Monday, May 14, 2007


Early the other morning my running partner and I were discussing some really important items; like the value of TV, and other things men talk about when they are really tired. And although neither of us has seen much of the “show” we talked for a moment about the “makeover” stuff.

I told him that the question on my mind was not so much about how they do that, but rather, how long does it last? I mean, they take a person, as I understand it, and change almost everything about them physically; hair, complexion, weight, teeth, attire, and other assorted goodies. What they can’t change, of course, is their history. So without any research, or knowledge really, I am going to jump to a hasty conclusion.

Since I hear it takes about 8-10 weeks, or so, for the transformation to take place in its entirety, I’ll wager (whoops) that it takes not much longer than that for the person to return to the same state of disrepair (except for the cosmetic surgery) as when they began. I do know that all the liposuction in the world won’t keep you slim and trim unless there is a corresponding change in your diet and exercise habits. I also know that those teeth will return to dingy yellow if you go back to the two pack-a-day habit. I’ll also go so far as to say that when you have to pay for the hairdresser and the make-up artist to make you look so good, it may be a while before you have it done.

Well, now, none of that is any of my business, but I wanted to make a Spiritual point if I may.

It is really hard to endure. Just as it is hard to change your history of past lapses in caring for yourself, and allowing your body to be in disrepair, so it is hard to endure the difficulties of the Christian experience. Take a moment to read these Scriptures:
2 Thessalonians 1:4-5
2 Timothy 2:3
Mark 13:13

Do you have what it takes to maintain the beauty of God’s presence in you day by day? Do you have what it takes to remain holy in the midst of all the unholy things around you? Do you have what it takes to endure? Now be sure you know what it takes – dependence and obedience. We are totally dependent upon His presence and power to be what He designed us and called us to be. Our obedience is the key to successfully exhibiting a life of peace, joy, llove, and beauty. It is true that God has “made us over” in the beloved Christ (see 2 Corinthians 5:17). Now we must exercise absolute dependence and obedience to continue the path on which He has set our feet. And, by the way, beautiful feet they are, according to Romans 10:15.

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