Monday, March 26, 2007

Appropriate Fear

I hear the academic elite are doing everything possible to prohibit the introduction of a seminar on the theory of "intelligent design" in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. There's talk of "controversy" as to the validity of the information. That seems reasonable given the lack of controversy regarding the theory of Evolution. I was thinking that controversy had died out since anyone with a grain of intellectual honesty can determine the total stupidity of support for "nothing plus nothing else, given enough time, equals everything infinitely complex."

It's just wise to keep folks in the dark as much as possible about the "Designer" of life and all things beautiful. If they find out, and the Spirit of Truth begins a work in their mind and heart, the whole scientific infrastructure of "origins" could collapse under the weight of its own foolishness.

For Heaven's sake, don't let that "intelligent" stuff get a foothold in our schools! And whatever else we do, don't ever let the "theory" be overcome by the "Truth."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tyranny is not only political; it is also personal, religious and scientific!