Tuesday, April 22, 2008

It's A Miracle

My Grandfather died in 1942. He was a man who collected various items and when my Grandmother died about 30 years ago, I picked up a few things from their home in Dallas. I did not pay much attention to some of it, it seems like there was little if any value to many of the items.

I do remember one very old little box that was half full of watch parts. My Dad told me that Granddad had tinkered with watches on occasion and had thrown the parts and pieces of various models into that box. I'm guessing those part had been in there for over 75 or 80 years.

Yesterday, I went to my study at home to find a particular book I needed, and in moving some things around I found that old box. I opened it slowly and carefully and found the shock of my life! There, surrounded by a few left over parts was a very inexpensive, simple, Timex. It was certainly no chronograph, and had none of the bells and whistles of today's fine watches, there was no band, but it was running, and although the time on it's face was wrong, and of course there was no second hand, when I put it to my ear, I could hear the tiny sound of a real watch.

Can you imagine how Granddad would react today, not knowing that those little wheels and springs and tiny screws would someday become a time piece. He would have been so proud of his collection.

I guess it's time to modify my thinking about the origin of life. I mean, this find changes everything!

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