Monday, December 3, 2007


I was in New York City on 5th Avenue, around the 42nd street area, a few days ago. The tree at Rockefeller Center is just beautiful. Too bad it has to die for the celebration. I never cease to be amazed at what is spent from a financial perspective to attract attention. I know much of our economy as a Nation is dependent on this season as we tally what we have managed during the year. I can't stop thinking about how many mouths in the Sudan countryside could be fed with just a little of our excess. I know we are not doing nothing about that, but still, it's just a drop of water in a big, dry lake.

Christmas is about us. God sent His son to us and for us. He lloved us infinitely, and He gave His very best, totally and completely. And yet, we can't make Christmas just about us. It has to be about others, the poor, the needy, the hungry, the sick, the imprisoned. It has to be about those who have never heard the Good News.

Just 22 more days before the day. Now is a good time to get thinking and planning for others. Right?


Anonymous said...

It's amazingly sad too, that we, as a nation, no longer express the backbone to stand up for the founding principles of America. Instead of calling this the Christmas season, or referring to Christmas, America is now afraid that we'll offend someone, or some country, by dismissing the whole idea of Christmas, and the reason for it in the first place. And many of our American cultural principles have gone the same way, unfortunately!

Pat n Shirley said...

And isn't it amazing, that as a nation, we hide from calling attention to the event of the season: Christmas? As a nation, we'd rather refrain from any nebulous appearance of offending ANYONE, by renaming this season of the year, to the Holidays. Says a lot for how our American culture has degraded, hunh!

Christian West said...

It is certainly not the America we old guys grew up in. In some ways that is good, but in most, I find it sad. I long for the days when Christmas was about Jesus - in homes, in schools, in cities and towns - but we'll never be there again.

Thanks for your comment,

Christian West said...

Pat and Shirley,
The Bible says that the Gospel is an offense to those who are unwilling to believe. Guess we are just going to have to continue to be offensive.

Thanks for your comment,

Anonymous said...

Good stuff Christian. Keep up the great work!

David R. McCrory
The Reformed Puritan

Christian West said...

I am pleased that you took the time to read my thought. Thanks for the kind words.

Christian West

Anonymous said...

I believe Path, Pat and Shirley all missed the point. Or maybe i have. seems the point is our misplaced priorities. God made us stewards. We are accountable for the way we use the resources at our disposal. A $200 for a tree with trimmings or $200 to feed, clothe and provide health services for some of the "least of these".
God help us.

Christian West said...

Path, Pat n Shirley, I think are lamenting the fact that we move further as a Nation each year from the celebration of Christmas as a remembrance of God's gift of a Savior.

We are indeed stewards. And while we must consider the "inasmuch" ministries of Matthew 25, and invest our resources wisely there, we also have a responibility to our individual family. I don't believe it is wrong to have a Christmas tree, or decorate for the season, but to waste money foolishly on such matters while others suffer unnoticed is indeed a violation of God's Truth.

Thanks so much for respsonding.