Sunday, May 20, 2007

Bipartisan - No Matter What

When a peice of proposed legislation is really bad, lots of folks in Congress and the Administration start talking about how "bipartisan" it is. In other words, it doesn't matter how bad the law is for the American people, at least we did something that the majority of Congress and the White House can agree on. How sad is that?

Most people seem to want the various factions of the Christian Church in the United States to "get along." What will it hurt to sacrifice a little (or a lot) of Truth? What will it hurt to compromise on Godliness and righteousness, if we can all just agree on something. The "emerging church" seems to believe that Truth cannot be understood or worse, be known at all. Others (traditional evangelicals) believe it is only Truth that matters and it is clearly revealed in God's Word.

The future will tell the story. This latest "bipartisan" legislation will help to destroy America as we know it. Failing to embrace the Truth will decimate the Church. But hey, at least we'll all go down together.

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