Thursday, May 31, 2007


Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians appears to indicate some concern that the folks who were the Church had been subjected to some false teaching or teachers (perhaps by letters written to them falsely claiming Paul’s authority). They were in need of some encouragement and in Chapter 5, verses 16-18 (in part) Paul said, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks. . .

I am confident that is perfect counsel for each of us as we face the daily complexities we call “life.”

Think for a moment about the encouragement (read: command) to rejoice always. If that means we are to rejoice when things go wrong, we can identify. If it means to rejoice when others let you down, we can understand. If it means to rejoice when it appears that the enemy has the upper hand and most, if not all, of our efforts are failing to succeed, we get it! Learning how to rejoice when we want to cry or turn away or even run away, is a crucial part of our Spiritual growth process.

Prayer helps, of course. Staying in intimate contact with the Father allows us to see more clearly what He is up to in our lives. Giving thanks in everything (surely not!) teaches us the profound principle that God is in charge of the circumstances and situations of our life. If and when we understand that basic Truth, our rejoicing comes easier.

Are you rejoicing in the understanding that today is the day that He has made and there is an exciting adventure awaiting those who are seeking the Kingdom of God in their daily walk?

Does rejoicing fill your mind when you recognize that the Father has revealed Himself, His plan, and His purpose in His Word and that Word is encapsulated in the book on your shelf and the Spirit of God Himself is available to teach you its treasures?

Do you find yourself rejoicing that God has given you another day to be the progenitor of a personal ministry that shares His llove in the life of an individual who has yet to come to faith?

Surely rejoicing overflows your heart and mind to know that just down the street, or across the way, there is a Body of believers who welcome you, walk with you, thrive on getting to know and llove you, and anxious to be imperative in your life.

Let’s rejoice. Let’s rejoice together. Let’s rejoice each day along this path we walk together. After all, we not only have this incredible treasure of abundant, eternal life, but we have each other. That calls for rejoicing!!

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