Monday, April 21, 2008

The Avenger

For government is God’s servant, an avenger that brings wrath on the one who does wrong.
Romans 13:4b

Reading this verse, and those that surround it, over and over again I can’t help but believe that Government is supposed to be “good.” Obviously, for Government to be good, the people who make up its organization must be good people. Sometimes I have real doubts about that.

So much of what we see today in the Congress (House of Representatives and Senate) is really discouraging. Politics (which has nothing to do with good Government) takes up almost all of the time and effort, and little of real value appears to be accomplished.

Unfortunately that does not give the Believer an option about being “subject to the governing authorities.” (Romans 13:1) Paul, the Apostle, reminds us that there is no authority except from God, and that all authority that exists is appointed by God.

That is why it is so important to be informed, and actively involved in the process established by our Government to elect people to offices in that Government. Ignorance in relationship to issues, and the policies and procedures of Government operation is inexcusable. For a believer to say, “I just don’t want to get involved,” is to make excuse which ultimately leads to bad or poor Government.

When Godly men and women are reluctant to stand up for what is right (the Bible is clear about what is and is not right), unwilling to oppose corruption and vice, and choose not to take the time necessary to support morality in the Governmental sphere, we are simply allowing evil to prevail. Knowing the voting records of those who represent the people of the United States and those who represent us in our individual State is mandatory. That information is easily obtained, and candidates for public office must be held to the highest standards of honesty, decency, and what is arguably “right and good” for the people they represent.

I believe this year, 2008, is a pivotal year for the future of our Republic as we know it. Do not sit on the sidelines. Get in the know. Get to the voting booth. The quality of our Government depends on it.

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