Monday, March 26, 2007

Running Water

The one who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, will have streams of living water flow from deep within him. John 7:38

The dozer driver working next door this past week managed to dose up the water line that runs between the fire hydrant on our property and the property on which he was working. Water was everywhere. People saw it running through the parking lot and into the street—and gave me a call.

Then, just today (Thursday, as I write this), the City folks came to inspect the repair and opened the hydrant on our property and once again, water flowed everywhere (except on our grass, of course).

It seems like such a waste. I know they have to “purge” the lines, or whatever they call it, but there is a lot of water wasted that could be used for some purpose other than filling the storm drain.

The reality is, there is a lot of “water” that is wasted in the operation of the Church. The pure water of God’s Word is clearly and accurately proclaimed, but rather than becoming that “river of living water flowing deep within,” it is allowed to flow unhindered past our mind and spirit. We are not as quick to believe as we ought to be because we are not really thirsty for the things of God.

The water of God’s Word is of no use to those out there who are not a part of the family of God. Truth is spiritually discerned and without the Spirit within us, no value comes from the rich resource our Father provides.

In the verses preceding the one quoted here, Jesus tells those following Him that they soon will look for Him, but will not be able to find Him. He was indicating that only those who were possessed by His Spirit would understand Truth. While we look for water in the physical sense when the drought comes, we are not likely to find it, and certainly not in abundance. The same is true in the Church. If we fail to utilize properly the water of Truth He reveals, the time will come when the water will no longer be available. Spiritual thirst will lead to spiritual death.

Remember Jesus’ words, “If anyone is thirsty, he should come to Me and drink!” We need more drinking and less wasting. I wish the city would learn that! I wish the Church would learn that!

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