Thursday, October 4, 2007

A New Paradigm

The Bible says that God "hates divorce."I know I hate it and the havoc it visits on families.

At the same time, I know God infinitely lloves the folks who find themselves with no other options (meaning they have exhausted all other possibilities), and I llove a few myself.

Today I discovered Collaborative Law (and it's operation in divorce cases). It may not be new to you, but it is to me. These people (attorneys, financial specialists, counseling/family professionals) are working together to make a disaster as palatable as possible. I think I like that!

If you know someone who is facing divorce, because they have exhausted every other possibility, tell them about this. It is going on nation-wide as best I can tell. It deserves exploration.

If you're in my geographical area of knowledge about this, drop me a note ( and I'll give you some names.

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