Thursday, October 18, 2007


Just when folks ought to be making a decision about joining the race for the White House (the election is still more than a year away), the race has been going on so long some are starting to drop out. Some pundits are saying the Democrat Party candidate is already assured and the other hopefuls are winding down rapidly. Whatever perseverance they had is waning in the difficulty of maintaining a candidacy which costs millions of dollars.

The fact is a lot of the folks who are part of the Family of God are having a struggle with perseverance as well. We should not. Paul told the Church at Rome (see Romans 5:3-4) that the difficulties that come our way build perseverance, and that endurance produces proven character, which in turn produces hope.

I hope the character producing difficulties of a Presidential race will result in some hope for the people of these United States that an individual worthy of the office will rise to the task. If not, we're in for some tough times.

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