Thursday, January 3, 2008

Got Life Insurance?

There is a lot of hype about life insurance, health insurance, and insurance for kids these days. However you feel about that issue, let me tell you about another life insurance.

Paul tells us clearly in Romans 6 that we are to have "newness of life," or resurrection life and power in our daily walk. Lots of people are not experiencing that overcoming victory. There is a reason.

Life insurance is found in the vicarious experience of the death of Christ. As he died for sin, we must indeed die to sin and self. Reckoning ourselves to be dead is the insurance that gives us the key to experiencing His resurrection life. If we don't "die" with Him, we cannot "live" with Him.

Got life insurance?


Anonymous said...

Great thought!! Life insurance as opposed to "fire insurance"!

Christian West said...


Thanks! I believe Christianity is about life - now and forever. I pray everybody finds it!
