Wednesday, May 30, 2007


I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is God's power for salvation to everyone who believes. . . Romans 1:16

It can be safely said that “preaching” in the 21st century Church is definitely a toss-up as to what one will get when the deed is done. There are among us some great orators, technicians, scholars, persuaders, expositors, story-tellers, collectors (read: offering takers), motivators, and undoubtedly a multitude of other descriptive terms, along with some who are not much good at any of those things. In fact, terms like long-winded, boring, silly, and worthless are not uncommon among the flock.

Yet the Truth of God’s Word is that preaching is to be the central focus of the Body. It is there that the Gospel of Christ is proclaimed which is the power of God to Salvation (Romans 1:16; 1 Corinthians 1:18). It is in the process of preaching that Scripture is applied to the brain and teaching, reproof, correction, and training resulting in maturity along with the necessary ingredients to prepare each individual for good works, are delivered (2 Timothy 3:16)

So why is that so hard to find in the Church of Jesus Christ in the 21st century? Why is it that multitudes attend “Church services” every weekend and yet find their lives and/or actions unchanged and/or antithetical to the calling of God for the redeemed? Why is it that “great preaching” is seldom the “draw” at the local Church?

William McPheeters (of long, long, ago) said, “O if our ministers could only realize the utter reasonableness of doing what the Apostles did; preach the Word and pray the Holy Spirit to bless it.”

Perhaps the preaching suffers because the minister is of poor quality (sorry!). Perhaps the preaching suffers because the minister’s intellectual capacity is diminished (sorry!). Perhaps the preaching suffers because the minister’s relationship with God’s Spirit is hindered by, well, pick any number of reasons.

Most likely, however, the preaching suffers because the preacher is too busy. Not too busy because there is much to do, rather too busy because the busy-ness of Church activities is an easier task than the assignment of hearing the Truth from God via His Word and praying the power of the Spirit, through the proclamation, to bring it to fruition in the Body.

I could be wrong. . .but I doubt it.

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