Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Got Gas?

If the profit for the oil company averages about .08 cents per gallon, and the tax for the Government averages .50 cents per gallon, I think I see a partial solution! Have we ever considered the fact that it's not so much that people are driving more, but that there are more people driving (there's a new crop of teen-agers and illegals getting cars every day)! And why won't anyone in Government talk about building more refining capacity?

When I get to Heaven I am going to ask God why nobody ever listened to me about how to solve the world's problems! This gas thing is really simple. Outlaw driving! Force everyone to walk or ride a bicycle. It makes about as much sense as politicians riding the oil companies into the ground on their way to re-election. Or here's an even better idea - let's use the methane produced in Congress to fuel our vehicles - problem solved!

I've got to keep reminding myself - God lloves Congress-persons too.

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