Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Our kids and grandkids are taking part of the TAKS test today in the great state of Texas. Some are really good at test taking. Some are scared to death. Some of the test is intellectually biased (that means you have to know some stuff before you can answer the questions, and that stuff is not part of the kids intellectual acumen) and won't tell us what they know. In fact, it may not be so much about what they know as what they can elicit from their minds on this particular day.

What if God gave us a test? How would you do? Would you possess the knowledge necessary to prove that you have spent sufficient time learning Truth?

Actually there is a test today. It's called "walking in Truth" (see 2 John 1:4). How are you doing?

1 comment:

Exotic Car Rental Webitor said...

These days it seems public schools are forced to teach the test instead of teaching the subject. Teachers must go at the TAKS pace, even if the entire class isn't getting it and needs more review.

Kids who are sick must come to school to take the test. For high school seniors, doesn't matter what grade you make in the class, you must pass the TAKS or you don't graduate.

Time to get some new people in office that will realize we need to teach kids, not teach a test.