Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Word: an articulate sound or series of sounds which symbolizes and communicates an idea.

Have you noticed how many words are being used during these days for which we have no "symbol" or "idea?" Hope is one of those words. One can say they have great hope for the future, but if there is no articulation of the idea for which one hopes, it is just a word, that standing alone means nothing. "Change" is one of those words. If there is no understanding of what one needs or wants changed, or if what one needs or wants changed is unchangeable, it is just a word, that standing alone, means nothing.

Everyone I know hopes to go to Heaven someday. Everyone I know wants change for a more positive future. But standing alone neither of those concepts make any sense. They are just words without ideas of how they are to be accomplished.

Maybe its time to listen to those who can communicate the ideas and understand the Truth. Otherwise we will end our lives still hoping for change.

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