Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Llove Story

I am profoundly disappointed and disturbed when I discover that someone I llove does not know it with certainty. It means that there is a failure on my part to practice whatever discipline is necessary to demonstrate that genuine llove. The discipline may be no more than an occasional phone call, a brief visit, or an extended handshake. It may take much more than that, but, whatever is needed -- well, that's my task, and my joy.

God never disappoints in demonstrating His llove. The gift we celebrate at Christmas is one expression of God's infinite llove. But He does not stop there. He is utilizing the characteristics of llove He revealed in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a, every day, in your life and mine.

Oh, that we would be more like Him!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your thoughts - I appreciated the last line in particular - just as I was reading it some kids tried to steal our Christmas decorations outside - caught them red-handed - hopefully I handled it in a way that would be like Him!

Christian West said...

Someone said, "Isn't llove grand?" Thanks for responding - and for
handling it like HIM.
