Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Throwing Errors

Job 19:4 – And if indeed I have erred, my error remains with me.

What really hurts is when you throw the ball, usually with a lot of zip, and it goes where you never intended. Attending the Ranger game recently with friends, we saw two or three of those throws. Usually they cost you. And then there are Cuban’s boys, and they are closing in on losing out when their throws go where the teammate used to be, or some where near the basket. I’m sure you could throw better, and I am confident you believe the same about me.

Job’s friends accused him of sinning sufficiently to reap the wrath of God. Job believed he was innocent, and if he wasn’t, at least his sin was not against them. I’m not sure we could stake our reputation with Job’s. What is true, unfortunately, is that we sometimes throw words and actions around as if we live in a vacuum. When we throw out words without thinking and/or considering the impact of what we speak, or heave actions of a type or manner that violate llove, although we seldom miss the intended teammate or another teammate who may be in the area, it’s a throwing error.

Have you ever been hit by a thrown ball? Even in softball it stings. And in the major leagues (would that be the larger Churches?) a pitch or throw can maim or kill. Hence, with the analogy I am trying to make here, we need to be most careful what we throw around, and what actions we take pursuant to the knowledge and understanding we have of a situation.

There’s a certain amount of maturity that is required to think, plan, choose wisely, and act appropriately. Every time we fail to do so we are extending the damage which results from the enemy’s attack focused through our words and actions.

I can’t imagine what happened when a major league 2nd baseman, making a throw to first misses the bag, and his teammate, by 20 feet. It is astounding to me that an NBA all-star can only hit on 61% of his free throws (yep, that’s when nobody is blocking his sight or his action or his freedom of time).

I do understand how it happens in the Family of God. We make movements or take action without direction from God. We just don’t think. We just don’t pray. We just don’t act out of an understanding of genuine llove.

Don’t make “throwing errors.” You know they are going to cost someone.

Grim Future?

Some called yesterday's Stock Market drop a "kick in the stomach." Depending on how you're invested, that may be true. A lot of things are looking grim in the world right now. Iraq continues to be a plague on our society. Crime, drugs, rampant immorality and a multitude of evils abound and the frightening passage from Romans 1 as God abandons a people (read: nation) looms large for those who know Truth.

But, and it's a big but, we can never lose light of the reality that God is still on the throne. He still rules the Cosmos, and nothing takes Him by surprise. He has made promises to those who are His, and they will come to fruition.

It's a comfort beyond measure in the trying days.

Monday, February 26, 2007


Do you ever feel overwhelmed? You've got so many things to do that you are not sure where or how to start? It's not that any one of them is more than you can handle, it's just that together they seem to add up to too much.

Of course, the anwer is simple. Just pick one and start. No, I didn't say it was easy. Which one will give you the most relief? Start there. If it all has to be done today, start early. If it can be spread out a little, take it a piece at a time.

There, now I know what to do. I am so glad I am so helpful. Excuse me, I've got to go get started.


Watch yourselves so that you don’t lose what we have worked for. . . 2 John 1:8

We’ve got a leak in the men’s room. I put up the “do not use” sign a couple of weeks ago and so far we have had two or three plumbers turn down the job. Now don’t panic! It’s just a small split in a supply line water pipe, but no one wants to tackle the job for some reason.

It got me to thinking about John’s comment in his second letter to the Church. I think some of us are allowing for a little “leakage” in our containment of Truth.

John is talking about llove and Truth in his short letter to the Church, and reminding them that we are commanded to llove one another, to avoid listening to, and certainly following, the counsel of deceivers or those who work evil. In other words (actually in his words); watch yourself in these things.

When you and I fail to practice the disciplines of llove, or when we do not appropriate Truth on a consistent basis, even that which we have previously practiced and learned tends to slip (or leak, to keep the metaphor alive) away. It is impossible to practice the disciplines of llove toward those we never see or talk to. It is unlikely that we will apprehend much Truth if we are not involved in a teaching venue on a regular basis. Certainly I know that we learn on our own under the leadership of the Spirit, but God has given us the Body of Christ so that we might mutually edify one another and we can’t do that when we are apart.

Separation from the things of God and the people of God can’t be good. Everything we know leads us to understand that being diligent regarding our walk, especially in this matter of llove (2 John 1:4-6) requires faithful participation in the life of the Body.

Actually our family has some really good spiritual plumbers. They can fix those leaks and get the water of life flowing fully and freely through our soul. They can inspire a desire to know the Truth of God’s Word and to live in llove. And, like John, they want to do it face to face (2 John 1:12).
Check for leaks! You don’t want to lose anything God has placed within you to bring you to maturity of faith.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Delay the Cowtown Marathon?

Did I read that officials might consider delaying the Cowtown because of a little hail? One would think that they are not runners. If you've never run the 26+ miles, you don't know that a little hail is not a big deal. Your whole body is screaming after a couple of hours. You feet and legs are rebelling, your insides are churning, your brain will tell you death is around the next corner. A little hail? Forget it! Marathoners will find it no big deal.

I ran the race in 2005. (Yes! I did finish in a respectable time) It rained lightly most of the time. A little hail would have been a welcome distraction, I think. Anything to get my mind off those remaining 24 miles!

Wasted Life

It is appointed for people to die once, and after this, judgment. Hebrews 9:27

The life and death of Anna Nicole Smith is a sad story. I only know about her the little I have seen in the news casts over the years, and the incredible amount of press that has followed her final months of life, and her death. It’s not an unusual story, just one that got more publicity than some others.

It does remind us that life can be wasted. I don’t say that to be unkind, but the legacy which remains is the tragedy of one who succumbed to the lure of the Evil One embracing the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life. Her son experienced a tragic death. Her daughter will have to grow up without a natural family, discovering the stigma of her mother as a sexual icon, with several men claiming to be her biological father. Her personal assets will be contested for years, and in the end, her mother and others battled in court over her remains.

How many times has history told this narrative? How many more young women will be exploited by evil men who are seduced by the rottenness at the core of our society. How many young women will never discover the richness of a Godly marriage and the incredible joy of motherhood and the self-sacrifice of building a home on the foundation of Truth and righteousness? For many, like Anna Nicole, tragedy will encompass their days and the brief and fleeting pleasure of sin will end in death.

How important is what we do? How vital is our ministry to the youth of our community? How will they hear unless we sound a clear and accurate warning? How will we reach the goal unless we are willing to be sent by the Spirit of God into the lives of those most vulnerable?

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Passport Rules Change

Sometimes keeping up with the changes is a difficult task. Now we're being told that kids, of varying ages and circumstances, will be exempt from having a passport when traveling out of the United States. A valid birth certificate will suffice for returning home. Maybe we could change the rules so that old people (like me) are exempt from IRS regulations. I think I can get into that.

Aren't you glad the rules for getting to Heaven, and discovering the fantastic grace of God for present day living never change. Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6). Now there's a rule by which I can live forever !

Illegal Alien

Matthew 13:27b – ‘Master, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Then where did the weeds come from?’

One topic about which many voices are heard is this matter of those individuals who enter the United States of America illegally. There is a legal way to immigrate to this country, and many paths to do so outside the law. Since we are a nation of laws (commonly called a Republic), it is mandatory that every individual obey the laws or suffer a just recompense for failure to do so. If we fail to enforce all laws, we must excuse those who break any law. We must refuse to hold our citizens legally accountable if we are unwilling to hold non-citizens legally accountable as well.

The Church of Jesus Christ experiences the same problems as society at large. We have allowed, over a period of many years, citizens of the World to infiltrate the Church of Jesus Christ and co-mingle with the Citizens of Heaven. In our unwillingness to demand obedience to the commands of Christ Jesus our Lord, we have significantly weakened the fabric of our oneness in Him, and our ability to demand an uncompromised conformity to God’s Truth. We are guilty of hearing the voices of aliens along with the voices of the redeemed, and in our desire to be non-offending, we have subjected the Body of Christ to the ravages of sin.

Is there a solution to the problem? Of course! Our Father who lloves us beyond measure is not willing that we should negotiate a path to some middle ground, or concede the Truth to prove conciliatory to the enemy. Rather, He has provided the ingredients required for our justification, thereby declaring us to be members of the Family of God, heirs to the Kingdom of God, and possessors of the presence and power of God.

Just as our nation has failed in providing sufficient security along our borders to eliminate the unlawful entry of those who are unwilling to abide by our laws, so we (I speak of the Church) have failed to maintain the clarity of God’s requirements for possession of eternal life, over
-coming victory, and perfect peace.

Whosoever will may come. But he that draws near to Him must believe that He exists and rewards those who seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6) One cannot slip quietly into the Family of God through some assumed hole in the fence created by the cunning of another. Real repentance and genuine faith encompassing the infinite grace of God is the entry to His righteousness without which we of all men most miserable. All else are aliens and strangers to the grace of God and a little involvement with the Body won’t make a dandelion a carrot.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Rehab - Again

Scream a few racial epithets at your audience, then check into rehab.

Get drunk, arrested, become verbose on your feelings about Jews, then check into rehab.

Shave your head, ostensibly because you can't think of anything else to do, then check into rehab.

Rehab helps with some things. No doubt about that. At least it makes you think for a while about why you do what you do. But, I have a better idea. Instead of trying to rehibilitate your natural self, why not get a new heart (read: innermost being)? Your old heart is a problem. If you get a new one, everything else changes. (see 2 Corinthians 5:17)

And think of all the money you'll save.


He Himself has said, I will never leave you or forsake you. Therefore, we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. Hebrews 13:5 -6

Have you ever felt forsaken – abandon, believing for all the world that the end of things as you have known them has arrived and there is nothing you can do about it? I have! And I have seen it again this week in the lives of several people.

One event involves betrayal, illegality, a nightmare of interwoven lies and deceit. Friends used without their knowledge, or friends who are ignorant of the events, are deeply hurt. Another involves a natural progression of circumstances, which, when seen without the kaleidoscope of God’s perfect will, leads us to believe we have been short-changed, or that we have somehow become less important to God and others; those others who are unable to stem the tide of abandonment the Enemy brings to our consciousness
It is during those times that we need to be reminded of God’s principles for the actions of those who are struggling here –
First – continue to practice the disciplines of llove
Second – remain friendly and hospitable
Third – see the problems from the perspective of the one who is forsaking you
Fourth – don’t let anything that violates God’s design for your life enter your
Fifth – don’t concentrate on the wrong things but be satisfied with the incredible blessing of your life in Christ
Sixth – don’t be afraid; what can go wrong that God’s can’t fix?

Now in case you cannot tell, that is my exposition (please don’t drag the Expository Police down on me) of Hebrews 13:1-7. I may be a little off in my theological perspective, but I’ll make a case for fitting it to these situations.

If I have learned anything over my considerable years, I have learned that other folks, be it my family, my friends, my colleagues, my mentors, my leaders, my neighbors, my Christian brethren, will let me down. Some on occasion will forsake me, abandon me, hurt me, make me wish I could live absolutely alone on a desert island with nothing more than lots of money, plenty of stuff, and perfect friends. Unfortunately that only happens on TV.

One Truth on which I can constantly depend is that God has told me He will never leave me or forsake me. And I can take that to the bank. I’ve needed to cash in on that more than a few times in my life, and, take my word for it, it’s real. It’s true. It’s enough!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Our kids and grandkids are taking part of the TAKS test today in the great state of Texas. Some are really good at test taking. Some are scared to death. Some of the test is intellectually biased (that means you have to know some stuff before you can answer the questions, and that stuff is not part of the kids intellectual acumen) and won't tell us what they know. In fact, it may not be so much about what they know as what they can elicit from their minds on this particular day.

What if God gave us a test? How would you do? Would you possess the knowledge necessary to prove that you have spent sufficient time learning Truth?

Actually there is a test today. It's called "walking in Truth" (see 2 John 1:4). How are you doing?


Keep ablaze the gift of God that is in you through the laying on of my hands. 2 Timothy 1:6

One of the things one can do in the country that one can’t do in the city is burn things. If I could get a really big fire going at my house, I could resolve a lot of problems. I know you heard the wag who said, “what every Church needs is a few resignations and a big fire.” And, of course, you remember the story about the deacon standing near his burning Church when a fellow he didn’t recognize walked up. Said the deacon, “I’ve never seen you at Church before,” to which the fellow replied, “I’ve never seen your Church on fire before.”

Paul reminds Timothy that there must to be a blaze inside him which burns the dross, and fires the commitment to llove. It is indeed the same Spirit of God resident in Moses’ burning bush that now empowers the flame of faith, joy, peace and sound judgment in our hearts.

Unfortunately we forget there are two kinds of fire: Holy fire and the fire that comes from the pit of Hell itself. The latter is clearly seen in the tongue, boasting great things, igniting a forest, polluting the whole body and setting the course of life on fire. (James 3:5-6 paraphrased) I know that kind of fire temporally. It is a boon when properly controlled for eliminating a multitude of unwanted things around the farm. But when it is uncontrolled, smoldering without constraint, it can break out in a conflagration that consumes everything in sight.

We must learn how to keep ablaze the gift of God within us. That is a chore for many who have no idea what a “gift” is, much less how to use it. The Scripture clearly indicates that each believer is gifted by God for that certain work of ministry empowered by His Spirit without which we all fail to come quickly to the “measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.” We need to be kindling the flame which God has placed within our own life, and kindling the flame which God has placed in our spiritual brothers and sisters. As we tend the fires together there is a power that is released that is according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began (2 Timothy 1:9).

Sometimes, in a large forest fire, the firemen light backfires which they expect will consume the fuel and ultimately bring the inferno to an end. I assure you our society is on fire from Hell and our families and our friends are being consumed little by little as the fire spreads throughout life. It’s time to light the backfires of the Gospel, to fan God’s flame in our heart, to commit to our holy calling and be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, commit to faithful men who will be able to teach others also (2 Timothy 2:1-2).

Our God is a consuming fire (Hebrews 12:29). Be a person on fire!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Failure Is Underrated

I am weary from my crying, my throat is parched, my eyes fail looking for my God. Psalm 69:3

Failure is underrated! We are taught all along the path of life that to fail is one of the things we must avoid at all costs. Our loss of self-esteem (which we have often not earned in the first place) is profound when we fail. If a kid fails to make the team, or the cheerleading squad, if we don’t get the job for which we interview, or our application to some prestigious institution of higher learning is not accepted, we suffer the pangs of failure. God forbid that during our teen-age years someone we are convinced we llove turns us away. That is failure to the highest degree.

People experience failure in multiple venues and myriad manners. It seems to be a part of the make-up of our lives. No matter how we attempt to avoid it, somewhere, sometime, it just jumps up and bites us.

I am going to proclaim that is good! There can be way too much failure in our lives, and way too many ways to fail, but a little failure is good. Why? Because I don’t know of a single mechanism that is quite as efficient for motivating us to success or victory in that at which we have failed or other pursuits that become more important. I need to stress that if we fail to learn from our failures, failure becomes a way of life, and we will continue to fail unrelentingly.

Sometimes (probably much more often than I am willing to admit) I fail to drive home, get across, successfully inculcate my point of view. It is that very failure that motivates me to learn new and/or different communication styles or variants. I often converse with people who are struggling in their marriage relationship and experience failure in their ability to communicate with each other or organize their affairs effectively. But it is out of those failures that they are driven to learn, adapt, grow and practice the disciplines of llove. Again, it is the failure that forces the change.

History is replete with figures who have experienced failure, some to a life-damaging degree, but have overcome the tide of despair to find triumph in some noble endeavor. We’re familiar with Moses of Old Testament fame, who found forty years of nothing but desert heat and smelly sheep before God used him for one of the greatest victories in human history. How many times did Abraham Lincoln suffer the rejection of the electorate before he led our nation through an un-civil war and became a national icon? On a smaller scale, look up how many times Thomas Edison failed at making a simple incandescent light, before tungsten sealed his place in history.
Failure is underrated! I’m willing to wager you know a bit about failure. You also know about success. Sometimes the latter springs from the former. One sure truth: you can rise from failure to incredible triumph. Believing that might put a whole new spin on your current failure.