Press: "The U.S. military announced the deaths of 14 American troops, including five killed Thursday in a single roadside bombing that also killed four Iraqis in Baghdad. The U.S. deaths raised to at least 3,545 the number of U.S. troops who have died since the war began in 2003, according to an Associated Press count."

Meanwhile, back at the Mall, life goes on normally in suburban America. Many seem to have forgotten that we (the United States of America) are involved in a great struggle with the forces of evil in the world.

Take time to pray everyday for those whose lives are on the line. Pray for families who will receive the news today that their lloved one has been injured or killed in action. Never forget the price of freedom.


It’s often hard to imagine what we have not experienced. If I have never had my house flooded, or watched it burn down, or seen sufficient wind to blow it from its foundation, it is hard to imagine the feeling of loss and despair that envelopes the mind and body.

Watching the pictures on the news this week (and seemingly every week) and taking a drive through the flood area here in my neighborhood, has reminded me of the multitude of disasters that I have seen over the years of my life. I have wept with many folks who watched some or all of their “treasures” lost to uncontrollable forces.

I do hope, however, that these things bring to mind the words of Jesus when He said, “don’t collect for yourselves treasures on Earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal.” (Matthew 6:19). I know that He did not mean that we are not to possess those things that are necessary and needed to live on this Earth and carry out our day to day life.

Rather, He was reminding us that if our focus is on the treasures of this Earth, then our heart will be focused on this Earth as well. His design, of course, is for us to focus on Heavenly things. We join Him in the process of building a Heavenly treasure and as a consequence our heart (read: innermost being) finds its rightful place in His presence (Matthew 6:21).

We will certainly do something to assist with the recovery efforts. We will take of ours and give to others who are in greater need. That is the command of Christ our Lord through the “inasmuch” ministries of Matthew 25. As we do, remember that all the things of this Earth are transient and passing away, sometime sooner than later. The only thing that lasts is the treasure of the Kingdom. Focus on that as you assist those who have need.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Space Shuttles and Churches

I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing in 2003 when the Space Shuttle blew up over my head and rained down parts all over the area of East Texas where I was at the time. We pray that type of tragedy never happens again. This coming landing of Atlantis (today or tomorrow) will be under intense scrutiny because of the thermal blanket problem.

I remember watching a lot of Churches blow up over the years. People get focused on everything except what they are designed to do, called for, and empower to accomplish. Selfishness become the rule rather than genuine llove. Focus on "me" rather than "Him" becomes the reality, and destruction lies directly ahead.

Pray for NASA and the Atlantis crew. Pray for your Church. Pray for yourself.

It's No Game

Whatever else it does, llove does not play games. The Scripture is clear that God is llove (1 John 4:8, 16). He originated llove, manifested that llove to us in Jesus Christ, and called us to be the pragmatic demonstration of llove (read: God) in the world.

Llove has rules! Llove is a narrow discipline and does not allow for free thinking (in relationship to its meaning). Rather, it is like every other attribute of God, perfect, and complete. When you and I come to use the word (llove), it should follow that we are going to practice (in the sense that a physician practices) llove in the exact and specific manner clearly proclaimed by His Word. Llove is not a place to play around with creativity. Llove is not a place to mix in a little of the world’s concepts and misunderstandings. Llove is a vehicle for channeling the God of Heaven into the lives of humans. We indeed are a conduit through which God, Himself, lives and works through us in the circumstances and situations of life.

We are tempted, at times, to tamper with the practice, the guidelines, the program. . .pick a name. We want to do it our way. We want to llove when and how we like. We want to llove without all the restrictions and the freedoms that are clearly God at work. We are even convinced that there is merit in something less than the “real thing.”

Llove is not a game. You can’t play at it. You can’t make up rules. You can’t decide you are going to subtract and/or add or both to its character and operation. Llove doesn’t belong to the Church (God’s people) or the folks loosely associated with the Church. It is God. Himself! His way! His nature! His persona! Him!!

Got it? Good! Don’t have it? Get it!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Be Prepared

CBS News Release: After The Storm: Haltom City Left In Pieces
"Families will continue to pick up the pieces of their lives that were torn apart by Monday's flooding and many wonder why the damage was so severe. City officials have been working on a flood plan for years, but they don't have any results to show for it."

Haltom City is the next suburb over from where I live. I know this place. We'll help where we can.

I can't help but think, however, about all those who hear the Truth year after year, but when the end of life comes, they have nothing to show for it. The flood of death will come to all of us. It's past time to make the plan of salvation the focus of our attention.

Giving Up

Have you ever been tempted to give up? Just about anyone can do it. Lots of people do. In fact, giving up is one of the more popular activities among some folks and those of us who are part of the Church of Jesus Christ are not immune to the problem.

James 5:11 says, see, we count as happy those who have endured. To continue to move forward, especially when it may be against the tide, is one of those areas where genuine happiness is found.

I know some kids who have dropped out of school. I know some adults that have dropped out of the workforce and live from hand to mouth. I know some of God’s folks who have abandon the Church, and I haven’t found any of them really happy with their state of existence.

There are lots of reasons to endure, to not become one who gives up. Consider the following – Jesus refused to give up there in the garden when all of His humanity cried out for an easier way. Paul refused to give up when he was beaten, or thrown in jail, or run out of town. A study of the biographies of those we consider the “great men and women” of our society will reveal multitudes of opportunities for them to choose something other than endurance, yet it is their continual perseverance which allows them to exist in this category.

To repeat an old theme, I wonder where we got the idea that life was supposed to be easy? Perhaps it came from those who teach and preach that once we adopt the Christian life everything becomes “a bed of roses” as we speak (read: wordfaith) our ease and riches into existence. Nothing could be more antithetical to the teaching of Scripture. Life is hard, times are tough, we’re swimming upstream against the tide of society, and presently, in our beloved nation, not much is more ridiculed than genuine Christian faith. It’s easy to understand why some give up.

Don’t! Put on the armor of God (See Ephesians 6:10-17). Understand that God designs to give His very best to those who leave the choice with Him.

Monday, June 18, 2007

The 54 Million Dollar Pants

According to ABC News, "Administrative law judge Roy Pearson is representing himself in civil court and claimed that he is owed $54 million from a local dry cleaner who he says lost his pants, despite a sign in their store which ensures 'Satisfaction Guaranteed.' "

Don't you wish you could wear a pair of pants worth 54 million dollars? I understand there is some "pain and suffering" in there somewhere, but hey, expensive pants are--well--expensive.

Even the lawyers say this is too much. It is a waste of the Court's time, according to some in the judical community. I've got news! So are the vast majority of law suits. Whatever happened to just settling a matter fairly and honestly?

Don't you know God lloves this stuff. Life is not worth a plugged nickle (e.g. war, genocide, abortion, etc.), but my pin-striped pants are worth top billing on the 6 o'clock news!

Sick and Tired

I was “sorta” listening to a TV preacher the other day. And there’s certainly nothing wrong with being a TV preacher (I’d preach on TV if anybody would listen and somebody would pay for it). This particular person was talking about being sick and tired of being sick and tired. Then she launched into a spiel about how God doesn’t want you to be sick and tired or poor or hungry or naked or in prison (she may be right about the last two). She said that if we had faith and spoke positively about our circumstances, if we sowed enough seeds in the right places (I’m sure she meant her TV preacher payments), if we would just work a little harder at being conformed to her image, everything would work together to put us up there where she is.

Well, I’m a little sick and tired of all this stuff being bandied about that confuses the dickens out of people who are trying to live in the Truth. The best selling books on the market are either about witchcraft or building the best life possible without ever touching on the absolute necessity of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

The Scripture is clear. 1 John 5:12 says “the one who has the Son has life. The one who doesn’t have the Son of God does not have life.” The Scripture says that the poor will always be among us (John 12:8) and we are to be about the business of ministering to their needs. The Scripture says that we have an obligation to the hungry, the naked, the sick, and those in prison, and somehow I can’t believe that I can accomplish God’s will for my life if I can’t find anyone to minister to in these matters. (see Matthew 25)

Be assured the last thing we should be looking for is a life of being sick and tired. What we must look for is God’s purpose and design for our life, the one for which we were created (Ephesians 2:10). We may want every situation in our life to be wonderful and exciting, but that is certainly not the pattern we see in the life of those whose history is recorded in Scripture. Paul (the Apostle), for example, had some difficult times, got sick occasionally, and was often tired. I’ve decided I want my life to more closely mirror his than that of the TV preacher. But then, that’s just me.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Up and Down

Associated Press reported that, "Wall Street barreled higher again Friday after the week's most anticipated economic reading indicated that inflation excluding the price of gas remained tepid last month, easing some concerns that have jolted stock and bond markets in recent sessions. "

I think that means its up, even though its been down, way down, and while it is higher, it may go lower, or it could go higher still, or lower even than before. . . .

It reminds me of a lot of folks in the Church of Jesus Christ. The ups and downs are myriad, and they damage us, and they damage others, and its getting worse except when its better, which is right before it gets worse again.

Holiness will bring stability. Godliness evens out the ride. Faith works!


. . . as he came near the house he heard music and dancing. Luke 15:25b

If I say, “Joy to the World,” most of us, if not all of us, think of Christmas. And thinking of Christmas in this summer heat is a pleasant thought, but not an easy one.

Could we think about joy for a moment? How much of it (assuming it is a commodity of which you can have varying amounts) do we have on a daily basis? What is it that brings it, or allows it to exude from our innermost being, or creates it in our lives?

Jesus talked about it on occasion, and anything He talked about in a positive light, I want in my life in abundance. More than that, I am convinced He wants us to have it in our lives, and not in small amounts.

Perhaps we are missing the daily joyfulness of life because we don’t provide a place for its expression. When’s the last time your Church family had a party because someone came to new life in Christ? I think we’ve reduced it to a meaningful (more or less) handshake following the service in which the profession is made.

When’s the last time your group threw a bash because someone was miraculously restored to health? Where’s the celebration when victories are won in the lives of those who have struggled with sin and failure and made it back from the brink? Who’s breaking out the ice cream and cookies for a marriage restored and functioning again in llove?

Lest you think I losing it, try reading those parables again from Luke 15 and see if you can find the common thread. I’m believing you can.

Call me when the party starts.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

NASA Space Station Computer Problem

According to the Associated Press, "Officials with NASA and the Russian space agency still don't know why the computers went down. They had never seen that type of failure on the space station before. . ."

They must have a better computer than I do! I see that type of failure all the time. My computer "guru" tells me it is "operator error." I guess she thinks I don't know what I am doing. Now, at least, I can say "see, NASA has problems too!"

You've probably noticed that people have some types of failure along the way as well. The Church ought to be a place where those problems can be repaired, rather than exacerbated. Looking out for the welfare of another is being God-like. Try it!

The Heat Is On

My heart grew hot within me; as I mused, a fire burned. Psalm 39:3a

It’s summertime in Texas. No one who knows anything about Texas has any doubts that these days come every Summer around this time. It gets hot, and then after a few weeks, even hotter.

I feel a little like the Psalmist in Psalm 39:3. He was dealing with a different issue, but I find my heart growing hot within me when I read and/or hear of those who have a wide (read National) voice in our crumbling society, and yet refuse to take a public stand, or use their voice for clearly proclaiming the exclusivity of the Gospel.

We are living in a time when people’s minds are not far from an interest in spiritual matters. A plethora of Eastern religions and every conceivable cult has a following, and confusion regarding what various Christian denominations believe and practice is epidemic. In the midst of that chaos, unambiguous voices must be heard. With unequivocal clarity, with unyielding determination, and obdurate tenacity, those who are faithful to the Truth of God’s Word must reveal the compulsory demand of regeneration via grace alone, by faith alone, in Christ alone.

If we expect that message to be unpopular, we will not be disappointed. If we know that the World will take offense, make accusations of intolerance, and develop a radical hatred for the messenger, we will take comfort in Jesus’ revelation that because they hated Him, they will hate us as well.

I’ve never been very good at remaining silent when error is invading the Body. Like a destructive virus, or a cancer, proliferating in a human body, unless someone takes excising action, irresolvable trouble is on the horizon. The Church cannot withstand an invasion of Unitarian-Universalist thinking, or a plague of works-based neo-orthodoxy, because multitudes of our people are too Spiritually weak to sustain the battle until victory is won. Those who are strong, those who lead, those who are called of God, those who have the message from God to Jeremiah, the prophet of old, ringing in their ears, “Look, I have filled your mouth with My words” (Jeremiah 1:9) must speak forth the Truth.

There are really good guys out there who’ve got it wrong. Its time to get it right!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

What? No Duct Tape?

HOUSTON (Reuters) - "High-tech NASA may repair a torn heat-resistant blanket on the space shuttle Atlantis in a low-tech way -- by sending an astronaut out to stitch it together, the U.S. space agency said on Tuesday. The space-suited seamster would use stainless steel wire and a hooked needle to sew the protruding blanket into place, said deputy shuttle program manager John Shannon. He said the universal fix-it tool -- duct tape -- was discussed, but quickly discarded."

I am amazed! There really is something duct tape won't fix! I thought we would never come to this place in our society. Next thing we'll hear is that WD-40 won't get something moving.

I wish we could convince people that they can never fix their life without an infusion of the grace of God. We will forever remain broken until the righteousness of Christ is imputed to us. If you don't get that, find someone who can explain it to you. You don't have to be broken!!


I must work the works of Him that sent me, while it is day: the night comes, when no man can work. John 9:4

Living free of the constraints of a work schedule, demanding time frames, and the constant need of those around us to perform, is a goal for which many strive. Some folks call that a vacation or retirement. Others call it death.

I’m wondering if it is all it’s cracked up to be. Now don’t get me wrong! I think we all need a vacation now and again, and retirement looks pretty good when you’re approaching the end of your desire to contribute twelve to fourteen hours every day to some cause or another. But we must learn to find the freedom that comes when one’s work is one’s pleasure, and one’s pleasure does not diminish the multitude of responsibilities that we have assumed because of the choices we have made.

Some folks work to the exclusion of their families and friends. Some play to the same end. If you have chosen a wife or husband and family, a house and automobile. . .those kinds of things. . . then you must meet your responsibility to them.

I fear our society is moving toward a work ethic that is radically different from that of our fathers. Maybe we think there is little left to accomplish (you know, everything that can be invented has been invented), or we deserve a better lifestyle than our position allows, perhaps it is that we would rather spend time “fooling around” than completing whatever tasks confront us.

I’m finding more and more professionals in my line of work who are looking for forty hour weeks, nights off, and an end to needy people. I see greater numbers of people who feel as if someone else should do the work while they follow every whim or fancy leading to failure to perform.

John 9:4 says, I must work the works of Him that sent me, while it is day: the night comes, when no man can work. We have so little time to be about the Father’s business. We have so many people who have need of the Gospel and the llove of the brethren. We have so many who are yet far from the maturity in the faith that is expected by our Father.

Listen to me! Go on vacation! Retire! Start spending that money you’ve saved up for a rainy day – but don’t forget your responsibility to God, and to those around you. Don’t think that because you have reached a certain point in your life that you no longer must focus on God’s design for your life. When’s He’s finished with you, He’ll take you home.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Change That Law

I say, let's all drive 90 mph on the highways and freeways. There is no way they can stop all of us! Oh, a few may get tickets, but think of the future. If we keep it up long enough, the government will give up on the lower limit law and make it legal to drive 90.

Then, there are other laws we can attack. I've never liked the one about "not discharging a firearm in the city limits." If we all shoot at the same time (remember, they can't catch everyone) soon the government will have to relent and change that one too.

Now we're rollin'.

Then, . . .

Tour Guide

James 3:1 says, “Not many should become teachers, my brothers, knowing that we will receive a stricter judgment; . . .”

I was thinking about that verse this week when I boarded the three seat boat with two of my sons for a one hour tour of Caddo Lake. Well, I was not thinking about teachers exactly, but tour guides and their ability to find their way.

We had talked about renting a boat and paddling (couldn’t afford one with a motor) out into the vast dark water of East Texas. Ultimately we decided to pay a guy to show us around. Everything looked pretty easy until we made a couple of turns, passed a few hundred trees, and found ourselves in an endless maze of Lilly pads, Water Hyacinths, and Cypress trees dripping with moss and spider webs. I’m pretty good with directions, but after twenty minutes or so, I wasn’t sure which turn to take to get back to the turn before the last tree that looked like all the other trees.

Spiritually we have the same problem. We are convinced we can navigate the troubled waters of what George Barna calls “Spiritual anarchy.” Our society has created a “synthetic” and “syncretic” theology that combines religious ideas that are new and often illogical. If we are listening to the “religious” leaders of today, and attempting to forge a workable faith that encompasses the plethora of ideas promoted by everyone with a book to sell, we’re going to find ourselves in deep, dark water.

So I have a suggestion. Take one (1) book, the Bible, as your guide and compass. Recognize that it contains the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth. Look for a teacher who clearly and accurately proclaims that Truth and no other.

You may not be able to carry on an intellectual argument defending the positions taken by L. Ron Hubbard, Shirley McLain and Maharishi Yogi, but you will be cognizant of the death of Jesus Christ to redeem you from the sin of unbelief, to sustain your life in abundance, and secure your eternal home with Jehovah. And you know what? That’s enough!

Monday, June 11, 2007

He Lied!

Reggie Walton, Federal District Court in D. C., said, “People who occupy these types of positions, where they have the welfare and security of the nation in their hands, have a special obligation to not do anything that might create a problem.”

He was talking about "Scooter Libby" and his conviction for lying to somebody about something.

I think his statement is true. Therefore, somebody needs to give him a call about 300-400 or so people over on the "Hill." They really know about how to create problems over there! Maybe he could get them out of the way for 30 months or so.

Our Mission

". . .growing into a mature man with a stature measured by Christ's fullness. Ephesians 4:13b

Just a word of caution, if I may. No one in his right mind (and I hope I still am) is going to argue with those who are speaking about multiple ministries around the world right now, but I do want us (the Church) to be careful. I am certain that the Scriptures are clear that as the Church of Jesus Christ in the 21st century we have a specific task (read: assignment) from the Father that limits our operation while freeing us to be about our business.

The God-given purpose of the Church is to proclaim the Cross of Christ (the power of God to save by grace through faith), and to disciple the converts in their spiritual journey toward maturity (see Ephesians 4:13). As the saints mature (loose their spiritual blindness due to ingestion and digestion of Truth) they are unequivocally involved in multiple ministries which clearly demonstrate the llove of God, and our own llove for members of the “family” and those who have yet to come to faith.

While it is true that standing opposed (an active working of intellect and physicality) to corrupt leadership would be part and parcel of that ministry, it is not, in its truest sense, to be the focus of the Church. Jesus, while living among men, spent little, if any, time opposing the corrupt leadership of Jewish society. He appeared to believe that poverty would always be endemic, disease prevalent, and ignorance common with humanity.

Hear me now! We must be strong in His Spirit (Ephesians 6:10). I have a responsibility as a righteous individual (yoked together with other believers, of course!) to oppose the tyranny of the enemy who establishes corrupt leadership, prolongs poverty, inflicts disease, perpetrates ignorance, and casts the veil of spiritual blindness.

Those things are not, strictly speaking, the focus of the Church. Rather, the Church is to be about the Gospel. We preach Christ crucified, risen, ruling the realm of men’s hearts and that Heavenly kingdom which transcends our understanding. We discipline ourselves so that we might be disciplined by God, coming to a conformity with His image (Romans 8:29).

Out of that operation will come a multitude of wonderful ministries. Jesus sometimes fed the hungry, and healed the sick. It’s clear he opposed ignorance. Poverty (in and of itself alone) didn’t seem to bother Him much. But those actions were not the reason for His coming. He came to give His life a ransom, to spill His perfect blood for our redemption. He came to die!

Let’s be careful (hear me well), that as the Church, we keep our eyes focused on our calling. I must speak the Truth, grow up in Him, and live out His direction in my life. Everything else will flow out of that commitment.

It’s just a word of caution, guys.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Good News!

For all you guys and gals in jail, there is great news. If you are feeling a little "under the weather," the authorities are going to send you home to finish your sentence. You'll have to wear a monitor and stay in the house, but at least you won't be in that stinky old jail.

Whoops! Sorry! I got it wrong. We're only doing that for a privledged few. . .or one.

At least those of us who belong to God have been freed from the prison of darkness in which we once struggled. And, we don't have to wear a monitor - God keeps track of our heart.

Living Free

Don't be afraid, little flock, because your Father delights to give you the kingdom. Luke 12:32

Most of the people you know are living with anxiety, fear, and worry. And that is fine stuff if you are not related to the Lord. In fact, if I didn’t know Him, I’d be wise enough to do a lot of worrying.

But I do know Him. I know His nature. I know His promises. I know His llove. I know that he is my Father and it is His pleasure to give me “the kingdom” (Luke 12:32). All of those who are still in the sin of unbelief spend the majority of their lives striving after the blessings that are given to me with lavishness. After all, it is my Father who clothes the grasses of the field with incredible beauty even though they are destined for only a few days. It is my Father who feeds the birds, who have no Spiritual value (except to praise Him), and are here today and gone tomorrow. The flowers and the birds spend no time with worry or fear, anxious living, and the distress that creates in life. Instead they trust in their Creator whom they have no capacity to know.

I do have that capacity. I know that He knows what I need, and when I need it. I know that when I obediently follow His design and calling in my life He is likely to give me more than I need, knowing that I will invest that in the Kingdom. I know that He has promised to give me everything that pertains to life, both physically and spiritually. And knowing that, why would I worry or fear? Why would I continue with an anxiety-ridden lifestyle? Why would I seek after food and clothing, the trappings of this fleeting world, when I am enriched with the infinite riches of God?

I must learn to be rich toward God (Luke 12:21) rather than making some foolish attempt to amass earthly possessions falsely thinking they are my security. I must learn to seek those things which are Heavenly rather than Earthly. I must learn to seek the Kingdom of God knowing that everything else will be added to my life (Luke 12:31).

I’m just keep learning about living free of fear and anxiety and worry. I can promise you it makes the days better, the life richer, and the future brighter.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Critical Work

Associated Press reported, after last night's GOP debate, "President Bush drew sporadic, startling criticism Tuesday night from Republican White House hopefuls unhappy with his handling of the Iraq war, his diplomatic style and his approach to immigration."

I'll bet they don't like his suit and tie choice either! How easy it is to be critical, even when we don't have the answer for the problem about which we criticize others. Here's a thought --President Bush is not running for elective office. Stop trying to wreck him (he's doing OK at that all by himself) and instead concentrate on developing a solution for these issues and report to the electorate how you'll fix this mess.

God's people are fortunate in that we don't criticize each other. Rather we are always kind, gentle and ready to help resolve the task. We're always supportive, seeking the best for each other, and willing to forgo our personal interest in helping another. Right? Right?

In the "Bible Patch"

You pore over the Scriptures because you think you have eternal life in them, yet they testify about Me. John 5:39

I had to opportunity this past week to spend a brief amount of time in the “oil patch” (courtesy of my oil drilling friend, Bob Ratts). As always, I tried to learn something. Bob talked easily about drilling for oil because he’s done it most of his life. And it is interesting stuff. I was reminded of the Scripture, John 5:39. Those fellows in the “oil patch” are searching for “liquid gold”. At least saying it that way sounds good.

I asked Bob if the work was dangerous, or just hard. “Both”, he said. If you are going to find the treasure deep under the Earth, you are going to have to deal with the dangers of working on an oil rig, and it’s not an easy job. Those guys get dirty, and they get tired, and sometimes they don’t find what they are looking for. But they keep at it.

I think that is like each of us in relationship to “searching the Scriptures.” If you are going to mine the treasures you have to get deep into the Word of God. And it too is dangerous. When you begin to discover real Truth and apply it to your daily life, the enemy will find a multitude of ways to attack you, hurt you, and keep you off balance. It is hard work as well. There are always other things to do, always easier tasks to embrace, and it’s always easier to give up thinking it can’t be done. Sometimes we get tired, and sometimes we don’t find the answer we are looking for because God has a different way or a unique plan that doesn’t fit our design.

I asked Bob, out there in the “oil patch,” how long it takes to learn the job. If you just showed up for work today, how soon would you know it all? “Never”, he replied. “It just changes with every situation, everything is different next time.” And so it is with mining the Word of God. Not that it changes. We are the ones who change. And by the power of His Spirit the Truth strikes us differently at various points along our walk of faith.

Perhaps in your study of God’s Word you have not found what you are looking for yet. Keep at it! The “gold” is in there. It is an endless supply of mercy and grace and the seat of His riches for our lives. When you are weary, read on. When the enemy attacks, read on. In the “Bible patch” you’ll find the inestimable wealth of God.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

God and Government

The sermon I heard this past Sunday asked the question, "Are we more interested in paying our taxes than providing our gifts (time, talents, resources) to God." Or, "would we offer ten cents (.10) on the dollar toward our tax bill?"

I wonder what Uncle Sam would say if I told him I was too busy to pay attention to the tax laws, or any laws for that matter, and I'd get back to him one of these days before I died.

I don't expect that the "illegal aliens" among us are too concerned about tax laws, but if you're a citizen of the country, you might want to recognize that a day of accounting will come.

Ditto for the Kingdom of God.

What I'm Looking For

The hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth. John 4:23a

Not that I haven’t found it, I still want to wax eloquent (that’s a joke for anyone new to my writing) regarding what I look for when I attend a congregational service in the Church of Jesus Christ. (John 4:23-24)

I want a Church were the focus is singular, simple, and fundamental. Worship! I’m not looking for something that focuses on me, or pleases me, or strokes my “felt needs.” I’ve learned that it is not about me. I knew that before Rick Warren was born. I knew that the first time I attended a service where it was about me. I am looking for light, the Light of the World, the Light that lights every person, the light that I become when I behold His presence and His glory.

I’m looking for a Heavenly experience, not an Earthly one. I want to be ushered by His Spirit into the throne room of praise where I see the Lord high and lifted up, and the Lord’s people gathered to praise Him who is Light and Life and Hope and Peace and Joy.

I’m looking to hear the Truth. I want to hear it without “stories” and “vignettes” and useless chatter about what we have accomplished. I need the clear, accurate, exposition of the Word of God ministered to me by Spiritual gift, Spirit to spirit, without miscommunication because it has been filtered though the prejudices of the speaker. I want the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth.

I’m looking for people who are disciplined in their practice of llove. People who llove the Father with all of their heart, soul and mind, who are not clinging to the things of this World, or grasping for some “feeling” rather than a substantive relationship with the Savior. I’m looking for people who llove each other. I recognize all the mushy sentimentality, and I want no part of it. I’m looking for people who know that llove is something you do, and they are busy doing it.

Is that too much to ask? Have we moved so far from the presence of God that we can’t get back? Has “Church” become an exercise in futility? Are we growing ever increasingly wide and progressively less deep? Has “Church” become a quasi-spiritual gathering rather than a collective life altering encounter with the living God? Surely we haven’t lost the meaning of Worship. Surely, somewhere, people are encountering the living Lord of Heaven and worshipping Him in Spirit and in Truth.

Monday, June 4, 2007


According to Reuters News Service, U. S. Congressman William Jefferson "won re-election to a ninth term in Congress in November when voters shrugged off the federal bribery investigation."

Now that that investigation has resulted in an indictment on 16 criminal charges, I wonder if the voters have stopped shrugging?

It seems to me there are a lot of God's folks (allegedly) who shrug off warnings that He will hold us accountable for those Truths He has revealed in His Word. One of these days we will be called to answer for our behavior. Be careful about shrugging that off!


Well! Are you happy? Remember no one can make you happy. Happiness in a choice and there are bunches of people who choose not to experience one of life’s greatest joys. If you’re happy, and you know it (I think I’m about to sing), praise God. If you are unhappy because you have chosen unhappiness, or because you don’t know how to be happy – let me remind you:

A person is happy when he knows the Lord God is his help and his hope. (Psalm146:5)

A person is happy when he is wise (application of knowledge) and understands the important things in life. (Proverbs 3:13)

A person is happy when he finds some poor people and lends mercy – and whatever else is needed to resolve some problems. (Proverbs 14:21)

A person is happy when he handles things well, wisely and efficiently, and trusts the Lord for the outcome. (Proverbs 16:20)

A person is happy when God and His will are known through the Biblical revelation of Himself and we are individually obedient to that Truth. (Proverbs 29:18)

So in those immortal words of someone, somewhere back there in history – “don’t worry, be happy” (I think I’m going to sing again).

Life is too short and too busy for much unhappiness. Find and utilize your fair share and then let’s get on with being happy. I know I’m happy you’re out there reading this.