Monday, March 31, 2008

Credit Crisis

MARTIN CRUTSINGER, AP Economics Writer, WASHINGTON - The Bush administration is proposing the biggest overhaul of financial regulation since the Great Depression. The 200-page document. . .proposes giving broad new powers to the Federal Reserve to combat the type of severe credit crisis currently gripping financial markets.

I don't want to be accused of over-simplifying, but the real problem in our economy is greed. Money is a wonderful servant but a horrible master. Lloving it can create real problems, and create multitudes of means for exploiting others. From overspending our paycheck to racking up massive amounts of credit card debt, average, everyday folks find their lives in the same kind of mess in which our National economy finds itself. Trying to own more house, or automobile, or goods than we can afford is always a path to ruin.

Here are some simple principles we'd do well to follow:

Do not llove money.
Do not set your heart on riches.
Be content with what you have.
Give God praise and thanks for any and all resources you have.
Building your life around money can lead to dangerous results.
Wealth is a gift from God and must be used with thanksgiving, generosity, and stewardship.

Money can buy almost anything except peace with God.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Can You Afford It?

NEW YORK (Reuters) - "Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama called on Thursday for a second economic stimulus package of $30 billion and for greater oversight of the U.S. financial system to prevent another housing crisis. "

First, this plan is not much different from those proposed by all candidates. I have no ax to grind with Mr. Obama. But, I doubt he has $30 billion he is planning to inject into the economy. Neither do any of the other candidates. So where does the money come from? The United States Government produces no income. They have only the money they take from you. Most of the people in trouble now are there by their own choosing and mistaken idea that one can "have it all, right now." ARM's, interest only mortgages, million dollar homes in the hands of folks who make $70,000 a year and have no savings, investment, or collateral, what did we think was going to happen?

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, and the folks in the middle (that's most of us) get tapped for another $30 billion to fix it. . .for now. Then it will all happen again. . .at least it always has.

We need to learn that life does not consist in the abundance of things. One should be able to work hard and trust God, live sensibly, help to feed the hungry and clothe the naked, and care for those who are sick, and visit those in prison.

If we could just learn to live by God's Biblical revelation, we wouldn't have these issues.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


From a story by JAY LINDSAY, Associated Press Writer: BOSTON - "Call them Pavlov's fish: Scientists are testing a plan to train fish to catch themselves by swimming into a net when they hear a tone that signals feeding time."

What will we think of next? That does not sound like a lot of fun for the fishermen among us.

Of course, the Church is way ahead in this game. We have figured out how to get people to come to Church by creating an environment that looks like the World and sounds like the World, and then when they arrive, give them worldly information.

Jesus sent His disciples forth to be "fishers of men." His plan is to "go and tell." The hoopla around "come and hear" often leaves the hearer, while part of the nickels and noses, still lost on the broad road that leads to destruction.

Maybe the Church needs less scientists and more fisherman.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Word: an articulate sound or series of sounds which symbolizes and communicates an idea.

Have you noticed how many words are being used during these days for which we have no "symbol" or "idea?" Hope is one of those words. One can say they have great hope for the future, but if there is no articulation of the idea for which one hopes, it is just a word, that standing alone means nothing. "Change" is one of those words. If there is no understanding of what one needs or wants changed, or if what one needs or wants changed is unchangeable, it is just a word, that standing alone, means nothing.

Everyone I know hopes to go to Heaven someday. Everyone I know wants change for a more positive future. But standing alone neither of those concepts make any sense. They are just words without ideas of how they are to be accomplished.

Maybe its time to listen to those who can communicate the ideas and understand the Truth. Otherwise we will end our lives still hoping for change.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Let's Study That

From an AP story: "PHILADELPHIA - Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton called on President Bush on Monday to appoint 'an emergency working group on foreclosures' to recommend new ways to confront the nation's housing finance troubles."

Don't you just love politicians? Republicans, Democrats, whoever, know that when there is a problem, and no one wants to take responsibility, form a study group. Seems to me everyone with a lick of sense knows how we got into this housing mortgage mess, but no one wants to face the music of getting out. So lets study it for a while - at least long enough to get past the election, keep as much blame as possible focused on President Bush, get Congress focused on something else for which they have no Constitutional authority, and, if at all possible, be reminded again and again which "candidate" is solving problems (i. e. creating study groups).

One task the Government is much better at than the Church is getting people to study stuff. Maybe if the Church studied the Bible a little more diligently, we would be smarter than the politicians, which isn't saying much, then, is it?

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Got Sin?

How happy the man whom the Lord will never charge with sin. Romans 4:8

This past week the Vatican (seat of the Roman Catholic Church) announced seven new deadly sins to join their list of seven others. According to the Associated Press, a Vatican official has listed drugs, pollution, genetic manipulation and social and economic injustices as new areas of sinful behavior. “Sins increasingly manifest themselves as behavior that damages society as a whole,” Monsignor Gianfranco Girotti said in an interview published Sunday by the Vatican's daily newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano. “While sin used to concern mostly the individual, today it has mainly a social resonance, due to the phenomenon of globalization."

Here’s the real news, and it’s nothing new. Sin is a violation of God’s holiness. If we take the time to enumerate all the ways that can be accomplished, we will be a long time in the discussion. I am convinced we need to have great concerns about “social resonance, due to the phenomenon of globalization." We don’t need to purposefully or carelessly pollute the Earth or ourselves. I suppose I can even identify with the hazards of extreme wealth, after all, Jesus talked about how difficult it is for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Once again, however, all this hype about the pronouncements of the Vatican regarding sin obscures the reality that the sin we need to be concerned about is the sin of unbelief. We are charged with sin because we have rejected the Son of God, Jesus Christ, as our Savior and Lord. The Good News is that God will never charge us with that sin when He has imputed the righteousness of Christ to our account. Once that righteousness is in us, His indwelling Holy Spirit is the Teacher of all things regarding obedience to the Truth of God’s revealed Word, which in turn keeps us from sin altogether.

I can’t get too excited about Rome’s pronouncements. What I could get energized about is when the Vatican begins to teach the Truth about the Savior and the Lordship of Christ. They’ve got a long way to go – but it’s possible it could happen. Imagine that army of folks, fully redeemed, being obedient to the Scripture, and using the Truth to help stamp out sinful living. Now that would reduce “behavior that damages society as a whole.”

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Do Your Job

Jonathan Martin, writing for Politico said, "Now, with the emergence of the notorious video showing the Rev. Jeremiah Wright damning the country, criticizing Israel, faulting U.S. policy for the Sept. 11 attacks and generally lashing out against white America,. . . . "

Herein lies a serious problem from my perspective. Where does one find this subject matter in the Word of God? The answer is, one doesn't. In fact there is a lot of rhetoric being spewed from the pulpits of America that has no basis at all in the Word of God. And when that is true, it is no longer a "Church," and the speaker is no longer a "pastor." The focus of the Church is to be slave to Christ and servant to one another, and the community at large. The focus of the pastor is to proclaim the Truth of God's Word and care for the people. Nothing more, nothing less! Period! Paragraph!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Same Old Stuff

Seems like everybody is checking the mail, watching the ads, and asking around, about all the new things that are going on at Church. So many Churches have new stuff every week; a new rock band, new and unique kinds of preaching, new ways to worship and learn, and new stuff for everyone to do.

It's no wonder the Church I attend is not setting attendance records. We're not looking for a new model. We just keep on doing the same thing week after week. We're singing the great hymns and songs of the faith (many written in the last few years --along with those written a couple of centuries ago) and the preaching is still an exposition of the Word of God. We're still praying, confessing sin, and learning how to llove one another. Some folks find that's pretty boring, at least by today's standards.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


I cannot help but think about the value men place on their wives. Watching the publicity regarding the Governor of NY, and the repeat videos of other men who have made similar confessions, Clinton, Bryant, Craig, etc., while their bride stands by them, looking like betrayed women look, I am heart-broken for them. Surely these men can see the damage they have done.

It is not unlike those who betray the bride of Christ. By our inattention, our commitment to lesser things, our unwillingness to assume and complete the assigned tasks given clearly in the Word of God, we damage Christ's bride regularly and with seeming carelessness.

Neither ought to be! We must seek forgiveness (our bride's and God's) when we are insensitive, thoughtless, inconsiderate, unconcerned and cavalier with our bride or His.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Sin Destroys Lives

It seems to me that at some point in time most folks would recognize how sin infects, affects, and the effects of its reality. Just this morning I am hearing about the prominent Dallas couple who took their lives in a murder/suicide pact, the mother who decided to throw her two kids and herself off a bridge near Dallas, and the Governor of NY who threw away his career, destroyed his reputation, and damaged his family for a few moments of pleasure.

Most of the discussions I am hearing regarding these matters are about the vagaries of human nature. The Truth is human nature is flawed by the sin of unbelief in the grace and mercy of God. And while believers still possess that "old sin nature" they are transferred from death to life, and that life is capable of overcoming the damage of sin through a renewed mind.

It's possible that all of the folks mentioned above are believers. If so, they have missed the power of Jesus Christ to bring victory in the despair of life. Perhaps they are not believers, and that is, in part, the great failure of the Church to spread the Gospel far and wide. The point is, these are the actions and outcomes of sin. Rebellion against God always brings consequences.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

New Sins

How could I, a person who often rails against sin, not be excited these days? The Vatican has upped the ante with some new "sins." As if we didn't have enough to worry about from a sin perspective, here's more. I especially like the one about not "polluting." Does that mean we can't drive our cars anymore? Do we have to stop using plastic bags at the grocery? What? No more hair spray? And what about those plastic rings that hold the six pack of cans (Coke, of course)? How do we get rid of those things without sinning?

If one believes God experiences a laugh now and again, He must be laughing now. One thing I know for absolute sure -- if sin is involved, the blood of Jesus Christ my Savior is sufficient to cleanse and make righteous every heart. His death on Calvary solved the sin problem - pollution and all.

Monday, March 10, 2008

What's Next?

"A vast array of pharmaceuticals — including antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers and sex hormones — have been found in the drinking water supplies of at least 41 million Americans," an Associated Press investigation shows. My soul, except for maybe cutting the pharmacy bill for a few folks, I can't see much good in this sort of thing.

Aren't you glad there is a spring of living water to which you as a believer have unfettered access? And it is never contaminated with the things of this World. It is never subject to the uncleanness that is a part of so much of life.

Make sure you don't allow that spring in you to get stifled through lack of faith. Jesus said, "he that believes in me. . .out of his innermost being will flow rivers of living water. (John 7:38)

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Growing Wealth

A blurb from Daily Wealth that crossed my desk this morning said, "How to collect growing paychecks month after month." That certainly sounds intriguing does it not? I'll bet my employer would be interested in keeping that information out of my hands.

What is even more exciting is that I can have monthly, weekly, or daily a growing wealth of wisdom as I continually inculcate God's Word in my mind. Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived said it like this, "For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding." (Proverbs 2:6).

I'm going to check on that growing paycheck thing, but reality tells me I am going to gain more by spending time in God's Word. Find a Bible Study near you and get involved!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


John McCain (Republican Party nominee for President of the United States) is quoted in the press with this statement, "Americans aren't interested in an election where they are just talked to and not listened to; an election that offers platitudes instead of principles and insults instead of ideas."

He's only partly right. It's the first part of his statement that is true. The reality is, "most Americans are not interested in an election." While this primary season has brought out thousands of unexpected voters, (credit the love/hate relationship folks have with the front runners in the Democratic Party) the vast majority of Americans seem to have no interest in politics, or elections, or anything else that has to do with the operation of Government.

Ditto that for the Church of Jesus Christ. Most folks say they care, but their actions belie the reality that actual involvement beyond casual conversation and sporadic attendance is limited to the few. How else does one explain that most members of most Churches cannot be found, or at least found involved in active ministry on a regular basis.

It's a shame, really. Both entities, the U.S. Government and the Church of Jesus Christ are vital to life as we know it. Either one could go away, you know?

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Who To Vote For

It's Primary Voting Day in Texas. I'm looking for a "new candidate."

I'm looking for one who hasn't taken money from anyone, and is therefore "tied" to no one.
I'm looking for one who holds no "religious" views, and therefore can't offend any religion.
I'm looking for one who has vast experience running a government, but has never been associated with government waste, bad laws, poor judgment, mismanagement, or mistakes.
I'm looking for someone who can make the economy work so that everyone has everything they want and need, win the war(s) and keep all the troops at home, fully supplied, well trained, and on leave, because there is no more discord around the world.
I'm looking for one who has no skeletons in the closet, never "mis-speaks, always engenders hope, and has the ability to "change the world," end poverty in third world countries, and draw all political parties together. It would be nice if he/she can fix the United Nations too.
I'm looking for someone who all World leaders look to for counsel, personally admire, and long to be like.
I'm looking for someone faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, and who has no weaknesses, like Kryptonite - or something.
Did I mention 39 cents per gallon gasoline?

I may need to wait till next year to vote ---

Monday, March 3, 2008


Although I commented on "A Course In Miracles" before (see my post for 12/27/07), I am again being asked about this program which I am told is being aired on XM radio's "Oprah and Friends."

Here's a quote: "A Course in Miracles is allegedly “new revelation” from “Jesus” to help humanity work through these troubled times. This “Jesus”—who bears no doctrinal resemblance to the Bible’s Jesus Christ—began delivering his channeled teachings in 1965 to a Columbia University Professor of Medical Psychology by the name of Helen Schucman."

I am convinced that people are looking for a "new revelation" because they have such a problem with the "old" revelation. Sin does that to a fellow. It makes us want the things of Earth more than the things of Heaven. If we can just get "Jesus" to lighten up, get past this insistence on holiness (which is provided by God as a free gift through faith in Jesus Christ), and get on with the "pleasures of sin for a season," we would be much happier. If you're happy knowing that sin, when it comes to harvest brings death, go for it. If you're interested in finding eternal life in the presence of Jehovah God, you'd best stick with the "old" Jesus.