Saturday, January 12, 2008

Study! Ugh!

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who doesn’t need to be ashamed, correctly teaching the word of truth. . . 2 Timothy 2;15

If you look at my Dad’s birth certificate under the “name” box, it says, Jewell Able Weaver, 2 Timothy 2:15. He was awfully proud of that name and believed that it spoke directly to his calling in life. Granted, we are not all called or gifted to be teachers of the Word of God, but we are all commanded to know the Truth. It was Jesus who said,
“If you continue in My word, you really are My disciples. You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

I confess my concern is in relationship to the “be diligent” part. I am sure most folks who have any interest in “the faith” are aware of the importance of knowing Truth, and developing the wisdom to utilize that Truth in day-to-day living. The question that arises is what does it mean to “be diligent?”

Webster defines diligent as “to esteem highly plus to choose. Perseveringly attentive; assiduous, industrious; prosecuted with careful attention; painstaking.” I wonder if we are practicing diligence in regard to learning Truth? One might ask, “Do we know more about the Truth of God’s revealed Word than we do any other thing? Would it be safe to say we are painstakingly attentive to our study?

Some Churches are committed to offering people the opportunity to learn God’s Word. Amazingly, many fail to appropriate the time and effort required to avail one’s self of that opportunity.

And that thought begs the question – Are we ashamed? Are we ashamed that we are ignorant to one degree or another of Truth and its applicability to life? Are we approved by God? Does He approve of our haphazard acquisition of His Word, leaving us without the sure foundation of Biblical acumen from which, by the power of His indwelling Spirit, to build a life He will approve?

Here’s a question. Do you believe the old saw – “No pain, no gain?” Becoming the person God has chosen us to be involves a little painstaking work, but then, so does memorizing your multiplication facts. Have you considered a little tutoring? Sunday morning, perhaps, at your Church if they have anything beyond Praise and Worship, or maybe they have a Bible Study during the week or on Wednesday evening. It’s not as painful as you might think!

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