Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Be reconciled to God! 2 Corinthians 5:20

I hope you are ready to get involved. There is much made of the belief on the part of some that the Christian community has no part or involvement in the politics of our Republic. With the lack of participation on the part of the vast majority of evangelical Christians (and I'm not talking about the Christian "radical right", whatever that is) in the political process, we have evidently succumbed to that belief. That belief is, however, incorrect. We must not only verbally proclaim our faith (witnesses), but we must also live out our faith in the institutions and insanities of our society.

Our Republic was founded and built on the wisdom of God revealed in Scripture. Our forefathers knew this experiment they were developing would never be able to succeed without righteous leaders and Godly actions. In the last few years many have begun to believe that we are in the throes of collapse because of our departure from those principals.

Finding righteous men to lead is a difficult process. The good guys avoid politics and politicians, by definition, are often iffy. Laws proliferate, right becomes wrong, wrong becomes acceptable, and Christians avoid the fight. It’s easier to just watch from the sidelines and somehow believe that God will intervene before it is too late.

I believe this is a time in history when we better be right. If we miss it this time (and I am speaking now about our National Government), the time bomb on which we are standing will tick a whole lot faster. Who knows, it may anyway. But while we still have the opportunity, let’s stand up and say, “Listen, you guys and gals who direct the government of our beloved United States of America. We’re sick and tired of being shut-out of the process by our own inactivity. We’re sick and tired of being relegated as irrelevant because we have ‘held our peace.’ We’re sick and tired of our country being inundated with Godlessness and sinfulness, exposed as every sort and degree of selfishness. So hear the warning. I’m coming out of my self-imposed silence and apathy, I’m standing up for Truth and righteousness, and you can’t stop me from proclaiming the righteousness of my Father even if you pass the laws that imprison my body, or figure a way to make my tongue a criminal. This is God’s kingdom within me and I am His ambassador (2 Corinthians 5:20), and I have a message for you – be reconciled to God.”

My second action in this matter is to be a campaigner and voter! We have a choice. Exercise yours!

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