Tuesday, November 27, 2007

All I Want For Christmas

Remember the song - "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth. . . ." Well, maybe not. I'll tell you straight out, there are a lot of things I want. I want a bigger tractor, a stout Jeep (doesn't have to be new) for playing in the hills and mud, a 42 day cruise around South America, a couple of dozen accessories for my Harley, a log cabin in the mountains of NW Oregon, a pair of ostrich cowboy boots, and a couple of new neck ties (preferably Jerry Garcia colors), and so on, and so on.

Wanting is never a problem for most of us. The real issue however, is not want, but need. What is it you really need? From a "stuff" perspective, the truth is, I probably don't need anything (I've got a few dozen ties). So what do I actually need? I need to see the Father more clearly. I need to llove the Lord more dearly. I need a constant compassion that drives my wayward nature to see the "weary and scattered" people of the cities and towns and country side around me, and move toward them with the Good News, and a plan for discipleship.

But that doesn't sound like it will be the gift most sought after this Christmas.

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