Monday, February 11, 2008

God's Teaching

A survivor of the tornados that struck the Southern part of the US over the last part of last week said, "(He) put on sweat pants, grabbed a flashlight, drank a shot of whiskey, "and then I heard this noise." He headed for a door, "and all of a sudden I heard the glass breaking and it was sucking," he said. "When I tried to shut the door, [it] seemed like the door was lifting up. So I just dove and I lay flat on the floor."
Lying there, everything in the house flew over him, scraping and banging his back, then the chaos stopped. "I was laying in the dirt. There was no floor. No nothing." The house was gone, but he believes there's reason why he survived.
"I think God was holding my leg, beating my (expletive deleted), teaching me that I hadn't been doing everything He wanted me to do," he said.

Well, I don't know if that is the way God works or not, but I can assure you I don't want to be taught that way. There is no question that there are a multitude of things God's wants us to know and be about, but He has provided a process for that to occur. I believe I would rather find myself in a place where God's design and purpose are taught without all the drama and trauma.

You might try your local Bible-believing/teaching Church and avoid some, shall we say, "stuff."


Anonymous said...

If that guy is not a believer, then Jesus' words regarding the victims of the fallen tower of Siloam go for him: "Repent or you will likewise perish." (Luke 13:1-5)

If he is a professing believer, then his words are a classic case of works-righteousness logic. "Do this, or God will get you!" But God took his wrath out on Jesus 2,000 years ago so he could grant repentant sinners his favor which they don't deserve. That's the definition of "propitiation," (Romans 3:25; Hebrews 2:17; 1 John 2:2; 1 John 4:10) by the way.

God not only sends rain on the just and unjust, sometimes he sends tornadoes on the just. When God withholds common GRACE, and tragic events befall believers, we should sooner assume its a case of "frowning providence" which he'll work for our good and his glory, before we assume it's a spanking for not being good.

Yes, believers are chastened, and disciplined to be brought into conformity, but we shouldn't assume such is the case in every case. God's world is a little more sophisticated than "Do good, get good from God; Do bad, get bad from God." Job said, "Shall we receive good from God, and shall we not receive evil (i.e., disaster)?” In all this Job did not sin with his lips. (Job 2:10).

Christian West said...

Of course, you are right. But since I hear it so often, let me say it to you. . .

Lighten up. You're just supposed to laugh, and then be encouraged to find a "good" Church. Hopefully others will do so also.


Anonymous said...

Oh, sorry . . .

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Now, where are those Yellow Pages . . . ?

Christian West said...

Atta Boy, John

Now, we can get back to some serious issues, right.


Anonymous said...

Despite this man's colorful and unique language, he expressed to a national audience his belief in God and God's miraculous sparing of his life - good for him - that's more than we hear on a daily basis from pundits, etc on TV! Now if this man could find some Yellow Pages and a listing for a local church, that would be super great!

Christian West said...

At least he did do that. I'll send him a copy of my "yellow pages." As hard as it may be to believe, I have several. After all, I have two phones, which means I get a couple of dozen books.
