Thursday, May 3, 2007

The Slippery Slope

Romans 1:18-32

I am convinced we are on a downward rush toward God allowing our country to be overcome by the unspeakable evils of the enemy. It seems to me there is a progression of evil that occurs, not only individually, but also collectively in society, which foreshadows the coming destruction that awaits those who practice that which God forbids.

I really don’t like talking about ungodly things, but as we approach the elections of November, we really must make some determinations about how those we place in leadership will see and handle evil’s impact on our society.

In Romans 1, Paul makes it clear that the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven. We must not assume that His wrath is ‘coming’, but understand that it is already here. When men suppress the Truth, and worship the created rather than the Creator, when we do not glorify God, the wrath of God is revealed in darkened hearts. God gives men over to the lusts of their hearts (sexual immorality), followed by God’s releasing men and women to shameful depravity (homosexuality), and ultimately to depraved minds (minds that are worthless and useless) from which there is no return. Once the mind is gone, there is no way to repent and believe the infinite grace of God, which prior to that abandonment, is able to save even the vilest among us.

Look around and see where you think we are on the ‘scale of slip.’ Examine those who would lead us and make an intelligent, informed decision regarding how and if the current state of affairs can be changed. I am convinced it is not too late for a dramatic, last minute revival. But we must not slip further. Individual lives must be freed from chains of slavery to sin. Marriages must return to the Designer’s intent. Churches must forsake need sensitive, people-focused programs and re-establish God-focused worship. Truth must once again be the heart and totality of the message.

There is much wrath of God to come. But do not be misled. We are experiencing it now. I’m not sure we have a lot of time left before God gives US (read U. S. of A.) what we deserve.

1 comment:

Christian West said...

For those of you who have asked me about the reference to "November elections" in this piece, I can only say that I wrote this devotional in September of 2004. I used it now because I have been saying a lot about God's judgment on our Nation. I meant to change that reference. . .but my mind is not as sharp as it never was.