Thursday, April 24, 2008

Missing Something

Last night in Bible Study the preacher was talking about how important it is that our life exhibit the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22) because that is the proof of the presence of God's Spirit dwelling in us (Romans 8:1-11).

Afterwards I heard someone say to him that he needed to repeat those things on Sunday, and it got me to thinking. Some of us just won't miss an episode of our favorite show on TV if it is humanly possible. But just in case we do, there are "summer re-runs" and we can watch for the one we missed.

It is unfortunate that we would miss the teaching of God's Word at Church for some lesser thing (often one of those TV shows), especially when it only happens two or three times a week at best. Here is the most important, vital, life-giving resource in the World and we are just too busy to give an hour or two to its pursuit. Be that as it may, here's my solution:

Summer re-runs! Beginning in June and running thru August -- the preacher will just re-run what he taught during the previous months. Maybe he could just play the CD's through the sound system on Sunday morning and evening and he could take the summer off for lots of fishing and traveling. You could show-up for what you missed. I think the preacher is going to like this a lot! I am not sure how God is going to like it. . .but lots of folks don't care much about that in the first place.


Anonymous said...

Now, there's a gimmick for which people should show up for in significant numbers. But remember, what you win 'em with is what you keep 'em with . . .

I prefer no gimmicks at all. Let the Spirit draw them to the Gospel preached. If anything other than that draws them, then we're probably seeing the weed-like growth of, well, weeds (Matt. 13:24-30) rather than wheat (which probably grows much more slowly).

Christian West said...

Thanks, John.

I agree with you - especially about the "weed" problem. Still, I know the preacher is really thinking hard about that "summer off" stuff.
