Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Soldier

The soldier is on my mind today. He's out there, somewhere, on the front line of freedom. She's giving more than life ought to demand. The cost to a soldier is "all in!" Loss of life or limb, separation and loneliness, time and uncertainty, are the sacrifices demanded of those who would protect others and establish freedom for humankind.

Remember a soldier today. By name or by job, by place or by country. Their sacrifice is great, and they stand in for your freedom.

My prayer today - "Father, bless Major Morris in Baghdad today. My he know your peace and comfort in the face of danger and loss. Restore him to his family and friends, for Jesus' sake."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My prayer today.."Father, surround all our aviators with your power and protect them so that their safe landings equal their safe takeoffs, and in doing so, show each crewmember, passenger and those who plan the missions, your mighty hand at work so that you might be glorified. Lord, make it be so today as you have in times past, Amen."