Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Simple Agreement

From an Associated Press story on the Florida primary:
"Steadfast in a crisis, as a candidate Giuliani was a bundle of contradictions, so much so that he liked to joke that even he didn't always agree with himself."

Sort of reminds me of a significant number of Christians. Many times there is little agreement between what we say we believe and the actions we take. We believe we ought to pray consistently and frequently, yet seldom do. We believe we ought to attend the functions of the Church, but are often too busy or tired. We believe we should actively share our faith with others, but rarely take the opportunity. We are confident that we are to llove one another, yet find the actual discipline much to difficult.

It's as if we don't agree with ourself about who we are in Christ Jesus, or what we are to be about as believers. That needs to change, and quickly.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Communication Two

Wow! I stand corrected! Did George W. Bush put me in my place, or what? His State of the Union address was as good a rhetorical offering as I have ever seen him deliver. He seemed at ease, happy, undeterred by the opposition, and willing to stand up for his administration's agenda. Whether you agree with his assessment of our Nation's position and future needs or not, there is no equivocation regarding his "presentation" of the material.

Now, that is exactly what we need when we share the Gospel. Be at ease (the Spirit is at work), happy (we're on our way to Glory), undeterred by the opposition (he's a loser), and willing to boldly present our Savior, Jesus Christ, to a lost and dying world.

We may be, like George Bush's Presidency, in our last days of opportunity. Let's move forward with enthusiasm and victory -- all the way to the end.

Monday, January 28, 2008


Tonight the President of the United States will present his State of the Union Address. It will be received with mixed reviews from a policy perspective and almost everyone knows that it will be rather poorly delivered from a rhetorical perspective.

One of the realities of the current Presidential race is that Barack Obama and Mike Huckabee (for example) are very charismatic and rhetorically astute. Significant numbers of people will judge the content of the message less objectively when it is poorly presented. Even bad ideas get a hearing when the "speechifying" is outstanding.

My point (I have no political objective here) is that the message you and I have to deliver when we proclaim Jesus Christ is in itself offensive to a lost world. We further limit its hearing when we say it poorly. You have the greatest task in the World, promoting the Gospel through a shared testimony. Learn to do it well!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Hang On!

Don't you know those folks who jumped off the stock market roller coaster on Tuesday are kicking themselves on Thursday? I know some folks who sold their AMR stock on Tuesday just to watch it rise almost two dollars per share on Wednesday. It's always the folks who jump off the ride when it's still in motion that get hurt.

Life is a series of up's and down's. There are good times and bad, tough times and easy living. Sometimes we have the idea that we ought to abandon the Church, or God's people, or the Truth that we live by because things are going badly. Don't! Instead, follow the Psalmist's counsel:
Trust in Him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts before Him. God is our refuge. Psalm 62:8

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bad News

Fred is out of the race (if you care, and some do). The stock market is an absolute mess (not the first or last time). Calvinism is growing in the SBC (and that's bad news for many). The city of Allen is trying to get folks to obey the law and some are screaming that regular folks moving into the city would rather be homeless and live under a bridge than pay a $5 registration fee (that anyone would believe that to be true means the idiocy level is way up, and that's bad news). Airline fares are going up (cancel that trip to the coast). Church attendance is down (hey, I care!). Heath Ledger is dead (another life cut way too short).

Isn't there any good news out there? Well, yes! You and I need to report it, shout it out, make it heard above the din of despair. And if you're having trouble finding it -- you need to get your self into a Bible believing, Bible teaching, Bible preaching Church. Hey, the whole thing is GOOD NEWS!

If you don't know where to find one of those Churches - drop me a note! I know of several.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

In Between

My enquiries yesterday included a full scale of life. One person I asked about is late in life (near 90 years) and working well on recovery from various problems, and one is a tiny baby (just three pounds or so) with multiple concerns, as you can imagine, yet with a bright future on the horizon.

As I look forward for one, and back over the years of the other, and pray for the future of both, I wonder about their life. . .and think of us, those in the years between these two. Whether one is 14 or 40, 27 or 70, the only thing we possess is today, and a clear understanding that when today is over (remember, tomorrow never comes) we have eternity, either to know the incredible joy of dwelling in God's physical presence forever, or separated from Him in everlasting death. I have no concerns about the safety of these two examples of life, because they are both clearly clasped in the hand of God. There are others, however, about whom I worry.

We have such an awesome responsibility regarding this "treasure we hold in earthen vessels." The Good News of God's grace, the payment of the ransom to release us from the curse of sin, the hope that lies in an intimate, personal relationship with the Savior, are bound up in those of us who are His, awaiting release in the minds and hearts of those He will quicken from death to life.

Today is a good day to enquire of others. You may see new life spring forth, and hope born anew.

Monday, January 21, 2008


Yesterday our Preacher asked us if our mouths are used for encouragement or discouragement. I think the answer is: both. Sometimes we encourage others, and sometimes we discourage.

We also need to remember that it is not just our mouth that speaks discouragement, but the way we fail to take responsibility for our actions, or lack thereof. I cannot help but find myself discouraged when many of our folks, those who are part of the Body of Christ at the Church I attend, are so irregular in their attendance and participation. It's discouraging to see the Choir with several empty chairs. It's discouraging to see empty pews, more than a few empty seats in classrooms, or teachers with only one or two children when there ought to be several. (Our Church is blessed with many more members than seats.)

It's important to understand that the reason it is discouraging is because those empty places represent people that are lloved, who are vital to the life of the Body, and are genuine friends.

Don't hear me saying that people don't get sick, take needed days off, visit with families in far away places, or have to work. Whatever the reason they are absent, genuine or manufactured, it is hard not to be discouraged that another opportunity to share llove and joy while worshiping together has been missed.

I know our Preacher is wise enough to focus on the encouragement that exists because there are so many who do come, and are always faithful to the task of "doing Church." I'll try to take a lesson or two from him. Discouragement is a good thing to avoid.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Light Out

Around the building where I attend Bible Study and Worship there are a lot of lights after it gets dark. Last evening, one of those that illuminates a parking area and sidewalk to the building was out. It wasn't that there was no light. Other lights partially illuminated the walk, and fortunately everyone could see well enough to get by.

It reminded me that we often attempt to negotiate a part of our walk through life with the Light out. God's Word is clear that the Truth "is a lamp for my feet, and a light on my path." I am not sure I understand why so many of us are content to walk in the Light that radiates from others, never taking the time and making the effort to implant the Light (read: Truth) in our life through a diligent effort to inculcate Scripture in our minds and hearts.

When the Preacher found out about the light being out, he promised to see to it that it was repaired or replaced. I hope he continues to focus on keeping the Light coming through our Bible Study programs as well. No sense in stumbling around, right?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Today's Business

Intel Slips, Boeing Dawdles - according to Harold Maass of The Week, and business is looking bad. Citi-Bank is in trouble, Country-Wide is if they don't get bought up, and the Market is crashing down around a lot of folk's future.

Kind of reminds me of the Church of Jesus Christ when we get our eyes off the Master and on other things. We slip and dawdle, find ourselves in trouble with the enemy and things begin to crash around us.

The writer of Hebrews was exactly correct when he reminded us to "lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily ensnares us, and run with endurance the race that lies before us, keeping our eyes on Jesus, the source and perfecter of our faith. . ."

Our National economy is only as strong as the confidence of those who invest in it. Our Spiritual experience is only as strong as our willingness to commit to the source and perfecter of our faith.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Cowboy Blues

Time for a new coach! Get a real quarterback! Blow the whole thing up, starting with TO and the offensive line!

I've been hearing this kind of foolishness since 7pm, Sunday (that's when Church was over). Didn't these guys just give us one of the best seasons ever? I think they won more games than almost anybody else, and managed to get to the second round of the play-offs. There's the reality that they did not play their best ball in the end, but neither did all but a few other teams, so far, and ultimately only one can claim the prize. I'm really proud of "the Boys" and looking forward to next year.

Aren't you glad God doesn't "blow-up" His Church when we perform poorly? If we fired our preacher every time his sermon was a little dull, we'd go through a lot of guys (sorry for that, preacher). If we emptied the pews of all the folks that don't always "play" well from week to week, we probably couldn't field a team.

God lloves us when we do well, and when we don't. We need to get better at what we do, and so do the "Boys." Let's make 2008 a better year than last year, for both. Support your team, will 'ya?

Monday, January 14, 2008

Wise Counsel

For almost all of us there comes a day when we wish we had said something, or done something, taken some action of llove, before it was to late. We kept thinking we had plenty of time. There was no doubt the end of the opportunity was coming, but surely it wouldn't be today. Tomorrow would provide another opportunity.

Take a moment to remind yourself that everything happens today! Tomorrow never comes, and yesterday is gone forever. Whatever it is you are planning to say, or whatever action you know you need to take toward someone you llove or care about, do it today!

Although I may not know who you are - I am pleased that you are reading this note. Thank you for doing so!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Study! Ugh!

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who doesn’t need to be ashamed, correctly teaching the word of truth. . . 2 Timothy 2;15

If you look at my Dad’s birth certificate under the “name” box, it says, Jewell Able Weaver, 2 Timothy 2:15. He was awfully proud of that name and believed that it spoke directly to his calling in life. Granted, we are not all called or gifted to be teachers of the Word of God, but we are all commanded to know the Truth. It was Jesus who said,
“If you continue in My word, you really are My disciples. You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

I confess my concern is in relationship to the “be diligent” part. I am sure most folks who have any interest in “the faith” are aware of the importance of knowing Truth, and developing the wisdom to utilize that Truth in day-to-day living. The question that arises is what does it mean to “be diligent?”

Webster defines diligent as “to esteem highly plus to choose. Perseveringly attentive; assiduous, industrious; prosecuted with careful attention; painstaking.” I wonder if we are practicing diligence in regard to learning Truth? One might ask, “Do we know more about the Truth of God’s revealed Word than we do any other thing? Would it be safe to say we are painstakingly attentive to our study?

Some Churches are committed to offering people the opportunity to learn God’s Word. Amazingly, many fail to appropriate the time and effort required to avail one’s self of that opportunity.

And that thought begs the question – Are we ashamed? Are we ashamed that we are ignorant to one degree or another of Truth and its applicability to life? Are we approved by God? Does He approve of our haphazard acquisition of His Word, leaving us without the sure foundation of Biblical acumen from which, by the power of His indwelling Spirit, to build a life He will approve?

Here’s a question. Do you believe the old saw – “No pain, no gain?” Becoming the person God has chosen us to be involves a little painstaking work, but then, so does memorizing your multiplication facts. Have you considered a little tutoring? Sunday morning, perhaps, at your Church if they have anything beyond Praise and Worship, or maybe they have a Bible Study during the week or on Wednesday evening. It’s not as painful as you might think!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

I Reckon

I remember hearing the phrase, "I reckon," a lot more often as a kid than I do now. Someone would ask if dad was going to do a particular thing, and dad would say, "I reckon." It meant that he had made up his mind, and something was going to happen.

Struggling to stay awake last night in Bible Study, I heard the Teacher talking about the passage in Romans 6:11 where Paul exhorts the folks to "reckon themselves to be dead to sin and alive to Christ." Evidently there are a multitude of folks in the family who have yet to accomplish that prerequsite for holy living.

I reckon we need to get on with that!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Throwaway Kids

BAYOU LA BATRE, Ala. - Authorities searched Wednesday for the bodies of four children believed to have been thrown off a bridge by their father. (from an Associated Press story, January 9, 2008)

This news note grabbed my attention because it seems so common anymore for kids the be the object of revenge for some adult's failure in life. Our children suffer for our misdeeds. That is just not right!!

There is a spiritual perspective in view here. When we allow our kids to miss or blow-off Bible Study and Worship (kids are still writing notes in Church -except now it "texting"), when we are too tired to bring them to AWANA, or Sunday School (read: Age-appropriate Bible Study), when we fail to teach them how to pray and focus on Heavenly things, we are helping to throw away their spiritual life. As parents we are responsible for our kids. They will be old enough, soon enough to make their own decisions. We will lose our opportunity to influence their choices. We best make sure that in the early years we are effectively building some safeguards in their life.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Surely It's Important

Hillary Clinton is weeping (important to Republicans), Tony Romo is traveling in Mexico (important to Dallas Cowboy fans), Brittany Spears is losing her kids, perhaps her career, and maybe her mind (important to her mother, I hope), and the Hollywood writers are refusing to write (important to TV addicts). I am not sure how our society has managed to survive these major crisis situations.

It makes one think seriously about what really is important in life. Don't hear me saying that these things are not important, indeed they are to one degree or another, but what we need to see clearly is the trivialization of our thought process when we ignore the really significant facts that face our Nation and our World.

If Hillary can't cry, what does that say about her and us? It's only a game (Cowboys vs. anybody), right? Brittany is a valuable human being, but makes her own choices about how she abuses life. TV already takes up too much of our time, and the more creative the writers, the more we get sucked into the maelstrom.

Find something really important in life. Focus on that! The world needs people who will commit to better, not lesser, things.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Out of Date

At the Church I attend there is a big push to get folks involved in Wednesday evening Bible Study with the coming of the New Year. Heaven knows we need more Bible Study in our lives.

There is not a lot said about Sunday School, however. That's the longest running, and most efficient Bible Study operation in the Church of Jesus Christ. The problem is, lots of folks ignore it, and I think I know why. It's the name. We all think school is for kids, and therefore Sunday School has to be trite and boring. Plus, if it's been around for a thousand years (give or take a few hundred), it can't possibly have any contemporary importance. Besides, a significant number of Churches have dropped it, opting instead for a Children's Church, a Youth Church, and an extended session of "Worship" for Adults.

First, let's make sure we call it what it is - Age Group Bible Study. Secondly, let's make sure that people understand that what takes place is a thorough, intensive study of God's Word (and make sure that is what happens), and lets make it a priority in our lives.

Let's also make sure we see and utilize the by-product of this resource in our arsenal of Truth proclaimation, which is the llove and care that comes through the interaction of small groups. It's there that we get to know one another, care about one another, and learn the disciplines of llove in a unique environment quite different from the Church-at-large.

Get thyself to Bible Study!

Friday, January 4, 2008

What's A Believer To Do?

If then there is any encouragement in Christ, if any consolation of love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any affection and mercy, fulfill my joy by thinking the same way, having the same love, sharing the same feelings, focusing on one goal. Philippians 2:1-2

I know what the problem is! Of course, everyone says it doesn’t count to know what the problem is if you don’t know the solution. Good News!! I also know the solution. What I am having a struggle with is the implementation of the solution while drowning in the problem.

How easy would it be to elect a President of the United States this year if we all thought the same way? How difficult would it be to end crime in this land we llove so dearly if we all genuinely lloved each other? Isn’t it true that most of our mental anguish and bitterness would disappear if we all felt the same way about one another? What if every person in the United Sates of America had the same goal? No fighting, no arguing, no rancor, no distress, no discourage-ment, and no disappointment, would be the outcome of such a united purpose.

Chances of that happening are, well, nil is a good word.

Naturally, (since I understand the problem and the solution) I know that God’s design for the World does not, and never did, include that kind of operation. But, and this is vitally important, it is God’s design for His people who constitute the Church of Jesus Christ. It is possible that you have noticed, if you have been “in Church” for any length of time, we are not accomplishing this goal, or, I think, even moving closer toward it. Sometimes I am sure we are moving away from it more quickly than ever. There was a time when those who made up the Body of Christ did not find their life so infiltrated by the manner and conduct of our failing society. Was there more separation from the “world” and commitment to obedience to Truth in prior generations? I don’t know – maybe, maybe not. What I do know is that we are a long, long way from an intimacy with God, a llove of Truth, an intuitive relationship with God’s Spirit, and affection and mercy for one another, that would allow us to experience the admonition of Paul (read: God) for a righteous operation of life.

So, what if we established a single goal for our life (individually and collective) in 2008, and that goal being to focus our attention on focusing our attention on llove, mercy, unity, understanding, joy, and peace? One can’t do that without an unswerving commitment to obedience to the Truth revealed in Scripture. This, of course, brings up our capacity for “knowing Scripture.” I’ve been meaning to talk to us about that!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Got Life Insurance?

There is a lot of hype about life insurance, health insurance, and insurance for kids these days. However you feel about that issue, let me tell you about another life insurance.

Paul tells us clearly in Romans 6 that we are to have "newness of life," or resurrection life and power in our daily walk. Lots of people are not experiencing that overcoming victory. There is a reason.

Life insurance is found in the vicarious experience of the death of Christ. As he died for sin, we must indeed die to sin and self. Reckoning ourselves to be dead is the insurance that gives us the key to experiencing His resurrection life. If we don't "die" with Him, we cannot "live" with Him.

Got life insurance?

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year - 2008

Did you make a resolution for the New Year? Some folks do that, and almost all of them fail at some point to follow through. Many decide this is the year they will get their health in order. Some decide it's time to be happy more, llove more, give more, even read their Bible through during the year.

Resolutions are fine. More important, however are the two items the preacher at our Church mentioned in his last 2007 message. Concentration and Consecration. One allows us to reach goals and milestones along the path of our life. The other, to become more Godly in the way we live that life.

I pray 2008 is a great year for you. I plan to share some thoughts with you along the way, and I hope you will respond. Make it one of your commitments to send me a note or two this year. That way, I will know you are out there in cyberspace reading away and becoming more wonderful than you already are!