Monday, January 28, 2008


Tonight the President of the United States will present his State of the Union Address. It will be received with mixed reviews from a policy perspective and almost everyone knows that it will be rather poorly delivered from a rhetorical perspective.

One of the realities of the current Presidential race is that Barack Obama and Mike Huckabee (for example) are very charismatic and rhetorically astute. Significant numbers of people will judge the content of the message less objectively when it is poorly presented. Even bad ideas get a hearing when the "speechifying" is outstanding.

My point (I have no political objective here) is that the message you and I have to deliver when we proclaim Jesus Christ is in itself offensive to a lost world. We further limit its hearing when we say it poorly. You have the greatest task in the World, promoting the Gospel through a shared testimony. Learn to do it well!

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