Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Critical Work

Associated Press reported, after last night's GOP debate, "President Bush drew sporadic, startling criticism Tuesday night from Republican White House hopefuls unhappy with his handling of the Iraq war, his diplomatic style and his approach to immigration."

I'll bet they don't like his suit and tie choice either! How easy it is to be critical, even when we don't have the answer for the problem about which we criticize others. Here's a thought --President Bush is not running for elective office. Stop trying to wreck him (he's doing OK at that all by himself) and instead concentrate on developing a solution for these issues and report to the electorate how you'll fix this mess.

God's people are fortunate in that we don't criticize each other. Rather we are always kind, gentle and ready to help resolve the task. We're always supportive, seeking the best for each other, and willing to forgo our personal interest in helping another. Right? Right?

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